【Uchiga Podcast】「死後離婚」?日本では、夫が死んだらすぐ「離婚」する人が増えているのか? Divorce after (a spouse's) death? Are people in Japan increasingly divorcing their husbands as soon as they die?.
【Uchiga Podcast】Episode 44. 置き引き(おきびき)って何ですか?都道府県「重要犯罪件数・検挙率」最新ランキングWhat is "okibiki"? According to the latest ranking of "number of serious crimes and arrest rates" by prefecture.
Uchiga Podcast 【LGBTQIA+】って何ですか?どんな意味?「+」とは何?LGBTとの違いについて話します。 What is “LGBTQIA+”? What does it mean? What does "+" mean, and how does it differ from LGBT?