
The Top Thirty Reasons Gifted Humans Feel Guilty

If I’m So Smart, Why Do I Feel So Much Guilt?

Advanced Development Journal

The Positive Disintegration Directory

Humanistic–existential theories

ギフテッドチルドレンの感情の激しさ Emotional Intensity in Gifted Children

ギフテッドと Overexcitability

A book for -

Our Existential Predicament:Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety, & Death

Survival guilt

Survivor Guilt: A Cognitive Approach

The call of the unlived life: On the psychology of existential guilt

8 Things the World Must Understand About Gifted Children

Why Gifted Children Suffer From Existential Depression

TPD:ギフテッドの生徒を指導する教師にとっての示唆 Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration: Some implications for teachers of gifted students

Gifted Education International

ギフテッドの痛みの問題 Problem of Pain



Gifted children: Emotionally immature or emotionally intense?

Research on Ego Experience

The search for meaning in the life of the gifted

Understanding The Link Between Empathy And Anxiety In Gifted Children

Existential Psychotherapy

When Bright Kids Become Disillusioned

世界を変えたいって?勇気を出して思いやりの心を示して下さいWant to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care

Gifted Unlimited, LLC

なぜ生徒に「ギフテッド」のレッテルを貼ることが効果的ではないのか Why labeling students as "gifted" isn't working

ギフテッドの実存的うつExistential Depression in Gifted Individuals

Is It OK to Call a Child "Gifted?"

15 Things Your Child With Emotional Overexcitability Might Say

Common Challenges For Bright Children

The relationship between sense of coherence and mental health problems from childhood to young adulthood: A meta-analysis

ギフテッドの子どもたちに役立つ無料の電子書籍 Helping Gifted Kids Thrive

Third Factor In Dąbrowski's Work

When Humans Keep Letting You Down

Gifted Adults & Second Childhoods: Revisiting Essential Stages of Development

Emotional and Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted Children and Their Families

Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration in Psychology

Dabrowski’s Dynamisms: Subject-Object in Oneself

意味を求めて: 理想主義、聡明な心、幻滅、そして希望 Searching for Meaning: Idealism, Bright Minds, Disillusionment, and Hope

Third Factor

TPDとギフテッドの大人と子どもにおける実存的うつ Dabrowski’s Theory and Existential Depression in Gifted Children and Adults

What is Positive Disintegration?

ギフテッドの心理的発達とOEに関する文献レビュー International Gifted Consortium Literature Review

How to identify (and survive) an existential crisis

The Interface of Overthinking, Anxiety, and Shame Among Gifted Children

A Conversation with Sal Mendaglio

ギフテッドの子どもの道徳的感受性と社会の進化 The Moral Sensitivity of Gifted Children and the Evolution of Society

Helping Gifted Kids Understand Their Emotions through Effective Emotional Coaching

When Your Child Goes Overboard: Fears and Compassionate Concerns