
「トランプ大統領就任:政権の特質と政策、世界への影響と対応」 (The Inauguration of President Trump: Characteristics of His Administration, Policies, Global Impact, and Responses)


石破政権の誕生、石破氏への期待と実像(The Birth of the Ishiba Administration: Expectations and Realitie)


収の壁がなぜ政治問題になるのか(Why the Annual Income Barrier Becomes a Political Issue)


自民、総選挙に突入して惨敗、自公少数与党は存続するか(LDP Faces Crushing Defeat in General Election: Can the LDP-Komeito Minority Government Survive?)


バイデン氏、日鉄のUSS買収計画禁止命令:その意味するもの(Biden Blocks Nippon Steel's Acquisition of US Steel: Implications and Context")


黄金の3年間を無為に費した岸田首相(Fumio Kishida’s Squandered “Golden Three Years”)

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