
They’re Here
Michael Baxter
August 20, 2024

They’re Here | Real Raw News

White Hats on Saturday engaged and killed UN “Peacekeepers” and a busload of would-be illegal voters that tried to enter the United States near Nogales, Arizona, one of the state’s six points of entry and a popular ingress for illegals hoping to avoid entanglements with local law enforcement and border patrol agents. The vicinity, a drug trafficking corridor, is now an entrance at which UN troops seek to chaperone illegals onto US soil to register to vote in the 2024 presidential election.
A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that White Hats had been expecting UN interference since implicating the now-hanged Linda Thomas-Greenfield in a scheme to allow the UN to monitor the upcoming election. Her discussions with UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, however, did not mention UN “Blue Helmets” bussing illegals across the border and escorting them to Motor Vehicle Division offices to obtain drivers’ licenses and voter registration cards.
According to our source, General Smith last week received a credible tip claiming a UN “humanitarian relief effort,” comprised mostly of French forces, had landed in Mexico City and would shuttle 500 illegals in 10 busses over the border on August 17, then bring them to MVD offices in Nogales, Sierra Vista, and Green Valley. The general’s tipster said Arizona Department of Transportation director Jennifer Toth had staffed the offices with registered Democrats who favored inclusivity and open borders.
Toth was appointed her position by the late Kattie Hobbs in March 2023, six months before she was arrested and executed for treason. The general’s staff, our source said, probed Toth’s background and discovered that she and Hobbs had more than a working relationship; they were close friends and possibly star-crossed lovers. Armed with this information, the general deployed Marines to Toth’s residence last Wednesday, but she was not home or at her place of business. As of this writing, the Marines are still searching for her.
Nonetheless, the general sent two Marine platoons to Nogales Thursday afternoon, ordering them to ambush the convoy of illegals and arrest or “eliminate” UN personnel—if they posed an imminent threat or entered the US illegally.
Upon arriving at the crime-ridden border city, the Marines discovered where they believed the incursion would take place. A half-mile northwest of the Nogales-Mariposa Port of Entry, someone had torn down a 20-foot-wide section of the border fence and the razor wire in front of it. A tracked vehicle—a backhoe or crane—had left indentations in the ground.
“This was a few thousand feet from the most heavily staffed port of entry, but somehow someone got machinery out there unnoticed and tore down the fence? It makes no sense. How could CBP miss a gaping hole? It suggests they’re involved, but that also makes no sense, because if they were, then why wouldn’t they just clear them through the official entry point?” our source said.
Not knowing whom to trust, the Marines decided against notifying CBP about their discovery and waited for whoever crossed their path. During the 72-hour stakeout, not a single CBP patrol vehicle approached their position.
“Very odd. That area is supposed to be patrolled regularly,” our source said.
At 4:00 a.m. Saturday, the Marines spotted three ramshackle buses approaching the gap in the fence. They were jam-packed with illegals and driven by men wearing blue helmets with “UN” stenciled in white on either side.
Marine Hummers armed with .50 machine guns and Mk19 grenade launchers quickly swooped in and formed an impenetrable blockade that prevented the buses from entering the United States. The Marines illuminated the buses with floodlights, blinding the drivers and occupants, and through a loudspeaker, commanded them to reverse course or be fired upon as enemy combatants. The lead bus driver, speaking English with a thick French accent, called out through his own bullhorn, asking permission to approach the Marines to negotiate an equitable resolution.
“Just you, and no weapons,” the Marine in charge told him.
The unarmed Blue Helmet kept his hands atop his head as he plodded toward the Marines, then explained he had been given explicit and lawful permission to bring 140 “political refugees” into the United States. He even had a permission slip signed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Kamala Harris, Border Czar.
“We don’t recognize their authority, and you’ve just entered the US illegally and will be coming with us,” the lead Marine informed him. “If those buses don’t turn around, you’ll all be coming with us.”
“You are bluffing,” the Blue Helmet said. “They are still in Mexico, and you cannot enter Mexico or fire one bullet across the border without creating an international incident.”
The Marine in charge gestured to the Marine crewing the Mk19 grenade launcher. A second later, the lead bus erupted in a fireball, struck by three grenades. Two more blue helmets emerged from the bus, one racing toward the rear door, the other unslinging his famas automatic rifle. His blue helmet offered no protection against the .50 round that almost cleaved his head off.
“You’re an imbecilic fool,” the Blue Helmet told the Marine in charge. “You just killed 40 innocent men, women, and children.”
“There shouldn’t be kids on those buses. Kids can’t vote,” the Marine retorted. “Turn those busses around, or they die. Blue Helmets aren’t welcome here, either.”
“I’ll tell them to leave. No more killing,” the Blue Helmet said.
Our source said the surviving buses kicked up dirt as they sped from the border.
“We’ve detained indefinitely the UN soldier, a one sub-lieutenant Philip Dubois. He says he knows nothing about plans to interfere in the election. He insists he was escorting political refugees but doesn’t know why he was asked to drive through a big hole in a fence. He also said there were never ten buses, just three, which we’re sure is a lie. And our fear is seven buses got in someplace else. We take border security and voting integrity very seriously,” he said, adding that White Hats will be on guard for further enemy encroachments.







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