
一年で一番寒い時期 January in Kyoto: Greater Cold period, not that cold

January in Kyoto 2024
The Greater Cold period started from January 20th. It's been raining on and off, but I don't feel the cold. Around this time last year and the year before, even in the southern part of Kyoto, there was snow piled up.
I wonder if it's because of the ongoing global warming. By the way, I used to store the New Year's dishes, neatly packed in three-tiered lacquer box, in the coldest part of the house, but this year, it's unusually warm. Worried that it might spoil, I stored the prepared dishes in the fridge and only packed them into the boxes when it was time to eat. Seems pointless, doesn't it?

the Greater Cold Period in 2024, 2023, 2022
