
プロのカメラマンはさすがです!July in Kyoto: amazing professional photographer

今年も黒主山の厄除け粽をいただきに、猛暑の中、祇園祭へ出かけました。毎年同じこと=去年の粽を納め、今年の分を頂き、大伴黒主の御神体(志賀明神)(写真左)(2023年撮影!)に「一年無事に過ごせますように」とお願い をしました。
July in Kyoto 2024
Despite the intense heat, we went to the Gion Festival to receive the protective chimaki from Kuronushiyama. As we do every year, we returned last year's chimaki, received this year's, and prayed to the deity Ōtomo-no-Kuronushi (Shiga Myojin) for another safe year.
After that, we chatted, "Should we walk down Muromachi Street?” "It's too hot, should we just head home?". While we were taking pictures around Kuronushiyama, someone called out, "Shall I take a photo for you?" To our surprise, it was a professional photographer, and we had the chance to be photographed in front of Kuronushiyama. He captured our natural selves perfectly—truly the work of a pro.
Although it's the same Gion Festival every year, this time we made a slightly different memory.
Kyoto was 39 degrees Celsius. Holding a float procession in that heat... I truly admire the efforts of the townspeople.
