
2024年を振り返る December in Kyoto: Looking back on 2024

南座のまねき看板が上がっても、花街の「おめでとうさんどす 今年もよろしゅうおたのもうします」が聞こえてきても、「年賀状は●●日までに投函してください」など年末らしい話題をつぎつぎ耳にしても、体がついてきません。。。

December 2024 in Kyoto
Even as the maneki signboards are raised at Minami-za Theater, the greetings of the flower district ring out with “Omedetou-san dosu. Yoroshuu Otano-moushimasu” and year-end topics like “Make sure to send your New Year’s cards by ●● date” fill the air, I find myself unable to keep up.
This feeling is likely because every time I receive a mourning notice, I end up reflecting deeply on my own life, especially this year, weighed down by heavy thoughts.
Yet, I firmly believe that staying active is the best way to maintain good health. Having been granted this life, I must spend it joyfully and strive to be of some help to others, even if only a little.
“As the year’s plans are made on New Year’s Day,” I’m sure I'll start the new year with a positive post.
