
Listening Question 6~Question15



Sarah…College student, a twenty-year-old girl.

Mom…Sarah’s mother, 40s or 50s.

Male Narrator…He plays Neighbor, Youtuber, and Counsellor, Sarah’s boyfriend.

Female Narrator…She plays Neighbor, News Caster, Aunt Mary, TikToker, and Eight-year-old Sarah.

Middle-Aged Narrator…He plays Entrepreneur, Daddy, and Twitterer.

Sarah’s house and other places

Production Note
Whenever Narrators play any characters except for Daddy and Aunt Mary, you can think they speak outside of Sarah’s house or online.

Question 6.

Male Narrator: Question No.6 refers to the following conversation.

Sarah: Devils?

Mom: Yes, devils. Maybe many people on Social Network Services said there are not a few elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business, and the media.

Sarah: What?

Mom: And I fully agree with their opinion. Such elites tried to torment our lives. How horrible!

Sarah: Oh, are you serious? Again, are you seriously believing such a theory?

Mom: (Irritated) I’m serious! Our president is waging a secret war against the devils in our mother country. A former presidential candidate should be arrested and executed!


Male Narrator: No.6. Why is Mom so serious?

(Pause. Mom exits. Sarah stands helplessly.)

Question 7.

Middle-Aged Narrator: Question No.7 refers to the following talk.

Female Narrator: (As a newscaster) From 'Pizzagate' to QAnon, conspiracy theories feel like a product of the modern world, spread through the ubiquitous nature of social media like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Podcasts, and so forth, however, there are patterns in the makeup of these myths that can be traced back more than centuries. The medieval period proved the perfect breeding ground for what we have come to know as conspiracy theories, and one particular king, Philip IV of France, could be seen as perhaps the greatest conspiracy theorist of that time.

Middle-Aged Narrator: No.7. Who is the greatest conspiracy theorist?


Question 8.

Female Narrator: Question No.8 refers to the following talk.

(In the house)

Sarah: What brings Mom to believe in such a ridiculous theory? I can’t answer it clearly. She got divorced from Dad about ten or eleven years ago. Is this an answer? She must have had distress, a sense of betrayal. She has a sense of justice. I heard from Aunt Mary that Mom loved and used to imitate Wonder Woman. She hoped to go to the U.K. because of Margaret Thatcher. She’s never forgiven in bad manners. When she saw me bullied, she rushed to me and exasperate at a boy bullying me, his parents, and teachers. She hates Joker. She hates Argentina. Is her justice an answer?

(Sarah exits.)

Female Narrator: No.8. What does the woman try to get?


Question 9.

Male Narrator: Question No.9 refers to the following conversation.

(Ten years ago. At a park)

Middle-Aged Narrator: (As Daddy. He speaks to Female Narrator as Aunt Mary) Mary. I want to tell you something.

Female Narrator: (confused) About Sarah or your wife?

Middle-Aged Narrator: No, it’s you, my friend. I love you. I’m crazy about you. I want you to be my girlfriend.

Female Narrator: But… What about Sarah?

Middle-Age Narrator: Oh… I really love my kid as well as you. I cannot think so much. But…this is my will. You’re beautiful.

Female Narrator: (confused but pleased) Ah…You’re so cool…

Male Narrator: No.9. Who loves the man?


Question 10.

Middle-Aged Narrator: Question No.10 refers to the following talks.

(On a video)

Male Narrator: (As a YouTuber) Women who were recently divorced had lower role physical scores, worse general health, lower vitality, lower social functioning, worse mental health, and decreased role emotional capacity compared with the general female population. Divorce may leave a woman feeling hurt, lonely, and unhappy even if it was her choice to end the marriage.

Female Narrator: (As a TikToker) Children from divorced families may experience more externalizing problems, such as conduct disorders, delinquency, and impulsive behavior than kids from two-parent families. In addition to increased behavior problems, children may also experience more conflict with peers after a divorce.

Middle-Aged Narrator: No.10. What are the effects of divorce on children?

(Pause. Mom enters. She feels angry)

Question 11.

Female Narrator: Question No.11 refers to the following conversation.


Mom: I’m sickened. Got disgusted!

Middle-Aged Narrator: (As a Twitterer) Stop hate crimes! Protect the rights of every gender, sexuality, and race! There’s no privilege on (for) you!

Mom: (Angrily) Stop saying such a stupid thing like blur blur blur! Your comments are so frustrating! Are you trying to cheat on our enemies?

Middle-Aged Narrator: Mr. President. You’re fired!

Mom: I hate you, bastard. That’s why I hate the left wing. You say I sell hate toward others, but you sell kids to other egghead pedophiles! I hate you, Mr. Nobody from Nowhere.

Middle-Aged Narrator: “Like” and “Retweet”.

Female Narrator: No.11. Who does the woman hate?

(Pause. Sarah enters)

Question 12.

Male Narrator: Question No.12 refers to the following conversation.

(In the house)

Sarah: Mom. I want to eat a steak.

Mom: (Laugh) Oh. My dear daughter. Sure. Sure. I can cook it! (remembering) Oh crap. I’ve left my fridge empty. I have to go shopping. Don’t you want to come with me?

Sarah: Ah… Sorry. I’m afraid I have to see my boyfriend downtown.

Mom: Okay. Then, you can go out. You should come home by 7 P.M.

Sarah: Alright. I won’t forget it.

Mom: Take care! My dear! Take care!

(Pause. Sarah exits)

Male Narrator: No.12. Why does Sarah reject her mother’s proposal?

Question 13.

Middle-Aged Narrator: Question No.13 refers to the following conversation.

(Ten years ago. In a counseling room)

Male Narrator: (As a counselor) So, what’s wrong with you? Your face looks so bad.

Mom: (Devastated) Um… Recently… I broke up with my hus… former husband… because he cheated on me. He’s been having an affair with my sister! So distressed. I hate that scum. I hate that bitch. I hold a grudge against them!

Male Narrator: (He nods) So, you came here, right? Well, I’m on your side. This is an unreasonable, brutal, and appalling…, you know, sort of “tragedy” to you.

Mom: Yes… I’m so stressed because I’m fully concerned about my daughter. She’s only ten! She must feel some traumas.

Male Narrator: I see. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.

Middle-Aged Narrator: No.13. Who makes the woman take counseling?


Question 14.

Female Narrator: Question No.14 refers to the following talks.

Male Narrator: (As a Youtuber) Going through the process of getting a divorce can be a challenging time in your life and the lives of those you love and who love you. Looking for ways to cope with your emotions and the transition into the next chapter of your life is a natural response to an intense situation. Therapy may be a beneficial option to help you adapt and grow.

Middle-Aged Narrator: (As an entrepreneur) Divorce counseling is a relatively new form of therapy dedicated to helping couples handle their often-complicated feelings about their marriage and divorce in a more respectful and constructive way than they may be able to on their own. So, you should use our service whenever you have a problem with your life.

Female Narrator: No.14. What can Divorce counseling do?


Question 15.

Male Narrator: Question No.15 refers to the following conversation.

(Seven years ago. Sarah enters the house)

Sarah: (Thirteen years old. She is excited as kids do) Mom! I’m home!

Mom: Sarah. Welcome back. How was your stay?

Sarah: It was so much fun! Yesterday, Daddy and I enjoyed stakes at a great restaurant! They are so delicious!

Mom: (Exasperated) What!? How dare you ate steaks with that scum at the damn restaurant? I and you are going to eat steaks for your birthday in three days, aren’t we? Shut your mouth, moron!

Sarah: Oh… Sorry Mom…

Mom: (She whispers) You’re a child of that scum… That’s what I thought… I can’t take you to a steak restaurant. You’re satisfied with steaks, right? A child of that scum!

Male Narrator: No.15. Why does the woman become angry at her?

(Pause. Mom exits)
