
【通訳案内士】5yen coin and how to pray for gods 五円玉と神社での参拝の仕方

(The English descriptions are below.)
ご縁:good fate, good encounter
お賽銭:offertory coin
年号:Japanese era name

5 yen coin and how to pray for gods 五円玉と参拝の仕方

There are 6 types in Japanese coins, but five yen coin is a little bit difficult for foreign visitors. Because it is written only in Chinese character.
Five yen is roughly five cent. Even though it is not an expensive coin, Japanese have a special feeling in this coin. We call five yen as “Go-en”, and its pronunciation have other meanings like “Good fate” or “Good encounter”. We usually use it as an offertory coin, because we think we will have a good fate or encounter with Japanese god and goddess.
五円はおよそ五セントくらいです。あまり高くない硬貨ですが、日本人にとってはなじみの深い硬貨です。五円(Five yen)は日本語で“ごえん”と言いますが、これは別の意味もあり、それは良い運命や良い出会いという意味です。お賽銭では日本の神様とご縁がある、という意味でよく使われます。

Let me explain a little bit about five yen coins. On front side, you can find rice and horizontal lines and notches around a hole. It represents Japanese agriculture, industry and fishery industry. On reverse side, there is a year when each coins are produced. It is written by Japanese era name, usually it is Showa or Heisei. From last May (2019/5), new emperor succeeded a throne, so we will have another name coins. It will be “Reiwa”.
Last time, previous emperor had passed away 1 week after Showa 64th (1989). So coins of Showa 64th were produced quite low volume, therefore it is considered as precious coins.

I will explain how to worship or pray for gods. At first, please toss coins gently to an offertory box and bow twice. After that, clap twice to call god or goddess, and wish your requests in your mind. Finally, please bow once and it will be finished. If you have regulations to pray other god or goddess, it is OK to skip it.
