【通訳案内士】New year’s card 年賀はがき
(The English descriptions are below.)
ポスト:postbox, mailbox
元旦:New Year’s Day
New Year’s card 年賀はがき
In Japan, we send New Year’s cards instead of Christmas cards. It is separated from ordinary postcards and we need to write “nenga (new year’s card)” below stamps. Usually, New Year’s cards are sold at a post office. (In this case, the letter of “nenga” is already printed below the stamps. And it has a lottery number. I will write about it later.)
If you put them in postbox before New Year’s season (it is around 20th Dec.), they will be sent on New Year’s Day. We usually send cards to friends, colleagues, managers, customers, etc.
Lately, the custom of writing New Year’s cards is becoming less popular. Because social networking systems have been taking place of that position. Actually, writing New Year’s cards takes time and we need to buy cards, so I can understand that kind of trend (SNS) is getting popular. However, if the custom disappears, I would miss it. When I was elementary school, there was no cellphone. So, the only way that I could know what my friends were doing or where did they go in winter holidays, was from New Year’s cards. Some friends made it by hand writing and some friends made it by using wooden print.
And the most fun part was the lottery system. Each New Year’s card has a number and if you got lucky number, you can get prizes. Usually, we can get special stamps but sometimes we can get special prizes. In this year, tickets of Tokyo Olympic Games became part of the prizes.
If you have friends in Japan, how about sending New Year’s cards?