
ご飯が止まらなくなるキュウリの常備菜/Cucumber cooking you can eat several bowls of rice

ご飯が止まらなくなるキュウリの常備菜/Cucumber cooking you can eat several bowls of rice

There is one of the famous pickles "Kyuri no Kyu-chan" in Japan.
That is one of my favorites, but a little too salty and too sour for me.
I happened to get the recipe for this cooking, and I was excited after eating because it was definitely my most favorite!
Highly recommended!

キュウリ     3kg
塩(下漬け用)  キュウリの2%
しょうが     適量
鷹の爪      3~4本
塩昆布      適量
洗双糖      150g
濃口しょうゆ   40g
水        50g
米酢       100g
味醂(赤酒)   50g
3kg  Cucumber
2% of the amount of cucumber    Salt
Proper amount     Ginger
3 to 4 pieces         Red chili pepper
Proper amount     Salty kelp
150g   Sugar
40g     Soy sauce
50g     Water
100g   Rice vinegar
50g     Mirin  

1. キュウリを包丁を使って薄くスライスする
1. Thin-slice cucumber with a knife.
2. Add salt and rub them well, and leave it in a refrigerator overnight.
3. Cut ginger into julienne strips, and cut re chili pepper into round thin slices.
4. Put all of seasonings and water in a pan, and boil it until seasonings become dissolved.
5. Squize thin-sliced cucumbers well (Do not rinse with water)
6. Add cucumbers in a pan and cook until the moisture is gone.
7. After cooing down, add salty kelp and mix. 
You can keep it in a freezer if you want.

*This recipe may be too much amount because you can keep it in a freezer.
Recommend you to make 500g or so at first.
*If 500g cucumber, the moisture of the soup for 500g cucumber is gone quickly.
*I tried to make it without red chili pepper, but using red chili pepper though a little is recommended.
*You'd better not use slicer when you slice cucumber because the crispy texture will be lost.
