じゃがいも「べにあかり」のいももち/Potato cake of Beniakari
じゃがいも「べにあかり」のいももち/Potato cake of Beniakari
"Beni akari", a potato born in Hokkaido, is a variety developed for croquettes because it contains more starch and less water than ordinary potatoes.
To protect the body from the cold, potatoes turn starch into sugar as the temperature drops.
In other words, it is a plant that becomes sweeter when it gets colder.
Beni akari has more starch than other potatoes, so naturally it has a strong sweetness.
Of course, Beni akari is delicious too before overwinter, but if you want to enjoy the more sweetness, January to March is recommend.
Potato "Beni akari"
Vegetable oil
Choose your favorite topping such as salt, butter, cheese, salty-sweet sauce and so on..
~Dumplings with Salty-sweet Sauce~
Put 1 Tbsp Soy-sauce, 2 Tbsp Sugar, 1 Tbsp Mirin, 2 Tbsp Water, 1 tsp Starch in a pot, turn on the medium heat, keep stirring and cook until boiling.
Turn off the fire when the sauce becomes thicker and clear.
1. べにあかりの皮をむきすりおろす
2. フライパンに油を少量入れ、熱したら、スプーンで一口大程度の量をすくってフライパンに流し入れる
3. 焼き色が付いたらひっくり返して両面同じ色めに焼く
4. さらに盛り付け、お好きな味付けでどうぞ
1. Peel and grate Beni akari.
2. Put a small amount of oil in a frying pan, heat it, scoop a spoonful grated potato and pour it into the frying pan.
3. When it gets brown, turn it over and bake it in the same color on both sides.
4. Serve them on a plate, and season with your favorite.