
【本日の英文】 'How a junk-food splurge can change your brain activity'  「ジャンクフードの暴食があなたの脳活動をどのように変えるか」


今回ご紹介する記事は、Nature Briefingから抜粋したもので、ジャンクフードの過剰摂取が脳に与える影響についての研究内容がまとめられています。


How a junk-food splurge can change your brain activity

A short bout of indulgence in fatty, sugary snacks leads to lingering brain-activity changes ― even if it does not cause weight gain.

Five days of indulging in chocolate bars, crisps and other junk foods can lead to lingering changes in brain activity, a study shows1. The resulting brain patterns are similar to those seen in people who have obesity.

A junk-food splurge shifted brain patterns in healthy young men despite their body weight and composition remaining unchanged, according to the study, published on 21 February in Nature Metabolism.

“I didn’t expect the effect to be so clear in a healthy population,” says neuroscientist Stephanie Kullmann at the University of Tübingen in Germany, who led the study.

But another scientist says that there are limitations to the study, which relied on a nasal spray to deliver the digestive hormone insulin. “The authors give very large doses of insulin,” says physiologist Christoph Buettner, “four to five times the amount that a human releases into the bloodstream over 24 hours.” Buettner, at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, New Jersey, was not involved in the study. Kullmann responds that not all of the inhaled insulin reached the brain and that more study is needed to pinpoint how much does.




  • 研究概要:
    この変化は、体重や体組成に影響が見られなかった健康な若年男性にも確認され、2月21日に Nature Metabolism に掲載されました。

  • 研究者のコメント:

  • 研究の限界:


●例文: "The aroma of freshly baked bread lingered in the kitchen long after dinner was served."

●和訳: 「焼きたてのパンの香りが、夕食後もしばらくキッチンに残った。」


  1. remain(残る)

    • 例文: "Even after the party ended, a sense of excitement remained in the room."

    • 和訳: 「パーティーが終わった後も、部屋には興奮の感覚が残っていた。」

  2. persist(持続する)

    • 例文: "Despite the change in weather, the warmth of the sun persisted throughout the day."

    • 和訳: 「天気が変わったにもかかわらず、一日中太陽の温かさが持続した。」

  3. stay(とどまる)

    • 例文: "She decided to stay at the park a little longer, enjoying the quiet afternoon."

    • 和訳: 「彼女は静かな午後を楽しむために、少し長く公園にとどまることにした。」

  4. tarry(遅れる、ゆっくりする)

    • 例文: "We tarried by the riverbank, savoring the peaceful scenery."

    • 和訳: 「私たちは穏やかな風景を味わいながら、川辺でゆっくり過ごした。」

  5. loiter(ぶらぶらする)

    • 例文: "Some teenagers tended to loiter around the mall after closing time."

    • 和訳: 「閉店後、何人かのティーンエイジャーがショッピングモールの周りをぶらぶらしていた。」




