

Hi there. Today I've finished to read the book "Insta-brain", written by Anders Hansen, who is a phycologist in Sweden. The book states the risks of using smartphone for a long time. 

Have you thought that you cannot focus on something to do well? I've felt so and this is why I bought the book. The author says that getting used to use smartphone for a long time causes the brain tend to get distracted soon because there is the flood of information on the Internet and brain tries to watch all of them. Brain don't catch up the speed of improving technology and it is almost as same as long time ago. Technology has been  developed rapidly for a few decades, although brain has been evolved for 20 million years. This makes brain confused. There are a lot of things you never known on the Internet which attract your brain, and when you see them, brain thinks they are so useful and necessary for survive and emit dopamine, which tells you to do it more! Therefore, you cannot stop using your phone. 

The structure of SNS, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter was made to keep your interest in the apps. The time to wait for app starting up is sometimes long because it increases our desires to watch the information on it. Some worldwide used apps ware developed by getting phycologist's advice. How terrible SNS is! You should limit time to use SNS if you use time more effectively.

Now it is midnight, so I'll finish the diary today. Good night!
