


森の奥の某大→コンクリに囲まれた大学院。NASAに憧れて工学部に入るも、自分が本当に何をしたいのかわからなくなり露頭に迷う。これが人生の夏休みだよね。記録として始めました。 最近やっと進路が見えてきた!


Laboratory tour

Hi there. Today I visitted the lavoratory to which I’m thinking to belong. This is my first time to go to Kashiwa campas. The buildings were simple and cool. However, there were fewer shops in the campus than in my university. 

    • Insta-Brain

      Hi there. Today I've finished to read the book "Insta-brain", written by Anders Hansen, who is a phycologist in Sweden. The book states the risks of using smartphone for a long time.  Have you thought that you cannot focus on something to

      • Foods from my family

        Hi There Today I got a lot of food sent from mom and granma. There are white bread, tomatos, sukiyaki, croquettes, fried vegetables, and so special sweets! Mom sent me baumkuchen and castella of the famous shop in my city.  I ate castella, 

        • Take a rest

          Hi there. I’m feeling tired. There are a lot of things to think in my mind, and they make my brain exhausted. I went to the school office and took out insurance. Then, I went to a post office to send my letter. After that, the friend of min

        Laboratory tour

          Desire to stay healthy

          Hi there. How are you? I’m doing good. Today I had a happy event! I talked to the woman who belongs to the same labo and she was kindly talking with me. I became friends with her. I was nervous before because she wasn’t totally interested t

          Desire to stay healthy

          Feel so good

          Hi there! I came back home after I played hockey. The time when I got to home was 3 a.m. and now I’m getting ready to sleep.. I think that exercise is definitely important in my life. Before I went to hocky, I was so depressed with my futur

          Do I take a easy way out?

          Hi. What’s up? It rained yesterday, so I had to walk to the library. It was a long way from my home, so I felt a little tired. I am in trouble now. I can’t imagine the future that I come to speak English fluently. The score of TOEIC listen

          Do I take a easy way out?

          The friend of mine studied not so hard. Now she send me a message" I will take a nap." I like a person who does what she wants.

          The friend of mine studied not so hard. Now she send me a message" I will take a nap." I like a person who does what she wants.

          Proud of the friend of mine

          Hi there. It's been a while since I wrote a diary. Yesterday, I called a friend of mine who is the friend from high school. I talked with her for the first time in ages. We never run out of things to talk about. We talked about the events

          Proud of the friend of mine

          Happy Mother’s Day

          What’s poppin! (This is the usual phrase used on Studyin, which is my favorite youtuber.) I have to go back Tsukuba today. I’m very lonely about leaving my family. Now I’m on the bus, and I was crying here. I love my family. I would live w

          Happy Mother’s Day

          A lot of choices

          Today I talked with the You-know-who woman. It was amazing time because she gave me essential points to admitt the universities in US. She also gave me an advice that I should go abroad as soon as possible in order to get used to study and

          A lot of choices

          My troubles became so complicated:(

          Hi. What’s up? I studied English today too. I think accomplishing something is like laying bricks. I feel uncomfort to do that because I’m not used to do something continuously. So I have to make a clear goal as close to the future as possi

          My troubles became so complicated:(

          Get close to NASA?

          Today I went to see a doctor who is an acquaintance of my grandma and has a friend in JPL, NASA. I had told my grandma that I wanna enroll in the university in US and go to JPL. After listening to that, she called him in order to make an ap

          Get close to NASA?

          Nemophila in the rain

          Hi there.  Today I went to Hitachi Seeside Park to watch Nemophila, which is blue blossom.  The park is famous for Nemophila and one of the biggest sightseeing spots in Ibaraki prefecture. Thus, I fostered a considerable expectation of it.

          Nemophila in the rain

          What's the perfect temperature!

          Hello! I'm gonna write the diary of the day from today. There would be some grammar mistakes, so if you find them, let me know them... Today I got up at the noon, and soon after then, I started to study TOEFL Listening.  I was very happy

          What's the perfect temperature!


          こんばんは。久しぶりの投稿になってしまった。まあ書きたいことが思いついたときに書くくらいがちょうどいいのかな?と言い訳… 今とても進路のことで悩んでいて、その記録として投稿しようと思い立ったのですが、前回の記事をついさっき読み返したら、ほぼ今の私と同じ悩み抱えてて笑っちゃいました。永遠の悩みなんですかね、困った。 この四月は、無事4年生に進級できて、院試のこととか真剣に考え始めた月でした。 前期で落ちた某大学はやっぱり魅力的やし、JPLに関わりのありそうな先生もいて、 某
