[支援お礼] NO19 [福井県立高校 保健室]様 ZENタイルプレゼント支援のお礼がとどきました。
NO19 [福井県立高校 保健室]様
ちゃがちゃがゲームズ 川口洋一郎
Thank you very much for your cooperation in supporting the ZENtiles giveaway.
We would like to inform you that we have received thank you emails from the facilities and organizations.
NO19 [Fukui Prefectural high school infirmary]
Who have developed a very interesting game Kawaguchi like, and I would like to thank the people who have support. It opened with students and excited pounding of health room school.
First of all, my heart is not made of a material such as moist settle down, I felt very friendly. Then, black and look at the stones, recalls the day-to-day with surprise and whether there has been so many emotions in people and "have been a so ...", was a strange feeling. Every day, now I feel like being asked "I see staring at yourself for? Kinda stopped in a hurry to do" to us who are living while being chased by a lot of things.
The first can not remember a lot of emotion, a rather is stones of negative emotions, but put to you, did not find is quite positive feelings. Or students from moving heart in what situations, what kind of how sensitive to words ... etc, has become a chance to speak their feelings through this exchange (game). I am, but is better not look back the past and say either I was thinking that it would be move forward, I thought also kana ... and to proceed before by checking the past of emotion.
In the future, in that inning, such a thing also I was, and why she thought so, I was good, I think it will become a tool that can share the ne ... various feelings, such as was hard. I'm really thankful to you.
Thanks to your support, many people have been brought smiles to their faces. Thank you very much.
Yoichiro Kawaguchi, ChagaChagaGames