Hillsong Worship "Church on Fire"
HillsongのChurch on Fireです!ちょっと古い感じですが、ノリノリの曲です。
The Holy Spirit is here and His power is real
Anything can happen and it probably will
Something very good something good is going on around here
There's a light that shines to make the dark disappear
A power at work but there's nothing to fear
Something very good something good is going on around here
This is a church on fire, this is the Holy Spirit flame
We have a burning desire to lift up Jesus' name
Let the fire burn in every heart to light the way, defeat the dark
Let the flame of love burn higher
This is a church, this is a church on fire
今聖霊の力が ここにあふれる必ず
素晴らしい 何かが起こる
今主イェスの光が 闇を砕く必ず
素晴らしい 何かが起こる
ここはChurch on Fire 燃える教会
高く掲げる イェスの御名を
愛の炎よ 強く燃え上がれ
われらの心に 輝け 燃える教会よ