Spiritual World
During my university days, I dove headfirst into the world of Graphic Art, immersing myself in the world of "creation." I was captivated by the process of turning the ideas, images, and inspirations that formed in my mind into tangible reality. It quickly became my primary passion.
Decades later, I found myself once again in the world of "creation," guided by a mysterious, serendipitous current. When I resumed my creative activities, I felt as if my soul once again regained its "nourishment". However, it was a vastly different series of experiences and encounters from those of my university days.
I would characterised my creative activities during my student years as “self-expression," whereas my current creative activities have led to an opportunity to “learn more about the spiritual world”. It hinges on the presence of both the "creator (myself)" and "recipients (those who receive my artwork)”. To be clear, the moment my clients receive my works does not represent a definitive conclusion, not the start of any specific period. I will elaborate on this point later.
I've heard various people say in several contexts, that “objects carry people's thoughts and intentions". While I had no such personal experiences in the past, I lightly believed this to be true without much skepticism, more or less acknowledging it as "that's how it seems."
However, what astonishes me now is that my current creative activities align precisely with that concept. To put it more simply, recipients of my work genuinely receive and respond to the unspoken embedded thoughts and intentions, despite the absence of sound or visible form.
Messages frequently received include words such as; “awe", “deep emotion," "happiness", "joy," and “fulfillment”.
Some even mention they sensed the creator's heart, were able to grasp the creator's intentions, and in some cases perceived the creator's sincere character and her beautiful mind.
Overwhelmed by these numerous gracious words, I am filled with a sense of happiness, feeling that I have received the greatest reward.
The sentiments I embed in my works are not particularly complicated. However, I believe these sentiments are essential as I go on and continuing to be nurtured throughout life. These sentiments are ‘just simply’ the desire to bring joy to others, to wish for their happiness— nothing more.
What does the expression ’just simply’ that I have used here really mean? It means that when you wish for what pleases others and wish for their happiness, you do not hold any other negative emotions or thoughts — no anger, hatred or dissatisfaction. You do not covet any desires, nor seek to manipulate others.
“Vessels to carry positive energy" – are what my "creations" represent. And these vessels, too, must be pure and beautiful, and free of any impurities, to fulfill their purposes.
Rather than using the excuse of being handmade to leave things ambiguous or to escape, it is precisely because my works are handmade that I create the most exquisite items without compromise. I do so with care, sincerity, and a wholehearted dedication to shaping them.
The result of this materialised as messages from my recipients, returning to me as "positive energy." The returned "positive energy" wrap my heart in happiness, providing strength to continue my creative activities. The positive energy received from those who have enjoyed my works will surely attract more positive things, and those positive things will in return attract even more good things. It is a "positive energy loop."
This is precisely what was mentioned at the beginning of the main text: "there is no definitive conclusion nor a specific period”. Instead, it continues uninterrupted.
Through the course of my creative activities, I have had the opportunity to experience and learn more about the workings of the "spiritual world." This leads me to question myself once again: What does “creation" mean to me in the present? It is about pouring my all into the task at hand and sowing the seeds of happiness. If, even in a small way, this is achieved in the course of my creative endeavors, and if I can be of service to someone else , I am truly delighted. It is through this process that I feel truly alive and fulfilled.