
勝ち癖!は「 やり切る癖 」で自己肯定感を育む!50歳からKindle出版できる人は「 えいやー 」を言える人!

 今年に入って「 Kindle出版したい 」「 Kindle出版に興味がある 」という声を複数人からいただいています。昨年までは、私はKindle著者、プレーヤーとして書き続けてきました。今後は、Kindle出版したい人の出版をサポートすることもやっていこうと思っています。Kindle出版して「 Kindle著者 」って肩書き(と、少なくとも印税)に興味ある人は、@ゴリラ編集長に声をお掛けください!

で、昨日も早速、月額の「 @ゴリラ編集長 」の申込みをいただきました。

この方は、バリバリのビジネスパーソンです。で、日常でKindle Unlimited(読み放題)で多読をしているうちに( 自分も書いてみたいなぁ… )という欲が出てきて、私に辿り着いていただきました。





この月額サービスは、いわゆるKindle出版のRIZAPさんです。毎月私とmtgします。ひとりだとつい「 まいっか 」と先送りしてしまう執筆を強制的に進めて、出版まで辿り着こう!というサポートサービスです。私、10冊出版したけど、何よりも一冊目は苦労しましたからね…。分からないことだらけ!「 これで合ってんのかな… 」の答え合わせができないって、超~不安で超~苦痛で超~ストレスでしたからね。


世の中に数多くある「 Kindle出版コミュニティ 」に属するのも嫌だったんで(プライドが高いだけとも言います)、最後まで自力出版に拘りました。お陰で、最初に出版しようと決めてから出版にたどり着くまで9ヶ月も要してしまいました。

ので、そんな私の苦労した、躓いた「 初版 」をサポートするサービスです


って方で、Kindle出版に興味がある方は、まずは【朝割】Kindle電子書籍出版🔰40代50代人生でやりたいリストを受講してください。早朝限定の【朝割】で、Kindle出版の全体像、疑問点や不安を解消する講座です。申込む方のKindle出版に対しての興味度合いによって、講座形式にしたり、質疑応答形式にしたりとアレンジしています。ので「 全く知らん! 」って方でも、問題ありません。

勝ち癖ってのは、相手に対しての勝ち負けじゃなく、自分の「 まいっか 」に勝つ癖!


そう、Kindle出版の一冊目で最も大事なのは「 書き切ること 」です。いわゆる「 質 」つまり「 読者の役に立つ本なのか? 」に囚われると、もう、頭も手も雁字搦めになって動きません。そんな0→1の苦境を乗り越える掛け声は…


です。もうね、どーせ素人です。「 めちゃ良質な本 」なんてーのは、書けません。ので、最後の最後は「 えいやー 」で出さないと、いつまでも「 著者 」になれません!


えぇえぇ、これ根性論に聞こえるかもしれません。が、私の経験に基づく、まもとな「 ノウハウ 」です。し、そもそも、私がサポートする以上、相当低いレベルになることはありません😁

で、Kindle出版の一冊目で最も大事なのことは「 出版してしまうこと 」です。ってか、Kindle出版に限らず、なんでも一歩目ってのは「 やってしまうこと 」ですよね。


と、今までの私であれば「 まいっか 」と先に延ばして延ばして、スタート地点が見えなくなるほど延ばして「 やっぱ辞めとこ… 」って、先延ばすことすらも断念してきましたからね。



先日のVoicyでキングコング西野さんの「 とりあえず一度、書き切れ 」は、まさにその通りなので、聞いておいてください!「 自分で駄作やと思っても途中で投げ出さず、とりあえず最後まで書き切る癖を身に着けないと、本(作品)はいつまでも書けるようにならない! 」「 どのみち壺を割るのなら、途中ではなく最後まで作り切ってから割るようにしないと、書き切る癖がつかない 」


ってことで、やり切るにもスタートを切らないと始まりません。Kindle出版に1mmでも興味ある方は、まずは【朝割】Kindle電子書籍出版🔰40代50代人生でやりたいリストを受講してください。話を聞いてから「 したい 」「 したくない 」を自分で問うてくださいませ!で、一冊目を出版できたとき、なんとも言えない高揚感と幸福感を、ぜひ感じて欲しいです😁



Absolutely! Here's a simplified translation of the provided text:

Developing a Winning Habit: Cultivating Self-Esteem Through Consistent Effort! Anyone Over 50 Can Publish a Kindle Book if They Can Say "Let's Do It!"

Recommended listening speed: 1.5x

250217: I Can't Help Checking Social Media... Let's Understand and Verbalize Our Losing Patterns!

This year, I've received messages from several people saying, "I want to publish a Kindle book" or "I'm interested in Kindle publishing." Until last year, I wrote as a Kindle author and player. From now on, I will also support those who want to publish Kindle books. If you're interested in the title of "Kindle Author" (and at least some royalties), please contact @GorillaEditor!

And just yesterday, I received an application for the monthly "@GorillaEditor" service.

This person is a highly successful business professional. Through daily extensive reading on Kindle Unlimited (unlimited reading), the desire to write their own book arose, leading them to me.

Being a highly successful business professional, they have a good understanding of themselves.

  • "I can write alone, but I end up slacking off."

  • "I prioritize daily life and work, and ultimately, I can't reach the point of publication."

Q: Why did you apply for the monthly service?

A: As a mechanism to forcibly advance the publication process.

Excellent people understand themselves well...

This monthly service is like a Kindle publishing RIZAP. We have monthly meetings. It's a support service to forcibly advance the writing that you tend to postpone with "I'll do it later" when you're alone, and to reach the point of publication! I've published 10 books, but I struggled with the first one more than anything else... There were so many things I didn't understand! Not being able to get answers to "Is this correct...?" was super unsettling, super painful, and super stressful.

However, I also disliked belonging to the many "Kindle publishing communities" in the world (you could also say I'm just proud), so I was determined to publish independently until the end. As a result, it took me as long as 9 months from when I decided to publish to when I actually reached publication.

So, this is a service to support my struggling, stumbling "first edition."

  • "I'm not good at belonging to communities."

  • "I want to write at my own pace (I get tired when I compare myself to others and feel rushed)."

  • "I want to ask questions without worrying about those around me."

If you're interested in Kindle publishing and have these feelings, please first take the [Early Bird Discount] Kindle eBook Publishing for Beginners: 40s, 50s, Life Goals list. This is a course to resolve the overall picture, questions, and anxieties of Kindle publishing with an early morning discount. We arrange the course format or Q&A format depending on the degree of interest in Kindle publishing of the person applying, so there's no problem even if you say "I don't know anything at all!"

A winning habit isn't about winning or losing against someone else, it's a habit of winning against your own "I'll do it later!"

It's a matter of course, but if I had given up on publishing my first book halfway through, I wouldn't have been able to call myself a Kindle author, publish 10 books, or have royalties coming in steadily.

Yes, the most important thing for the first Kindle publication is "to finish writing." If you're caught up in the so-called "quality," that is, "is it a useful book for readers?", your head and hands will be completely tied up and you won't be able to move. The battle cry to overcome such a difficult situation from 0 to 1 is...

"Let's do it!"

You know, I'm a complete amateur anyway. I can't write a "super high-quality book" or anything like that. So, if you don't release it with a "let's do it" at the very end, you'll never become an "author"!

Guts theory!

Yes, yes, this may sound like a guts theory. But it's a genuine "know-how" based on my experience. Moreover, as long as I'm supporting you, it won't be a considerably low level

So, the most important thing for the first Kindle publication is "to publish it." Or rather, not just Kindle publishing, but anything at the first step is "to just do it," isn't it?

Looking back on my last two years...

  • "For now, I'll just release an online course."

  • "For now, I'll just go solo camping."

  • "For now, I'll just go car camping."

In the past, I would have postponed these things with "I'll do it later," postponed them so much that I couldn't even see the starting point, and then given up on even postponing with "I'll quit after all..."

  • "Finish it."

  • "Just finish it for now."

  • "In the end, let's do it!"

From there, we enter the improvement and improvement cycle.

In the recent Voicy, King Kong Nishino's "For now, write it all the way through" is exactly right, so please listen to it! "If you don't develop the habit of writing through to the end without throwing it away even if you think it's a bad work, you'll never be able to write a book (work)! "If you're going to break the jar anyway, you shouldn't break it halfway through, you have to make it to the end and then break it, otherwise you won't get the habit of writing through."

Seriously, that's it! It's a divine episode.

So, in order to complete it, you have to make a start. If you have even 1mm of interest in Kindle publishing, please first take the [Early Bird Discount] Kindle eBook Publishing for Beginners: 40s, 50s, Life Goals list. Listen to the story and then ask yourself "I want to do it" or "I don't want to do it"! And when you can publish your first book, I want you to feel the indescribable sense of elation and happiness

@Gorilla's Kindle book list is here.
