
人生には今しかできないことがある!1BIGリストは100 to doリストより尊し決断!






そもそも、それを「 目標 」と呼ぶのか「 タスク(to doリスト) 」と呼ぶのかの点検が必要です。で、さらに、その立てちゃった目標には「 wants(やりたいぜっ!) 」って意思がブレンドされているか?って点検項目が大切やったりします。





何をやってたっけ?って程度にしか記憶にないとすれば、それは多分「 タスク(to doリスト) 」を消化して本当にやりたいことを先送りにした年だった可能性があります。


仮に1つでも「 これ、やりたいぜっ! 」ってこと決めて実行できたとすれば、後年に「 2025年って、確か長男とトルコ旅行に行ったよな… 」って記憶に刻まれる年になります。私にとって「 ソロCAMP 」「 ソロ車中泊旅行 」ってのも、めっちゃデッカいwants!でした。を実現したのが2023年。20年越しの( いつか出版できたらなぁ… )を叶えたのも2023年です。

あ、で、浮世離れしている私がリアル社会を生きている兄弟家族に「 トルコ行くねん 」って言うと「 お前お金あるからなぁ 」とか「 なんでトルコなん? 」的な反応が返ってきます。口にしないけど「 暇なんやなぁ(時間があるしなぁという意味) 」と「 離婚して独り身やからな(自由やしなぁという意味) 」という要素を含んだ返しがやってきます😁


とて、じゃあ同条件の人が「 長男とトルコ旅行(海外旅行)を決めるか? 」というと、多分、感覚としては1,000人に1人いるかなぁ…と思います。そ、結局、条件と決断は別の話です。同じ条件であっても、先送りする人は先送りし続けます。

Q:今まで先送りしてきた( いつかできたらえぇなぁ… )ちゃんと今年に入ってる?


@ゴリラ「 海外旅行、2人で行かへん? 」
長男「 うん、えぇで 」



「 目標を決めなきゃ! 」と他人軸で決めた目標は取り下げてもいいでしょう。他人に見せるわけじゃないから、取り下げたとて誰から辱めを受けるわけでもありません。私は年末年始に目標を掲げることはしません。マイペースが大事な私は「 年末年始だから! 」という外部環境で決めさせられている感がそもそも苦手です。ので「 自分がやりたいな 」というタイミングで決めています。






何を終わらせるか?決断とは「 断つことを決めること 」

目標を立てるときに最も大事なこと「 捨て 」です。やること!にエナジーを注ぐためには「 止めること 」を先に決めるわけです。

「 終わりの儀式 」を先にすると上手くいきます。ので、この本を読んでしまってください。

50歳から生きるのが軽くなった!と言うイケオジになるための戦略書: 内向型既婚男子40代の夢を叶える方法夢を諦める方法|終わりの儀式|自分らしく自由に生きる


Q:今まで先送りしてきた( いつかできたらえぇなぁ… )ちゃんと今年に入ってる?


内向型コンサルタントスキルの最高峰 心を掴む思考術
心を掴む話し方、使え方、聞き方は「 再現可能な 」技術です。あの人だからできるのではなく、あの人もこの人も、そしてあなたもできる再現可能なビジネスコミュニケーションスキルです。で、そのスキルの正体は「 思考 」です。



Here's a simplified English translation of the blog post, focusing on clarity and ease of understanding:

Title: Some things in life can only be done now! One BIG want is more valuable than 100 to-dos!

It's already the 6th of January! Time flies. Some things in life can only be done at this specific moment.

Spending New Year's with family made me realize how disconnected my life has become from "real-world" people. It's a good chance to reflect.

If you've already set goals for 2025, it's time to review them! It's only been six days, but many people have already given up on their New Year's resolutions.

It's important to distinguish between "goals" and "tasks" (to-do lists). Are your goals something you truly want, something that excites you?

One huge want is better than 100 tasks!

My big want for 2025 is to travel to Turkey with my 13-year-old son in March! That's it. I just hope we stay healthy. If this doesn't happen, 2025 will be a blank year in my memory. (And I haven't even booked it yet! It's expensive!)

I tend to be a bit materialistic, but I surprisingly found a good deal on something I needed on Rakuten.

Questions for reflection:

  • What was 2024 like?

  • What about 2023?

  • And 2022?

If you barely remember what you did in those years, it's likely you were just completing tasks and putting off what you truly wanted to do.

One big want can create a lasting memory. If I go to Turkey with my son, I'll remember 2025 as the year we had that amazing trip. Just like 2023 was the year I went solo camping and on a solo road trip, fulfilling long-held desires. It was also the year I finally published something I had wanted to do for 20 years.

When I tell my family I'm going to Turkey, they react with comments like "You must have a lot of money," or "Why Turkey?" They're probably also thinking, "You have so much free time," and "You're single, so you can do whatever you want."

I divided all my assets during my divorce and paid child support upfront, so I don't have a lot of savings. But I do have a lot of time and freedom!

However, even with the same circumstances, only a few people would actually decide to take their child on an international trip. The point is that circumstances and decisions are different. Some people will always find reasons to postpone things.

More questions for reflection:

  • Does it have to be done in 2025?

  • Are there things that should be done now?

  • Are you finally pursuing things you've been putting off?

My son is in his last year of middle school and will have a short break after graduating in March. It's the perfect time to travel! If we miss this window in 2025, we might never have the chance again. I would regret postponing it. That's why it has to be 2025.

(Quote from a previous blog post: Me: "Want to go on an international trip together?" Son: "Yeah, sure.")

Review or discard your goals.

It's okay to abandon goals set based on external pressure. You don't need to justify it to anyone. I don't set New Year's resolutions because I don't like feeling pressured by the time of year. I set goals when I feel the desire.

People often postpone things with excuses like:

  • "Once I have more money..."

  • "Once I have more time..."

  • "Once things at work calm down..."

  • "I'll enjoy it after I retire..."

If you're postponing things because of conditions, you'll likely keep postponing them even when those conditions are met. Conditions and decisions are separate.

We're all going to die. And we're youngest now! We inevitably decline with age. Not just physically, but also mentally. It gets easier to say, "I don't feel like it."

Decisions are about choosing what to stop doing.

The most important thing when setting goals is deciding what to give up. To focus your energy on what you want to do, you need to decide what to stop doing.

It's helpful to have a "ritual of ending" before starting something new.

Final questions for reflection:

  • Does it have to be done in 2025?

  • Are there things that should be done now?

  • Are you finally pursuing things you've been putting off?

It's only the 6th of January. If you've set goals for 2025, it's worth reviewing them!

This translation simplifies the original Japanese while retaining the core message about prioritizing big wants over endless tasks and seizing opportunities in the present.
