
仕事がデキる人の最強戦略「 大谷翔平戦略 」を身につけよう❷心・技・体を置き換えろ!
仕事がデキる人の最強戦略「 大谷翔平戦略 」を身につけよう!媚びない卑下しない!
野球に興味ない人が「 大谷さんの凄さを(騒がれている理由)、野球以外で例えてください 」って大喜利がXで流れているのをシュールに感じます。なぜって、一緒に戦っているメジャーリーガーや解説陣(元メジャーリーガー)ですら「 どう表現したら良いか分からない 」って言っているわけですからね。
生きている間に、イチローさんの存在感を薄める様な日本人選手が登場すると誰が予想できたでしょう。イチローさんは野球選手史上最高の「 野手 」です。イチローさんの凄さは「 長期間 」です。一瞬だけ一時期だけ輝く選手が多い中、20年間も一流の成績を残し続けてきたことです。今後、累計記録や継続記録を超える選手は出てこないでしょう。怪我をしない体作りや派手な遊びもしない、まさに野球ヲタクだったと思います。
で、大谷選手は、野球選手史上最高の「 野球選手 」なのかもしれません。大谷選手の活躍期間は、今のところまだ「 一時期 」です。が、今後、比較できる選手すら登場しないでしょうね。イチローさんが野球ヲタクなら、大谷選手は野球少年です。これだけ注目されていても「 楽しそう 」が溢れ返っていますよね。
ちなみに、イチロー選手が「 年間安打数 」のメジャー記録を破ったのが、20年前の2004年です。私が、ちょうどワーキングホリデーでオーストラリアに行っていたときに、同じ様にその偉業を「 バナナ通信 」で書いているんです。「 人生100年時代は、ワーキング&ホリデー!施工の奴隷から自分を解放し自分を生きよう! 」
そんな大谷選手から学べるのは、やはり「 いい人 」でしょう。もう少しだけ具体化すると「 自分の機嫌を自分で取り続ける自分であること 」です
いわゆる自己肯定感が低い人というのは、自分の機嫌を「 自分以外の何か 」に依存している症、です。
自分の機嫌をいつも自分で取り続けている人には、周りにもご機嫌さんな人が集まってきます。大谷さんの様な偉業を残せないまでも「 いい人 」であることは、今すぐ真似できます。が、まぁ、大谷さんの「 いい人 」レベルってのは、身近で感じんと分からんのやろうけどな!業績がうんぬんっていうより、その人間性に嫉妬するわしかし!あ、女性で言うと、芦田愛菜さんも同じニオイがする。
40代のオジサンは、自分で自分のご機嫌をとって、芳しいイケオジを目指しましょう。そのためには「 終わらせること 」がめちゃ重要ですからね。
9月のKindle著書最新刊「 50歳から生きるのが軽くなった!と言うイケオジになるための戦略書 」は、「 機嫌を周りに依存してきて生きている感 」にもっとも苛(さいな)まれているであろう、40代既婚男子にぜひ読んで欲しい!ふと、楽になった、という読者の感想が寄せられている、不思議な本に仕上がっています😁三連休の読書にどーぞ!
Learn the Ultimate Strategy of Shohei Ohtani: "Shohei Ohtani Strategy" - Replace Mind, Skill, and Body!
People who aren't interested in baseball are asking on X (formerly Twitter) to explain Shohei Ohtani's greatness in non-baseball terms. It's surreal because even Major League players and commentators (former Major Leaguers) say they don't know how to describe it.
Who could have predicted that a Japanese player would emerge to overshadow Ichiro Suzuki's presence during our lifetime? Ichiro is the greatest "hitter" in baseball history. His greatness lies in his "longevity." While many players shine for a short period, Ichiro maintained top performance for 20 years. No one will surpass his cumulative and continuous records. He built a body that avoided injuries and didn't indulge in flashy activities, making him a true baseball fanatic.
Shohei Ohtani might be the greatest "baseball player" in history. His period of success is still "short" for now, but no comparable player will emerge in the future. If Ichiro is a baseball fanatic, Ohtani is a baseball boy. Despite all the attention, he seems to be having fun.
We might forget, but this is Ohtani's first year after transferring with a massive 100 billion yen contract. Imagine the backlash if he didn't perform well. To manage the media, he announced his marriage. Then, his trusted interpreter betrayed him. The season started with the incident unresolved, yet he is performing exceptionally well now.
By the way, Ichiro broke the Major League record for "most hits in a season" 20 years ago in 2004. I was in Australia on a working holiday at the time and wrote about this achievement in "Banana Communication." "In the 100-year life era, it's Working & Holiday! Free yourself from being a slave to construction and live your own life!"
We can't become Ohtani, but we can learn from him.
No player will surpass Ohtani as a baseball player.
There might be more two-way players, but at the professional level? Even if someone becomes a professional baseball player, can they excel as both a pitcher and a hitter? It's unlikely. Ohtani's physique is a natural talent, limiting the number of people who can match it. Plus, his personality and character. The chances of someone with these qualities emerging and succeeding are almost zero. It's amazing to watch him in real-time.
What we can learn from Ohtani is to be a "good person." More specifically, "to always manage your own mood."
People who depend on others for their mood are always unstable. They are troublesome to those around them. They are happy when things are good and unhappy when things are bad. They are happy when healthy and unhappy when sick. They are happy when the weather is good and unhappy when it's bad. They are happy when the road is clear and unhappy in traffic. They are happy when praised and unhappy when criticized.
People with low self-esteem depend on "something other than themselves" for their mood.
People who always manage their own mood attract other happy people. Even if we can't achieve great feats like Ohtani, we can immediately imitate being a "good person." However, Ohtani's level of "good person" might be hard to understand without experiencing it firsthand. It's more about his personality than his achievements, which is enviable! For women, Mana Ashida gives off a similar vibe.
Men in their 40s should aim to be charming middle-aged men by managing their own mood. To do that, "finishing things" is crucial.
The latest Kindle book, "Strategies for Becoming a Lighthearted Middle-Aged Man at 50," is a must-read for married men in their 40s who are most likely struggling with "feeling dependent on others for their mood." It's a mysterious book that has received feedback from readers saying they felt relieved. Perfect for reading during the three-day weekend!