
凡人が社会人で成功するために絶対やってはいけない第1位!「 自分の頭で考える! 」

「 自分の頭で考えろ! 」

社会人になって「 記憶力 」が評価されることは0%です。それまでは記憶力で高得点を獲得してきた学歴社会の強者は、たちまち露頭に迷います。で、彼らは社会人デビュー直後に嘆きます。「 えっ、会社って授業があるんじゃないの??? 」


ってこれ、実話ですw 経営コンサルティング会社時代の新入社員の実話です。それなりに高学歴の彼らの一定数が、社会人デビュー後「 教えてくれない病 」に感染します。で、先輩や上司から言われ続けます。

「 自分の頭で考えろ! 」





社会人になって求められるのは、記憶力でも自分の頭で考えることでもありません。とにもかくにも「 素直さ 」です。先輩や上司の指示を着色せず、色眼鏡で見ず、自分の経験というフィルターを通さずに聞ける素直さ、です。素直じゃない人は、真逆のことをします。全て自分の価値観に寄せて話を着色していきます。自分はアホ!という自覚がある人ほど「 素直 」です。だから早く成功します。

「 素直に調べる 」

自分の頭で考えず「 素直に調べる 」のです。サッと調べる人が、優秀な人です。今ならAIに聞けば、ある程度のことが出てきます。「 考えるな、調べろ! 」です。



凡人の我々が成功するには「 成功モデルの真似をする 」です。わざわざ凡人の脳味噌を使う必要はありません。そんな阿呆なことをする必要はありません。世の中に、既に成功しているモデルがあります。成功モデルを調べて真似する、それが最も簡単な手法です。

と、まぁ、分かった風に書いてきました。が、この「 成功モデルの真似をする 」って、面倒くさいんですよね。例えば、ブログ。ブログの書き方も「 キーワード検索 」がめちゃ大事!と先輩ブロガーが全員言っています。読者の悩みをキーワード検索して、で、競合サイトを調べて、で、タイトルとかリード文にキーワードを散りばめて、で、読者が早期に離脱しない様に、お悩み解決を冒頭にもってきて、で、… … …。






40歳とか50歳で新しい学びを始めるときは「 人から学ぶ素直さ 」と同時に「 自分のやりたくないことはしない素直さ 」「 自分のワクワクする感情に従う素直さ 」がめちゃ大事です。ノウハウが優れていても、自分の感情がNOであれば、続きません。ま、よほど解決したい悩みとか、絶対に成し遂げたいことであれば、四の五の言わずにやるでしょうからね。

そ、結局「 続けること 」が、我々凡人にとって何よりも成功のコツです。これを「 素直に 」受け止めらない人ほど、短期的なノウハウコレクターになっています。株価暴落に感情を奪われる人ってのは、短期的な成功を求めて右往左往している証拠なんかもしれません。凡人の成功のコツは長期でコツコツ積立ることです。短期的な手段はサクッと無視しましょう。って、今さっき、自分のiDeCoと新Nisaの評価額推移をチェックしたら、物の見事に落ちてた!わーい、放置プレイ継続っ!


The Number One Thing Ordinary People Should Never Do to Succeed in Their Careers: "Think for Yourself!"

"Think for yourself!"

In the working world, memory skills are not valued at all. Those who excelled in school by memorizing information quickly find themselves lost. They often lament shortly after starting their careers, "Wait, isn't there any training at work?"

They expect the workplace to be like school, with lessons in subjects like language, math, social studies, English, music, art, and physical education.

This is a true story from my time at a management consulting firm. Many of the highly educated new employees caught the "teach me" disease right after starting their careers. Their seniors and bosses kept telling them:

"Think for yourself!"

By the way, a company is a place to work and create economic value, not a place to be taught or to learn.

Ordinary people should never think for themselves! Absolutely not! The more foolish a person is, the quicker they succeed in the working world. Those who succeed quickly are often foolish.

The smarter a person is, the more they try to think for themselves. Those who pride themselves on their ability to plan and execute during their school days tend to think for themselves. And 99% of them fail.

In the working world, what is required is not memory skills or thinking for yourself, but "honesty." It means listening to the instructions of seniors and bosses without adding your own color, without looking through tinted glasses, and without filtering through your own experiences. Those who are not honest do the opposite. They color everything with their own values. People who are aware that they are foolish are more "honest." That's why they succeed quickly.

"Research honestly"

Instead of thinking for yourself, "research honestly." Those who quickly research are excellent. Nowadays, you can ask AI and get a lot of information. "Don't think, research!"

It's normal for seniors and bosses to be wrong. So, listen honestly but don't blindly believe. So, research!

Using the brains of ordinary people won't achieve much! For us ordinary people to succeed, we need to "imitate successful models." There's no need to use the brains of ordinary people. There's no need to do such foolish things. There are already successful models in the world. Research and imitate successful models; that's the simplest method.

Well, I've written as if I understand. But this "imitating successful models" is quite troublesome. For example, blogging. All senior bloggers say that "keyword search" is very important! They search for readers' problems with keywords, research competing sites, sprinkle keywords in titles and lead sentences, bring problem-solving to the beginning to prevent early exits, and so on...

It's troublesome. Moreover, results don't come quickly. There are tons of know-how being shared on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. So, I imitate the surface-level things. And no results come. Because I don't imitate properly, no results come. Even if I imitate properly, it doesn't guarantee 100% results. So, I give up. I don't continue.

Yes, imitating successful models is a world championship of extreme honesty. But we ordinary people end up imitating just a little. So, we lose in the regional qualifiers. That's why most people fail and few succeed. If you try it, you'll understand, but it's troublesome...

Yes, I've given up. I've allowed myself to write as I like. Because keyword search and all that is just too troublesome!

Learning at 40 or 50 is about being honest with yourself
When starting new learning at 40 or 50, it's important to be "honest in learning from others" and also "honest in not doing what you don't want to do" and "honest in following your excitement." Even if the know-how is excellent, if your emotions say NO, you won't continue. Well, if it's something you really want to solve or achieve, you'll do it without complaining.

Yes, in the end, "continuing" is the key to success for us ordinary people. Those who can't accept this "honestly" become short-term know-how collectors. People who are swayed by stock market crashes are proof that they are seeking short-term success and are running around. The key to success for ordinary people is to accumulate steadily over the long term. Let's ignore short-term methods. By the way, I just checked the evaluation amount of my iDeCo and new Nisa, and it had dropped significantly! Yay, I'll continue to leave it alone!
