

Evolution is so flexible! It can be fast1 or slow.2 It can go forward or backward.3 It can add or eliminate structures—such as the alleged loss of parts of our voice box (larynx). Apparently, it can do anything that secular researchers need it to do.
 進化論はとても変わりやすいものです。 速くもなるし、遅くもなります。前進も後退もします。例えば、声帯(喉頭)の一部が失われたと言われているように、構造を追加したり削除したりすることができるのです。どうやら、世俗的な研究者は、必要となれば何でもできるようです。

Indeed, when it comes to the amazing gift of speech, mankind stands alone. “When did speech evolve? Many animals, including chimpanzees, can produce sounds, but this is not comparable to the complexity of human language.”4 Humans don’t have just simple speech, but we have “a stable vocal source [that] is filtered by rapidly changing formant frequencies.”5

Evolutionists concluded that humans developed the capacity to speak from the loss of a certain laryngeal structure. Evolutionists simply presuppose—based on “human evolution”—that man lost these laryngeal tissues resulting in the capacity to speak eloquently.

The loss of these tissues, according to the researchers, resulted in a stable vocal source in humans that was critical to the evolution of speech—the ability to express thoughts and feelings using articulate sounds. This simplification of the larynx enabled humans to have excellent pitch control with long and stable speech sounds, they said.6

It could just as easily be stated that man—created in God’s image—never had these tissues. The burden of proof is on the evolutionist to document the loss of this balloon-like laryngeal structure in our alleged ancestor, but the following descriptions are not compelling,

The evolutionary lineage that led to our species, Homo sapiens, split from the one that led to our closest living relatives, chimpanzees, roughly 6m to 7m years ago, with the laryngeal changes occurring sometime after that.7
Our vocal versatility is possible only because of changes in our vocal tract that evolved after humans diverged from other apes.8
It’s all pure supposition. In fact, “We argue instead that the richness of ideas is accompanied by a poverty of evidence, with essentially no explanation of how and why our linguistic computations and representations evolved.”9

Three years later, two evolutionists stated, “There is no clear picture of when and how human language evolved.”10

How exactly do we document these supposed changes in our vocal tract? And when11 and where did humans diverge from other apes? So far, no fossil has conclusively been identified as the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor (CHLCA), “We note that, like that of other hominins, the evolution of Homo is highly controversial….”4

Scripture12 and the fossil record13 shows that people have always been people, blessed with the ability to speak and praise their Creator.

I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.14
