

Was an Insect Ancestor Discovered?

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Oct. 3, 2024

There is nothing simple about an animal group called the euarthropods (phylum Euarthropoda), which includes insects, crustaceans, and extinct trilobites.

Evolutionists stated in a recent issue of Nature how complex these alleged early creatures were: “Sophisticated brains and specialized feeding appendages, which are elaborations of serially repeated organ systems and jointed appendages, underpin the dominance of Euarthropoda in a broad suite of ecological settings.”1

A fossilized larval stage of an alleged euarthropod that evolutionists are calling Youti yuanshi was discovered north of China by a team of scientists at Yunnan University.1 Later, researchers in England mounted the fossil on the head of a pin and scanned it with X-rays. The BBC reported, “Researchers generated three-dimensional images of miniature brain regions, digestive glands, a primitive circulatory system and even traces of the nerves supplying the larva’s simple legs and eyes.”2
 進化論者が「Youti yuanshi」 と呼んでいる真節足動物の化石化した幼生が、中国北部で雲南大学の科学者チームによって発見されました。その後、イギリスの研究者らが化石をピンの先に取り付け、X線でスキャンしました。BBCは「研究者らは、小型の脳領域、消化腺、原始的な循環器系、さらには幼生の単純な脚と目に栄養を送る神経の痕跡まで、3次元画像を作成しました。」と報じています。

Evolutionists then declared that this poppy-seed-sized “520-million-year-old” fossil is “one of the earliest ancestors of modern insects, spiders and crabs.”2 That is certainly open for debate.

Where did the Euarthropoda come from? What was their origin? According to Nature, “The origin of the euarthropod body plan from a grade of vermiform [worm-like] taxa with hydrostatic lobopodous appendages (‘lobopodian worms’) is founded on data from Burgess Shale-type fossils.”1 The Burgess Shale was allegedly formed between 505 and 510 mya. Could it be that the “data from Burgess Shale-type fossils” are subjective?

In fact, the Nature authors added a note of caution:
 実際、Nature の著者らは次のような注意書きを加えています:

As this phylogenetic [evolutionary relationship] framework emphasizes adult morphology, the interpretation of Youti requires a degree of caution: the absence of features such as annulations, claws, setal blades, or compound eyes, or the location of its first appendages, may reflect its ontogenetic stage [the whole course of an individual’s development] rather than its phylogenetic position.1 (emphasis added)
 「この系統発生的 [進化的関係] の枠組みは成体の形態を強調しているため、Youti の解釈にはある程度の注意が必要です。環状構造、爪、鰓、複眼などの特徴の欠如や、最初の付属肢の位置は系統発生的位置ではなく、個体発生段階 [個体の発達の全過程] を反映している可能性があります。」

Evidently this tiny fossil was formed by flooding, and creationists maintain such flooding occurred only thousands of years ago.

“It’s washed into the oceans when rocks erode on land,” [lead researcher Dr. Martin Smith] said.
 「陸上の岩石が浸食されるときに海に流れ込むのです」と主任研究者のMartin Smith博士は述べています。

“And that phosphorus seems to have flooded the tissues of our fossil,” essentially crystallising its tiny body.2

According to the creation model, this Youti fossil is not a half-billion years old, nor did it somehow evolve from simpler creatures. Various illustrations (anatomical overviews) in the Nature article1 display a highly sophisticated creature caught up and buried during the Genesis Flood.
 創造モデルによれば、このYoutiの化石は5億年前のものではなく、また、より単純な生物から進化したものでもありません。ネイチャー誌の記事のさまざまな図解 (解剖学的概要図) には、創世記の大洪水で捕らえられ、埋もれた非常に洗練された生物が描かれています。
