

Arctic Lemur-like Fossils were Transported During Flood

by Tim Clarey, Ph.D. | Feb. 13, 2023

Evolutionary scientists announced the discovery of primate fossils on Ellesmere Island, in one of the northernmost parts of Canada. The jaws and teeth of these lemur-like mammals were found in the Eocene (Lower Tertiary)2 Margaret Formation, with a supposed paleo-latitude of about 77 degrees, well north of the Arctic Circle.1 That creates a problem if true. It means these little 5-pound animals scurried around in about six months of darkness each year.3
 カナダ最北端のエルズミア島で霊長類の化石が発見されたと、進化論学者らが発表しました。このキツネザルのような哺乳類の顎と歯は、北極圏のかなり北にある約 77 度の古緯度と推定される始新世(第三紀下部)マーガレット層で発見されました。もしそれが本当なら問題が生じます。この5ポンド(約2.27kg)の小さな動物が、毎年約半年間の暗闇の中でウロウロしていたことになります。

Co-author of the study Christopher Beard, from the University of Kansas said,
 この研究の共著者であるカンザス大学のChristopher Beard氏は、次のように述べています:

If you think about their modern relatives, either primates or flying lemurs, these are among the most tropically adapted, warm-weather loving of all mammals, so they would be the about the last mammals you would expect to see up there, north of the Arctic Circle.3

The Margaret Formation has also yielded crocodiles, snakes, salamanders and tapir-like animals, creatures that thrive in hot climates.1,3 And conventional scientists claim that the early Eocene was a time of global greenhouse conditions, calling it the Early Eocene Climactic Optimum (EEOC). But the long periods of darkness still baffle them. They wrote:
 マーガレット層からは、ワニ、ヘビ、サンショウウオ、バクのような動物など、暑い気候で育つ生き物が発見されています。そして、従来の科学者は、始新世の初期は地球規模で温室効果があったとして、EEOC(Early Eocene Climactic Optimum)と名付けて主張しているのです。しかし、長い暗闇の期間は、まだ科学者たちを困惑させています。

The discovery of fossil plants and vertebrates in Eocene rocks on Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago has profoundly impacted efforts to model ancient climates and assess the paleobiology and paleobiogeography of early Cenozoic vertebrates living at high latitudes. During the greenhouse conditions of the early Eocene, Ellesmere hosted a warm temperate ecosystem comparable to modern cypress swamps of the southeastern United States, in tandem with a polar light regime consisting of roughly six months of winter darkness.1
 「カナダ北極圏群島のエルズミア島とアクセル・ハイバーグ島の始新世の岩石から植物と脊椎動物の化石が発見されたことは、古代の気候をモデル化し、高緯度に生息した新生代初期の脊椎動物の古生物学と古生物地理学を評価する取り組みに大きな影響を及ぼしています。始新世初期の温室環境では、エルズミア島は、約 6 か月の冬の暗闇からなる極光体制とともに現代のアメリカ南東部のイトスギ湿地に匹敵する温暖な生態系を保っていました。」

Reporting their results in the journal PLoS One, the team from the University of Kansas placed the newly discovered primate species into the genus Ignacius.1 Rather surprisingly, this same genus has been discovered in rocks of a similar depositional level, or slightly below, in Wyoming. The science team explained:
 カンザス大学の研究チームは、この新種をIgnacius属に分類し、学術誌「PLoS One」に発表しました。この属は、ワイオミング州の同じような堆積レベルの岩石、あるいはそれより少し下の堆積レベルの岩石から発見されており、むしろ驚くべきことです。科学者チームは次のように説明しています:

Furthermore, because multiple outgroups for the Arctic Ignacius clade [group] are known from mid-latitude regions of North America, we infer that Ignacius colonized Ellesmere from lower latitudes of North America rather than Europe, where only more distantly related paromomyids are known.1

Neither could the evolutionary scientists justify why some mammals thrived on Ellesmere Island while similar animals could not. They concluded, “The late early Eocene mammalian fauna of Ellesmere indicates that its unique paleoenvironment rendered it uninhabitable to some clades, including euprimates [crown primates], while selected taxa were able to adapt to its challenging conditions and diversify.”1

The discovery of this strange mix of fossils on Ellesmere Island has left the conventional scientists scratching their heads. But, what’s a better explanation for these apparent mysteries? The global Flood. It isn’t that these animals and plants lived at these extreme latitudes, they were merely buried there. In fact, Ellesmere Island was likely only about 45 degrees north latitude in the pre-Flood world, and not in six months of darkness each year.4 Rapid plate motion during the Flood moved Ellesmere Island to its present latitude.
 エルズミア島でこのような奇妙な組み合わせの化石が発見されたことで、従来の科学者たちは頭を抱えています。しかし、これらの明らかな謎を説明する良い方法はないのでしょうか?あります、地球規模の大洪水です。これらの動物や植物は この極端な緯度に住んでいたわけではなく 単にそこに埋もれていただけなのです。実際、洪水前の世界では、エルズミア島は北緯 45 度程度にすぎなかった可能性があり、毎年6ヶ月間暗闇の中にあったわけでもないようです。大洪水時の急激なプレート運動により、エルズミア島は現在の緯度に移動したのです。
The Ignacius fossils in Wyoming and on Ellesmere Island all probably existed together in mainland Canada while alive. ICR scientists determined that Canada was the highest ground in pre-Flood North America.4 As the Flood reached its peak on Day 150, it wiped off the animals and plants living on the highest hills and spread their remains both north and south to Ellesmere Island and Wyoming, respectively. They were transported and entombed on top of the dinosaur-bearing layers, buried a few days or weeks earlier in the Flood. These so-called Eocene rocks were deposited during the receding phase of the Flood as part of the Tejas Megasquence.4
 ワイオミング州とエルズミア島のIgnacius化石は、おそらく生きている間はすべてカナダ本土に一緒に存在していたのでしょう。ICRの科学者は、カナダが洪水前の北米で最も標高の高い場所であったと断定しています。洪水は150日目にピークに達し、最も高い丘に住んでいた動物や植物を一掃し、その跡を北と南にそれぞれエルズミア島とワイオミングに拡散させたのです。大洪水で数日から数週間前に埋まった恐竜を含む層の上に運ばれ、埋められたのです。これらのいわゆる始新世の岩石は、Tejas Megasquenceの一部として、大洪水の後退期に堆積したものです。

This easily explains the presence of fossil crocodiles, salamanders, snakes and numerous mammals mixed together on Ellesmere Island. They didn’t live there during a period of time called the Eocene millions of years ago. They were transported there during the global Flood about 4500 years ago.

Deliberately forgetting about the historical accuracy of Genesis leads to great confusion and fictional stories. But God’s Word leads us to clarity and salvation through Jesus.

