

Not-So-Simple Cilia

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Jul. 17, 2023

Some of us may remember in high school science class viewing a busy, single-celled Paramecium as it moves through a watery medium. They move using numerous short appendages called cilia. These tiny structures are also found in huge numbers (109/cm2 or more) on the surface of the cells that line our airways. Cilia efficiently sweep mucus containing trapped material such as bacteria and dust out of our lungs. They also are found along the oviduct and are designed to sweep secondary oocytes (eggs) toward the uterus.
 高校の理科の授業で、水の中を忙しく動き回る単細胞のゾウリムシを見たことを覚えている人もいることでしょう。ゾウリムシは繊毛と呼ばれる無数の短い付属器官を使って動きます。これらの小さな構造は、私たちの気道を覆う細胞の表面にも膨大な数(10 9 /cm 2以上)で存在しています。繊毛は、細菌やホコリなどの捕捉物質を含む粘液を肺から効率よく除去します。繊毛はまた、卵管に沿って存在し、二次卵母細胞(卵)を子宮に向かって掃き出すように設計されています。

Now, researchers from University College London (UCL) have produced the world's first illustration of the molecular machinery that makes cilia beat.1 Specifically, “ciliary movement is generated by the axoneme, a molecular machine consisting of microtubules, ATP-powered dynein motors and regulatory complexes,” according to Walton et al. in Nature.2

The axoneme is inside the cilia and flagella found in eukaryotes.

The size and complexity of the axoneme has so far prevented the development of an atomic model, hindering efforts to understand how it functions. Here we capitalize on recent developments in artificial intelligence-enabled structure prediction and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to determine the structure of the 96-nm modular repeats of axonemes from the flagella of the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and human respiratory cilia.2
 軸糸の大きさと複雑さは、これまで原子モデルの開発を阻み、軸糸の機能を理解する努力を妨げてきました。ここでは、人工知能を利用した構造予測と低温電子顕微鏡(cryo-electron microscopy:cryo-EM)の最近の技術を利用して、藻類クラミドモナス(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)の鞭毛とヒトの呼吸繊毛に由来する軸糸の96nmのモジュラーリピートの構造を決定しました。

Like so many other functions of structures in our body, we take for granted how efficiently the Lord Jesus has designed these tiny motors. UCL News wrote, “In healthy airways, this complex structure is tightly controlled, with molecules precisely arranged to make cilia beat in a rhythmic, wave-like motion, around a million times a day.”1 How exactly does this happen? The Nature study authors could not help but describe axoneme function in overtly mechanical terms.

Our atomic models provide insights into the conservation and specialization of axonemes, the interconnectivity between dyneins and their regulators, and the mechanisms that maintain axonemal periodicity. Correlated conformational changes in mechanoregulatory complexes with their associated axonemal dynein motors provide a mechanism for the long-hypothesized mechanotransduction pathway to regulate ciliary motility.2

In cellular biology mechanotransduction is a complex mechanism by which cells convert mechanical stimulus into electrochemical activity by way of gated ion channels. Not only does this new discovery reveal some of the nano-secrets of the human airway and how the Creator has exquisitely designed it but also that mutations lead to axoneme dysfunction, causing disease.

As has been seen many times before, evolutionary philosophy has stunted scientific research:3,4 “[o]nce considered merely a vestige of evolution, cilia are in fact essential to many of the body’s organs. As researchers learn more about cilia’s role in disease, they’re starting to pay this once-ignored organelle much more attention.”5

One of these diseases is primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) affecting about one in every 20,000 people. This disorder causes impaired clearance of mucus by the cilia, resulting in chronic respiratory infections. “In people with PCD, the team found that cilia don't beat correctly because key elements of the axoneme structure are missing, caused by genetic mutations.”1

In addition to human cilia, the team examined the axoneme structure of a single-celled alga called Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which uses two tail-like projections on its surface to swim. Despite being separated by more than 1 billion years of evolution, the alga's tails shared structural similarities with the human airway cilia, highlighting the importance of the axoneme throughout evolution.1
 研究チームは、ヒトの繊毛に加えて、クラミドモナス(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii、和名: コナミドリムシ)と呼ばれる単細胞藻類の軸糸構造を調べました。この藻類は、表面にある2つの尾のような突起を使って泳ぎます。10億年以上の進化を経て分かれたにもかかわらず、藻の尾はヒトの気道繊毛と構造的に類似しており、進化における軸糸の重要性を浮き彫りにしています。

There is, of course, no “1 billion years of evolution,” 1 except in the mind of the evolutionist. The alga and human airway cilia both share similar axoneme structure because axonemes are designed by the Creator for molecular mechanical movement. The Creator knew what design works best for this function, so He put it in both places. This doesn’t mean they share an ethereal common ancestor—but a common Designer—the Lord Jesus Christ.

