

Another Sea Scorpion

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Jun. 5, 2023

There are few animals more nightmarish than an 8-foot sea scorpion! Although, they were not true scorpions, their fossils display a menacing and formidable creature.
 8 feet(約2.43m)のウミサソリほど、悪夢のような動物はほとんどいないでしょう!彼らは本物のサソリではありませんでしたが、その化石を見ると、サソリとは思えないほど恐ろしい生物であることがわかります。

The discovery of a giant fossilized claw from an ancient sea scorpion indicates that when alive it would have been about 2.5 meters [8.2 feet] long, much taller than the average man.1
 古代ウミサソリの巨大な爪の化石が発見され、生きていたときの体長は約2.5m(8.2 feet)で、平均的な人間よりもはるかに高かったことが明らかになりました。

We all can breathe a sigh of relief as most of them seemed to have perished in the Flood about 4500 years ago, or at least went extinct shortly thereafter.

Sea scorpions (order Eurypterida) are a chelicerate arthropod. They have no evolutionary history: “...the timing of chelicerate origins and the type of body plan that characterized the earliest members of this group have remained controversial.”2

They first “appeared” in Ordovician sediments as 100% sea scorpions, “Eurypterids first appeared in the Ordovician, attained their maximum diversity during the late Silurian and early Devonian, and became extinct at the end of Permian.”3 Nor has conventional science found any ancestors to the sea scorpions in rocks deposited earlier. It appears they were always sea scorpions from the beginning of creation.

Recently, zoologists have described a new eurypterid in South China, naming it Archopterus anjiensis. “It represents the first unequivocal Ordovician eurypterid recorded in China as well as the oldest one ever found in the country...“3
 最近、動物学者が中国南部で発見された新しいウミサソリに、Archopterus anjiensisと名付けました:

As always, the evolution connection of this new discovery is cryptic at best. The article stated that Archopterus adds “new knowledge to the early evolution of eurypterids in Gondwana,”3 and “any reported occurrence is of great significance to understanding their early evolutionary history.”3 New knowledge? Great significance? They’re still eurypterids (sea scorpions). “The specimen [Archopterus anjiensis] is preserved, together with diverse sponges, graptolites and occasional nautiloids, in a 10 m [33 feet] thick shale of marine deep-water setting.”4
 相変わらず、この新発見の進化の関係は、よく言えば暗号のようなものです。記事は、「Archopterusがゴンドワナにおけるウミサソリの初期進化に新たな知見を加えており、報告された出現例は、彼らの初期進化史を理解する上で大きな意味を持つ。」としています。新しい知識? 大きな意義?  彼らはまだユーリプテリズ(ウミサソリ)です。標本(Archopterus anjiensis)は、多様な海綿動物、礫岩、時にはオウムガイ類とともに、深海環境にある厚さ10m[33feet]の頁岩中に保存されているのです。

Associated with diverse sponges, Archopterus anjiensis was found in a deep-water environment at a depth of several hundred meters. This occurrence, along with some Ordovician eurypterids from a normal marine environment, may indicate that some early eurypterids favored living in deeper waters than their post-Ordovician relatives.3
 Archopterus anjiensisは、水深数百メートルの深海環境で、多様な海綿と共生していることが確認されました。この出現は、通常の海洋環境から得られたいくつかのオルドビス紀のユーリプテリズ(ウミサソリ)とともに、初期のユーリプテリズ(ウミサソリ)の一部が、オルドビス紀以降の親類よりも深海での生活を好んでいたことを示しているのかもしれません。

Or it may indicate that eurypterids were able to move in and fill a variety of marine ecosystems at various depths in the pre-Flood world. Indeed, the Phys.org article stated they had “high ecological diversity,” with some having the ability to breathe air.5

Very rarely, a new fossil species of a Eurypterid is discovered. Creationists embrace this and other unique fossil findings as they reflect the imaginative and artistic design of our Creator. We can only echo what was said in the Book of Acts, “Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.”6

