

''Surprisingly Recent'' Lunar Volcanism?


by Jake Hebert, Ph.D. | Oct. 10, 2024

Tiny volcanic glass beads suggest “surprisingly recent” lava flows on the moon that are “difficult to reconcile with the accepted history of lunar volcanism.”1,2 These tiny glass beads were retrieved by the Chinese Chang’e 5 spacecraft, a replica of which is shown in the above photo. The spacecraft returned to Earth in 2020. Subsequent chemical analysis of the beads suggested they were volcanic in origin, and radiometric dating yielded ages of about 120 million years.

Creation scientists, of course, don’t accept these uniformitarian age assignments, which are greatly inflated. God created all the heavenly bodies, including the moon, just a few thousand years ago on Day 4 of creation week. And there is abundant evidence that radiometric dating techniques are flawed.3 However, their belief that radiometric dating is trustworthy forces uniformitarian scientists to accept that lunar volcanism was occurring just 120 million years ago, even though they long claimed such volcanism had ceased billions of years ago.1,2,4,5

Their surprise is due to the fact that our moon is a relatively small body, and small planets and moons lose their thermal energy to space relatively quickly. Hence, any internal heat necessary to drive recent volcanic or tectonic activity should have been lost to space eons ago. So, evidence for recent (and possibly ongoing) lunar tectonic activity was a great surprise to them.6 Recent and ongoing geological lunar activity makes far more sense if our moon is just thousands of years old.

For the same reason, conventionalscientists were surprised to discover that small planets and moons have internally-generated magnetic fields. Uniformitarian dynamo theories of planetary magnetism require warm liquid cores, and liquid cores in small moons and planets should freeze and solidify after billions of years.

Evidence of relative youth is super abundant in our solar system and has repeatedly “surprised” conventional uniformitarian scientists.7 Astronomical data don’t demand an age of billions of years for our sun, but this belief presents conventional astronomers with a thorny dilemma called the “young faint sun paradox.”8 Tiny Mercury has a magnetic field and is still cooling and shrinking.9 Venus has a young-looking surface and is probably still geologically active today.10 Conventional scientists can’t explain how Earth’s magnetic field could be maintained for billions of years.8 Like the moon, Mars has “surprising” recent volcanism.11 Jupiter’s Galilean moons show evidence of youth,12 as do Saturn’s moons and rings.13–15 Biblical, young-universe assumptions enabled a creation physicist to successfully predict the magnetic moments of both Uranus and Neptune.16 Comets are a strong argument for youth.17 And on and on it goes.

Bible-believing Christians should be encouraged—but not surprised—that the scientific evidence confirms that the heavenly bodies are relatively young, as implied by the Bible’s short chronological history and the testimony of the Lord Jesus Himself.18,19
