Poland, Romania and Germany are turning to Israel for military hardware and intelligence cooperation. As national security risks grow, Israel is set to play a key role in building European defenses against potential Russian threats.
IDF chief Aviv Kochavi was in Poland last week for meetings with high-ranking officers in the Polish Armed Forces. Warsaw is reportedly eager to work with with Israel on intelligence sharing and military technology.
IDFのAviv Kochavi長官は先週ポーランドを訪れ、ポーランド軍の高官と会談した。ワルシャワはイスラエルと情報共有や軍事技術で協力することを熱望していると伝えられている。
The sides already discussed operational and intel cooperation during the Israeli army chief’s visit. Following the talks, Kochavi publicly supported the expansion of military ties in light of “present and future regional challenges.”
In parallel, Romania seeks to modernize its military industry with Israel’s help. The Romanians want licenses to produce Israeli weapons locally and sell them to NATO allies, defense minister Vasile Dincu told Haaretz daily.
これと並行して、ルーマニアはイスラエルの援助を受けて自国の軍事産業を近代化しようとしている。ルーマニアは、イスラエルの兵器を現地で生産し、NATOの同盟国に販売するためのライセンスを求めている、とVasile Dincu国防相はHaaretz日刊紙に語っている。
Romania is also advancing a deal to acquire Israel’s Iron Dome, and will be the first European country to buy the advanced air defense system if the sale goes through. Sources estimate that the odds of a deal are very good, the Haaretz report said.
Israeli arms sales hit all-time high
Earlier, Prime Minister Yair Lapid revealed that Israel will help Germany build up its military force, with a focus on air defenses. Berlin has decided to acquire the Arrow 3 missile defense system in a major deal, but the sale awaits US approval.
これに先立ち、ヤイル・ラピッド首相は、イスラエルがドイツの防空を中心とした軍備増強に協力することを明らかにした。ベルリンは、ミサイル防衛システム「Arrow 3」を大規模に取得することを決定したが、売却は米国の承認待ちである。
Overall, Israeli weapons sales hit an all-time high of $11.3 billion in 2021, the Defense Ministry said this year. Israel’s defense industries will likely break the record again in 2022 as arms exports continue to surge.
Israel is now a top military technology supplier for many countries, Defense Ministry director Amir Eshel told Maariv daily. He added that he visited about 15 countries in recent months, and that Israel signed many defense deals including secret ones.
イスラエルは現在、多くの国にとってトップの軍事技術供給国であると、国防省のAmir Eshel局長がMaariv日刊紙に語った。また、ここ数カ月で約15カ国を訪問し、イスラエルは秘密交渉を含む多くの防衛協定に調印したと付け加えた。
Notably, European defense chiefs urgently visited Israel to acquire military equipment after Russia launched the war in Ukraine.