Trilobite Troubles in '24
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Jul. 25, 2024
The phylum Arthropoda is the largest animal phylum on the planet. These animals are designed with paired, jointed appendages and a chitinous exoskeleton. ICR’s Dr. Tim Clarey stated,
節足動物門は地球上で最も大きな動物門です。これらの動物は、一対の関節のある付属肢とキチン質の外骨格を備えています。ICR のTim Clarey博士は次のように述べています:
Arthropods represent a major part of the great evolutionary mystery called the Cambrian Explosion. In fact, they are one of the most common fossils in Cambrian system strata. They appear in the rock layers fully formed—without ancestors. Evolutionist Richard Fortey writes, “And yet how can it be that all this variety [the trilobite fossils] arose apparently instantly at the base of the Cambrian?” He continues, “Where then were these ancestors? Why were they apparently invisible?” These questions are easily answered by creationists, who explain the sudden appearance of fossils in the Cambrian system as part of the initial sediments deposited by the Flood. It seems likely that shallow marine organisms would be the first types of animals buried and preserved by advancing floodwaters.1
「節足動物は、カンブリア爆発と呼ばれる進化の大きな謎の大きな部分を占めています。実際、節足動物はカンブリア紀の地層で最も一般的な化石の 1 つです。節足動物は、祖先なしで完全に形成された状態で岩層に現れます。進化論者のRichard Forteyは、「しかし、この多様性 [三葉虫の化石] がすべて、カンブリア紀の底で一見瞬時に出現したように見えるのはなぜでしょうか」と書いています。彼は続けて、「では、これらの祖先はどこにいたのでしょうか。なぜ彼らは目に見えないように見えたのでしょうか」と述べています。これらの疑問は創造論者によって簡単に答えられます。彼らは、カンブリア紀の化石が突然現れたのは、大洪水によって堆積した最初の堆積物の一部であると説明できるからです。浅い海洋生物は、大洪水によって埋もれ、保存された最初の種類の動物である可能性が高いようです。」
One cannot discuss the Cambrian biota without mentioning the amazing trilobite. There are at least 150 families of these marine arthropods composed of over 20,000 species, which make up about 70% of the known Cambrian species of metazoans (multicellular animals). Their size normally ranges from one to four inches, but some fossils are as much as 39 inches long. But large or small, they suddenly appear as 100% trilobites, and just like other arthropods such as the insects and crustaceans (e.g., lobsters and crabs), there is no indication of gradual evolution. Trilobites have always been trilobites since their creation thousands of years ago.
カンブリア紀の生物相について語るなら、驚くべき三葉虫について触れないわけにはいきません。この海洋節足動物には少なくとも 150 科あり、20,000 種以上から構成され、カンブリア紀に知られている後生動物 (多細胞動物) の種の約 70% を占めています。通常、その大きさは 1 ~ 4 インチですが、化石の中には 39 インチにもなるものがあります。しかし、大きくても小さくても、突然 100% 三葉虫のように見え、昆虫や甲殻類 (ロブスターやカニなど) などの他の節足動物と同様に、徐々に進化した形跡はありません。三葉虫は、数千年前に誕生して以来、常に三葉虫でした。
Recently, the University of Bristol in England reports that the “most pristine trilobite fossils ever found” are shaking up scientific understanding of these creatures.2 They said, “The fossils, which are more than 500 million years old, were collected in the High Atlas of Morocco and are being referred to by scientists as ‘Pompeii’ trilobites due to their remarkable preservation in ash.”2
In other words, they were suddenly and catastrophically buried and preserved. One would expect this during the Flood year 4,400 years ago since there was great volcanism as the fountains of the great deep erupted.
Indeed, the report in Science stated, “El Albani et al. describe several trilobite fossils created by rapid death and preservation due to an underwater pyroclastic flow. This preservation created three-dimensional fossils with a remarkably well-preserved anatomy.”3 Many of these underwater pyroclastic flows (and turbidity currents) occurred during the Flood. The illustration on the cover of Science “shows trilobites being rapidly engulfed by volcanic ash from an eruption...”3 The picture could easily be interpreted as the initial stage of the Genesis Flood.
実際、サイエンス誌 の報告には、「El Albaniらは、海底火砕流による急速な死と保存によって作られたいくつかの三葉虫の化石について述べています。この保存によって、驚くほどよく保存された解剖学的構造を持つ立体的な化石が作られたのです。」と書かれています。こうした海底火砕流(および濁流)の多くは、大洪水の間に発生しました。サイエンス誌の表紙のイラストは、噴火による火山灰に急速に飲み込まれる三葉虫を示しています。この絵は、創世記の大洪水の初期段階であると簡単に解釈することができます。
The Bristol University report went on to say,
The ash molds preserved each segment of their bodies, their legs and even the hair-like structures that ran along the appendages. The trilobites’ digestive tract was also preserved after it filled with ash. Even small ‘lamp shells’[4] attached to the trilobites’ exoskeleton remained attached by fleshy stalks as they were in life.2
Only rapid burial could produce such results. And speaking of the digestive tract, in 2017 scientists discovered the earliest trilobites had stomachs: “paleontological research unearthed more trilobite complexity: a unique digestive anatomy found in some 270 specimens in the Wulongqing Formation (Guanshan Biota) in China. Some of these fossils ‘contradict previous assumptions about trilobite digestive systems.’”5
こうした結果を生み出すには、急速な埋没が不可欠です。消化管といえば、2017年に科学者らは最古の三葉虫に胃があったことを発見しています:「古生物学研究により、三葉虫のさらなる複雑性が明らかになりました。中国のWulongqing Formation (Guanshan Biota)で発見された約270の標本に、ユニークな消化器官の構造が見られました。これらの化石の中には、『三葉虫の消化器系に関するこれまでの仮説と矛盾する』ものもあります。」
One thing is for certain, the amazing discovery of these “Pompeii” trilobites—however fascinating and disconcerting to evolutionists—does not begin to address the origin of trilobites. They were created as trilobites thousands of years ago.