An ''Early'' Origin for Modern Echolocation in Bats
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Nov. 16, 2023
As flying mammals, bats continue to amaze zoologists with their incredible abilities.1,2 But their origin continues to be an enigma for conventional biologists because the creatures appear in the fossil record complete, fully formed as bats without evolutionary precursors.
In 2006, evolutionist Karen Sears said, “The earliest known bats appear in the fossil record…[about] 50 million years ago, and they appear suddenly and already possessing the anatomical hallmarks of powered flight.”3 Gunnell and Simmons made a similar comment in their work in the Journal of Mammalian Evolution, saying, “The phylogenetic and geographic origins of bats (Chiroptera) remain unknown.”4
2006年、進化学者のカレン・シアーズ氏は、「最古のコウモリと呼ばれるものは、化石記録の中に...約5000万年前に突然現れ、動力飛行の解剖学的特徴をすでに備えていた」と述べています。ガンネルとシモンズも、Journal of Mammalian Evolution誌に掲載された研究の中で同様のコメントを寄せており、「コウモリ(Chiroptera)の系統的・地理的起源は不明のままである」と述べています。
Just a few years ago it was stated that early bats couldn’t echolocate, which is the ability to send out high frequency pulses of sound through the nose and mouth while simultaneously listening for the echo to “see” and navigate the environment.
There are some differences between the oldest bats and their modern relatives. Based upon the ear anatomy of the better-preserved specimens, for example, scientists know that the first bats couldn’t echolocate.5
Three years later, however, four evolutionists described “a new, three-dimensionally preserved fossil bat [Vielasia sigei] recovered from 50-million-year-old limestone cave sediments”6 in France. They reported the fossils are well-preserved with “the oldest uncrushed skull of a bat yet known.” Finding the preserved skull is significant because at “50-million years old,” it “supports an early origin for modern echolocation.”6
しかしその3年後、4人の進化論者がフランスで5000万年前の鍾乳洞の堆積物から発見された、立体的に保存された新しいコウモリの化石(Vielasia sigei)」を発表しました。その化石は保存状態がよく、「知られている中で最も古い未破砕のコウモリの頭蓋骨」でした。5,000万年前の頭蓋骨が発見されたことは、「近代的なエコーロケーションの初期の起源を裏付ける」という意味で重要と言えます。
They further stated, “Vielasia retains the archaic dentition and skeletal features typical of early Eocene bats, but its inner ear shows specializations found in modern echolocating bats.”6
As always, when it comes to bat origins and their alleged evolution,
...scientists are left with some big questions. For one thing: The 50-million-year-old bat specimens are already recognizable as bats, so where did they come from? When, where, why and how the first bats become airborne is another mystery buried by Deep Time.6
...科学者たちにはいくつかの大きな疑問が残されています。まず、5,000万年前のコウモリの標本はすでにコウモリだと認識できるのに、どこから来たのか? 最初のコウモリがいつ、どこで、なぜ、どのようにして空中に飛べるようになったのかは、ディープタイムに埋もれたもう一つの謎です。
So contrary to what Smithsonian Magazine stated in 2020, it looks like bats were equipped with modern echolocation from the start—as predicted by creationists.
In addition, the cave roosting behaviour of bats was already in place “50 million years ago.” Suzanne Hand stated in Current Biology that,
At least 23 individuals of V. sigei are preserved together in a limestone cave deposit, indicating that cave roosting behavior had evolved in bats by the end of the early Eocene... 6
「少なくとも23個体のV. sigeiが鍾乳洞の堆積物に一緒に保存されていることから、始新世初期の終わりまでにはコウモリの洞窟ねぐら行動が進化していたことがわかる... 」
God created bats as bats, complete with echolocation, just thousands of years ago. Like other creatures, they are able to move in and fill ecological and physical niches such as caves.
Bats in all their complexity make a clear case for creation.