
十分の一献金とは何か? 10%の認識に関する新しいデータ

What exactly are Christians’ prevailing views on matters of stewardship and generosity? And how is the local church shaping them?

While pastors today note the tithe as being central both to their church’s funding and its practice of generosity, new data uncovered in Revisiting the Tithe & Offering—the latest release in The State of Generosity series, produced in partnership with Generis and Gloo—suggests a traditional tithe is not widely understood or practiced today.
 今日の牧師たちは、十分の一献金が教会の資金調達と寛大さの実践の中心であると述べていますが、Revisiting the Tithe & Offeringで明らかになった新しいデータでも、十分の一献金は、教会の資金調達と寛大さの実践の中心であることが示されています。
 一方、Generis and Gloo とのパートナーシップで制作された The State of Generosity シリーズの最新リリースは、伝統的な十分の一献金が今日広く理解されておらず、実践されていないことを示唆しています。
Two in Five Practicing Christians Give At Least 10% of Their Annual Income as a Tithe
When it comes to generosity within the local church, just 21 percent of Christians set their church giving at 10 percent or more of their income. Typically, their giving varies (37%), while one-quarter (25%) doesn’t give to their church at all. Practicing Christians are much more likely to set their giving to at least the customary 10 percent tithe (42%), though that means the majority of practicing Christians is still giving in lower or less predictable amounts.
Is there a set proportion or amount of your annual income you give to your church or ministry?
Base: Christians
ベース: クリスチャン

Yes, I set my giving at 10% or more of my income
はい、収入の 10% 以上を献金している
Yes, I set my giving at less than 10% of my income
はい、収入の 10% 未満を献金している
Yes, but I give a different set proportion or amount each year
No, the amount I give varies
No, I do not currently give financially
It’s not just that the tithe isn’t always intentionally set aside; the tithe is also not well understood by U.S. adults or even Christians in particular (and, we might assume, is not well taught through churches).

43% of Christians Say They Know What the Term "Tithe" Means
When U.S. adults are asked if they are familiar with the term “tithe,” about two in five (39%) indicate they are familiar and are able to provide a definition. The same percentage (39%), however, indicates they are unfamiliar with the term, and one-fifth (22%) says they are familiar with the word but cannot recall its meaning.

Surprisingly, among Christians (43%), and even specifically among church givers (44%), less than half can decisively say what the tithe is. Practicing Christians have much stronger awareness of the tithe (59% know what it means, 18% are familiar), though just over one in five of these faithful attendees (22%) does not recognize the term.

Compared with their congregations, nearly all pastors (99%) are familiar with the concept of tithing and its meaning. It’s striking that this overwhelming majority of church leaders is not imparting their knowledge of the tithe to those in their pews.

Are you familiar with the term "tithe?"
Yes, and it means…はい、つまり…
Yes, but I can't recall the exact meaning
No いいえ
Could it be because pastors have not reached a consensus on the specifics or expectations of church giving? Though pastors don’t often regard giving that occurs outside the church as a tithe (just 27% do), they tend to say that a church tithe need not be exclusively financial (70% vs. 30% of pastors who see tithing strictly as financial giving). When asked how much their congregations should be giving to the church, one in three pastors (33%) favors the traditional 10 percent tithe—but one in five feels congregants should give enough to be considered sacrificial (21%) or as much as they are willing (20%).

Church leaders and Christians may wonder whether it matters if the tithe falls out of the mainstream. After all, church giving should not be reduced to an equation, and heartfelt, reverent generosity can be accomplished with or without deep knowledge of the tithe. Still, as a fundamental, scriptural idea of Christian stewardship becomes a hazy concept, it appropriately raises questions—about how modern ministries approach funding and resources, and, more importantly, about the broader culture of generosity being nurtured among Christians.

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About the Research

Revisiting the Tithe & Offering data: A qualitative survey of 2,016 U.S. adults, conducted from November 12–19, 2021. The margin of error for the sample is +/- 2 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.

Researchers used an online panel for data collection and observed a quota random sampling methodology. Quotas were set to obtain a minimum readable sample by a variety of demographic factors and samples were weighted by region, ethnicity, education, age and gender to reflect their natural presence in the American population (using U.S. Census Bureau data for comparison).

Photo by Anna Earl from Unsplash.  
UnsplashのAnna Earlによる写真

About Barna

Barna is a private, non-partisan, for-profit organization under the umbrella of the Issachar Companies. Located in Ventura, California, Barna Group has been conducting and analyzing primary research to understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors since 1984.
 Barnaは、Issachar Companies傘下の民間、無所属の営利団体です。カリフォルニア州ベンチュラに拠点を置くBarna Groupは、1984年以来、価値観、信念、態度、行動に関する文化的傾向を理解するための一次調査を実施および分析しています。
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