

''Ancient'' Skin Impressions

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Dec. 12, 2024

Cornified skin is the top layer of skin (epidermis) and is composed of dead skin cells that are tightly packed together and thickened. This is the Creator’s way of protecting people and animals against sharp objects and solar radiation.

In 2020, scientists discovered multiple foot and belly prints made by unidentified creatures in rock allegedly hundreds of millions of years old (Permian). These include three different diadectid (an extinct family of reptiles) trackways. According to evolutionary theory, these prints go all the way back to “early tetrapods” and suggests that “the ability to form cornified skin appendages is not unique to terrestrial vertebrates” and that “there was a common ancestor of amphibians and amniotes that had corneous scales.”1

Evolutionists writing in Biology Letters addressed this discovery, stating, “the possibility has to be considered that the evolutionary origin of epidermal scales deeply roots among anamniotes [a group comprising all amphibians and fish].”2
 Biology Letters に寄稿した進化論者たちは、この発見について「表皮の鱗の進化的起源は、無羊膜類(両生類と魚類すべてを含むグループ)に深く根ざしている可能性を考慮しなければならない」と述べています。

In other words, long before the ancestors of mammals and reptiles supposedly split from amphibians, there was fossil evidence of cornified skin, and “this raises the still unresolved question of whether the ability to form corneous skin appendages is an apomorphy [a specialized trait or character that is unique to a group] of a common ancestor of amphibians and amniotes or evolved independently in both groups.”2 The reader is straight-jacketed into interpreting the physical evidence based on deep time and bizarre evolution theory.

But this evolutionary progression never happened,3 and there is another way to interpret the fossil evidence of cornified skin.4 The better explanation is that amphibians and amniotes were created with corneous skin appendages about 6,000 years ago.
 しかし、この進化の進行は決して起こりませんでした。そして、角質化した皮膚の化石証拠を解釈する別の方法があります。 より良い説明は、両生類と有羊膜類が約6,000年前に角質の皮膚付属器を持って創造されたということです。

The Phys.org article asserted that, “The creatures that made the prints lived before the ancestors of reptiles and mammals split from amphibians.”1 Since there was never any split of mammals and reptiles from amphibians,5,6 these cornified impressions were very probably made by amphibians or diadectids. Indeed, Yirka reported, “Prior research has also found that some amphibians can form these appendages as well,”1 while Voigt et al. stated, “The traces can be unambiguously attributed to diadectids and are interpreted as the globally first evidence of horned scales in tetrapods close to the origin of amniotes.”2
 Phys.org の記事は、「足跡を残した生物は、爬虫類と哺乳類の祖先が両生類から分岐する以前に生息していた」と主張しています。哺乳類と爬虫類が両生類から分岐したことは一度もなかったため、これらの角質化した足跡は、両生類または二角脚類によって付けられた可能性が高いのです。実際、Yirka は「以前の研究で、一部の両生類もこれらの付属肢を形成できることがわかっている」と報告し、 Voigt らは「この痕跡は二角脚類に明確に帰属でき、有羊膜類の起源に近い四肢類の角質鱗の証拠として世界初と解釈される」と述べています。

The fact that there are clear impressions in sedimentary rock indicates rapid and perhaps catastrophic factors were involved—such as a flood.7 The former president of ICR, John Morris, discussed such “ancient” sedimentary rock impressions.
 堆積岩にはっきりとした痕跡があるという事実は、洪水など、急速でおそらくは壊滅的な要因が関与していたことを示しています。 ICRの元会長であるJohn Morrisは、このような「古代の」堆積岩の痕跡について論じました。

If such a mark is exposed on any surface, under water or above water, it will soon erode and be washed away, especially in soft, unconsolidated sediments. Even on a hard rock surface, markings will erode in a few decades. There is no possibility that fragile features will last if unprotected for millions of years, waiting to be re-submerged and buried, and thus protected from destructive forces. We cannot determine exactly how much time passed between the deposition of two adjacent layers simply by looking at ripple marks, raindrop impressions, animal footprints, etc., but we can conclude that much less time passed than it takes for surface features to be eroded and disappear.8
 このような痕跡が水面下または水面上の表面に露出している場合、特に軟らかく固まっていない堆積物では、すぐに侵食されて洗い流されてしまいます。硬い岩の表面であっても、痕跡は数十年で侵食されます。脆弱な地形が保護されずに何百万年もの間残り、再び水没して埋もれ、破壊的な力から保護されるのを待つことはあり得ません。さざ波、雨滴の跡、動物の足跡などを見るだけでは、隣接する 2 つの層の堆積の間にどれだけの時間が経過したかを正確に判断することはできませんが、表面の地形が侵食されて消えるまでに要する時間よりもはるかに短いと結論付けることができます。

Whether amphibians or amniotes, the rocks record in Flood sediments deposited thousands of years ago that creatures with cornified skin were present from the beginning.
