
モンテッソーリの教室で育む 多様性と調和







「We're All Different(私たちはみんな違う)」という詩を通じて、個性の美しさを学びました。






We're all different

Fostering Inclusivity in Our Montessori Classroom

As Montessori educators, we believe that children are the architects of the future—impressionable minds ready to shape a world filled with empathy and understanding. It’s fascinating to observe how children, by nature, are often non-discriminatory, approaching their peers with curiosity and openness. However, as they navigate the complexities of society, they may begin to form biases and opinions that can cloud their innate acceptance. This is why cultivating an environment of inclusivity and kindness is crucial in our classrooms.

Inclusivity is a broad concept that encompasses recognizing and embracing differences in race, gender, religion, abilities, culture, and more. It’s about creating a space where every child feels valued and accepted, regardless of their background or identity.

We ended last term with discussions on the Summer Olympics, so it felt only fitting to continue that conversation and start this term by talking about the Paralympics. We’ve explored how athletes with disabilities compete with immense courage and skill, demonstrating that everyone has unique abilities deserving of celebration. These discussions opened the door to our exploration of differences—not just those that are visible, like hair or skin color, but also those that may be hidden.

We've been learning a beautiful poem titled "We're All Different," which emphasizes the beauty of our unique qualities. To complement this, we studied the works of Wassily Kandinsky, discussing how his synesthesia, once a source of feeling "different," became the foundation for his extraordinary art. This provided us with an opportunity to examine the relationship between music and art patterns, resulting in some extraordinary creations of our own!

Interestingly, the previous artist whose life and work we delved into was Yayoi Kusama, whose art was also inspired by her differences—how, as a child, she could see or hear things that weren’t there, like flowers or pumpkins talking to her. While I thought the chapter on Yayoi Kusama had closed in our classroom, I love how she has made a comeback in our discussions. The children are celebrating her differences and recognizing their impact on her art.

Through stories and short videos, we've explored how feeling left out due to differences can affect children. This led to enlightening conversations about both visible and invisible differences. We observed how quickly the children recognized symbols of accessibility, such as reserved seating signs on public transport. This awareness opened up discussions about extending kindness to everyone, regardless of whether their differences are apparent. The essence of these discussions is not to highlight any specific differences, but rather to normalize them.

Inclusivity is a vast and ongoing conversation that extends far beyond what we've explored in our classroom. We've only touched on a small part of this important topic, but every discussion is a step toward fostering a more inclusive spirit among our children. As we continue this journey of inclusivity, I’m reminded of Maria Montessori's words: "The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind." Through these experiences, our children are indeed becoming the promise of a more inclusive, understanding, and compassionate world.
