
the other side of the truth 












スイッチがON 例えば、目線が落ちて、身体が縮こまって、「すみません」を連呼しまくるの。














It's been a long time, Upsy!! I'm too lazy haha.
About three months have already passed since I came to Ishigaki Island.

I got a message saying, "You look having so much fun!!"
Yes, True! But not always true.

Surely, my daily life might look like shining every day or so which is half true and half lie.
Cuz what I post on social media is basically my day off, I barely show my "daily" life.

Well then, this time I'm gonna be very honest with you about the other side of the truth.
It would be nice if I could open up about not only happy things but also my vulnerability ♡ that's why im writing🫶

Tbh, I often get blue lol😂

I get blue by little things, so I sometimes have a gloomy night when something happens at my work. Especially, it was truly like hell during the training period for work lol
I was really irritated by myself and how society is tiring. Also, during the hardest training, I faced my trauma. I was dead literally haha.

My boss, she pointed out a bunch of things about my work and the atmosphere at that time became the trigger that reminded me of my trauma. I've been dancing classical ballet since I was little, and it was normal for me to be pointed out during lessons like "Didn't match the sound." "Don't feel anything emotionally from your dance."  I tried hard to fix it, but the more I tried, the more I felt as if I was denied. The warning meant "You can improve more", but I thought, "I don't have value cuz I can't fix it", and it became the trauma that remained in me 🧐
I had such a past, but right now, I'm on my way to getting along with the trauma.

Anyways, during the training period, when I was pointed out like, "You didn't do this." or something like that, Gradually my negative switch turned on and I did felt it my body started to shrink even tho I didn't intend when it turned on lol.😂

The main symptoms when my nega switch turned on are haha
1. keep saying "Im sorry." Unconsciously
2. can't see people’s eyes
3. can't listen to what the person's saying, starting shutout.

It really felt like nega me and normal me looking at myself objectively were existing at the same time.  

My coworker  told me, "Nae-chan, you're too easy to understand how you feel right now lol"
I freakin knew it 😂 but i can't help it!!!!

Even though my boss is a good person (sometimes good but not always unfortunately lol), I feel sorry for her about such an attitude cuz of my trauma. And it was rough to overcome the training period, like not only the hardness of training but also the trauma, all the things came up to me and i felt dead. That was soo tough.

To heal myself I just cry, talk to my mother, listen to music, and sleep a lot.
Also, I was watching Euphoria lol (It seems that it matched my vibe at that time, interesting.) (Have you ever seen that? lol )
Wrote my diary which no one sees. Writing my diary feels like I am talking with myself. Even if I can't be honest in front of people, I could be truly honest with myself cuz no one will see this diary.  I wrote anything as my energy follows, so much energy is stuck in my diary😂.
Touching nature is also one of my fav things. I easily get tired when I'm in the city, so I'm going back to nature even if I have to cycle 🚴🏻‍♀️
I think all you could see on my social media is just a part of my life that I cut out of my life and basically when Im healing myself🤔
No matter what happens, when I bathe in the sunshine, all the negative energy in my body is purified, and when I am in the sea, all the unpleasant things melt into the water🌍 I could be back to my true self by connecting with nature🧘🏻‍♀️🌿✨

That was the biggest thing that made me so down, so I can't think of anything else now, but things happen to me more or less!

When something unpleasant happens such like that, I try to figure out why it happens to me cuz i believe that all things happen to me have meanings😊

Well, that's LIFE.

But I am pretty much enjoying every day.
Meeting new people in new places and having new experiences, so far it's fun! A lot of experiences make my life brighter. No experience is wasted. Also, it makes me encourage to text with friends who are far away, I'm really happy☺️ So grateful to be blessed with lovely people<3

I have only one more month to spend here, so I wanna enjoy here as much as I can. Soak me in nature here💚

Yesterday, I made a decision  that would affect my next year and a half! I don't know what will happen, but I definitely want to seize this chance, and I'm itching to see this step as a big step that will make me fly away more! Tbh, I'm kinda nervous about this, but once I make up my mind, just do it cuz  that's the only way as I am honest with my heart🫧

Well, that's it! I hope what you could see on social media is just a part of my life and this is also the truth!♡

I believe that life goes as I want but there are times when you get confused or have unpleasant things. However such experiences do make me feel alive on this earth. Variety is the spice of life. All of the things that happen to me make my life more interesting and brighter. That's why I chose a bit of hard experience well little me inside myself is shouting lol hehehe

That's all for today, thank you for reading ! !!

See ya!  
With shine and love,

Nae 🌱✨
