Lost my way
Hello, there.
How did your week start?
It was hot in our place today.
I was out on an errand today.
Usually, I go there by bus and train, but I went by bicycle to avoid traffic jams due to Harry Potter today.
And then, I lost my way!
It was supposed to take only twenty minutes, but It took forty minutes, two times as proper.
In addition, I chose a different route from the way there on the way back, and then I lost my way again!
On the way back, I recognized the route and drove my bicycle as I remembered; I got to the familiar road, but it wasn't my expectation.
Why am I so lack a sense of direction?
I remembered!
My father used to be like me, and while driving, if he lost his way, he started whistling and tended to turn at all the corners he found.
Can you imagine?
He went round and round again and again.
When I lose my way next time, I'll whistle like him.
That’s all for today, and see you around.