参考1)日銀 追加利上げ 政策金利0.5%程度に引き上げ 植田総裁が会見
参考2)トランプ氏、仮想通貨推進へ作業部会 規制策定・国家備蓄検討へ
いやー、これは上がるわwww 上がる。ぶち上がる。昇天する。ビットコインは。15万ドルとか、20万ドルとか行っちゃうんじゃないの?これ。よく考えれば簡単な話ですよ。そもそも、暗号通貨、ビットコインを、銀行側が取引出来ない・しづらい商習慣にしていたわけだ、バカイデンが。それを、トランプ大統領が、政府を引っ提げて、改めて、作業部会を設置したわけです。なんのために?まずは、銀行団に、暗号通貨の決済を受け入れさせるために。
もう一度よく考えて。銀行が暗号通貨を受け入れていないのに、あるいは決済出来ない内部体制が暗黙の了解になっているのに、どうやってトランプ大統領がビットコインを国家備蓄するのよwww いや、もちろん暗号通貨だから政府指定のウォレットに入れろって話なのはわかるけど、そもそもビットコインをマイニングして100万枚掘りますなんて、土台、不可能of不可能の話だし、となると、100万枚国家備蓄するためにはさ、買うしか無いじゃんか。ビットコインを。どうやって?銀行を介してコインベースで。銀行が拒否したら?銀行にまずは拒否させないように作業部会を設置しする大統領令を出す。そして、作業部会が銀行団に圧力をかけて、銀行団が暗号通貨決済を受け入れるようになる。そしたら?国家備蓄が始まるwww当たり前の話だこんなもんはw
参考4)中国春節でビットコインは上昇傾向か Matrixportが独自見解
トランプ大統領先生が、15万ドルを望む、と書いています。ということは、なります。考察以上ですwww だって、トランプだもの。やるよあの御仁は。やりますよ。のぞみは叶う。信じれば、望みは叶うのです。しかも、トランプ大統領ですよ。米大統領ですよ。願ったら叶うに決まってるだろ。15万ドルです。春節前だし。行くに決まってるだろ。終わり。考察終わりです。終了。
みんなよく考えてね。ビットコインを買えるだけの知力と経験がある人がさ、ビットコインを買ってさ、わざわざETFに変えると思う??そんなゴミ馬鹿いる???いねーよなーwwww となるとさ、なんでこんな訳のわからないルール変更を、今更、ナスダックがしているのよ、って、思わない??そして、このルール変更をゲンスラーハゲは頑なに拒否ってたんだってさ。なんか、匂わない?そう、ここに最大のポイントがあるわけよ。
あのー、ビットコイン総保有枚数、46万枚って、ヤバすぎんかこれwww 米政府の目標の、100万枚に、半分一人で達成しとるやんけ。これね、かなり脅威のはずなんよ。トランプ大統領にとっても、米政府にとっても。
で、マイケルセイラーイケメンおじは、革ジャンのジェンスン・フアンと違って、ちゃんと大統領就任式にも出てたみたいだから、トランプ大統領とはとっても友好なんだと思うんだ。一方で、民間企業だから、『おい、おまえ、共同富裕』、みたいなことをされて、攻撃されるとも限らない。かといって表向き、友好なので、攻撃も出来ない。では何をするか。多分、こういうウルトラCも可能性があると思うんだ。『ねーマイケルセイラーよー、ちょっとビットコイン持ちすぎててうちの政府の行政官がうるさいからさー、申し訳ないんだけど現物全部一旦ETFに交換してくれない?同じことだし大切に保管するからさー、頼むよ、Fire!!』みたいなことを、トランプ大統領が言う可能性があるんだよ。だってさ、これ、46万枚って、半端ねえぜこれマジでwww これに合意できたら、トランプ大統領は、100万枚のうち半分達成やん。暗号通貨民としては、米政府の100万枚に向けて、市場で買い上げてくれることで買い圧力が発生することを期待していると思うから、このシナリオだとワースプランになってはしまうけど、そのことも頭に入れていないと、わざわざ『現物ビットコインでETFが交換できる』なんて気の触れたルール変更をするわけないと思うんだよなあ・・・。
参考11)トランプ大統領、TRUMPミームコインについて「よく知らない」 価格反落
そりゃね、こう言うに決まってるでしょ。多分本当によく知らないんだからwwwどうせ、発行体も、“トランプ大統領個人の資産”と切り離した財団がやってるんだから。というか、ミームコインなんてそんなもんなんだから。これで、トランプ大統領が糾弾されるだの憲法違反だの、言われるすべはない。よしんば言われたとて、トランプ大統領はこう返せばいい。『ミームコイン自体はよくわからないが、著作権含め自分の肖像を使うことは許可した。そこで得られた収益は全額米政府を暗号通貨立国にするためのビットコイン購入に当てる、なんか文句あるか????』、これで終わりです。だって、国のためのことを思って、やったんだから。憲法違反もクソもあるかボケ。米国の立国の精神に反しませんこれは。だって、カネを使わずにビットコイン備蓄の資産を作ったんだよ。短期間、数日で、2.3兆円もの時価総額を作ったんだよw ビットコインに換算したら何枚だよこれって話ですよ。10万枚ちょいでしょ。十分な貢献ですよ。
参考12)DOGE.GOVのWebサイト立ち上げ 「カボス」のロゴは数時間後に変更
参考13)ソラナ上のステーブルコイン供給量が100億ドル突破 SOL価格は1000ドルまで上昇するか?
参考14)米CME、XRPとソラナ先物取引を提供開始予定か 現物ETF実現に向けた動き
翻ってミームです。ミームコインは、液体で、水です。どのような形にもなります。唯一の動力は、『Fun or not』です。つまり、楽しいかどうか、です。楽しめれば、何でもいい。これが、ミームです。だって、ミームだものwww
参考15)自己進化型のAIエージェント・ミームコインMIND of Pepeがプレセールを開始、早くも200万ドルが集まる
みんなよく考えてくれよ。にゃんまるコイン(Nyan)なんて、12月に突如として彗星のごとく現れた、全く理解の及ばない訳のわからないミームトークン(失礼)ですよww それが、60ミリオン近く(100億円)をずっと維持してて、1ミリオン以上、毎日出来高あって、一時150ミリオン(225億円)とかまでつけて、『もう終わりだーwww』とか馬鹿が騒いで下がっても、20ミリオン(30億円)あたりで速攻反発して、強すぎるでしょこれ。上場企業ですかあなたはとwww このコインが出たばかりの時は、『にゃんまるwwww草wwwww』って言ってた人、もういないよwww 底値も切り上がってきてることだし、チャートも凄まじく良いし、そろそろなんか色々起こりそうな予感がするし、Nyanmaru Goldも誕生するみたいだし、WWBもGPUトークンも卵トークンも控えてるみたいだし、おらワクワクすっぜ、楽しみしかないよ。ということで、にゃんまるとシーマンは、ドルでETFを買う情弱みたいに、短期売買しないことをオススメするよ。ガッツリ握って、まずは1ビリオンまでやろうぜみんなで。そこがスタートだよ。長く支援して、全員圧勝。来週も皆様ともに頑張って参りましょう。かしこ。
【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」
そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。
Episode 695:President Trump hints at cryptocurrency payments to the banking group, Bitcoin's explosive rise is imminent
This week has been a whirlwind. First, at President Trump's recent inauguration, all eyes were on whether executive orders would be issued over the next few days. Then, there was the recent BOJ rate hike. The media leaked information excessively, and later in the week, a certain newspaper went as far as publishing a headline, “BOJ Set to Decide on Rate Hike,” presenting an unverified commitment as if from a third-party perspective. Sure enough, the BOJ followed through with the rate hike, just as the leaks had suggested. Honestly, what on earth is going on with information and crisis management? If this is what they call forward guidance, it’s nothing but a sham—a total sham.
Reference 1) BOJ Implements Additional Rate Hike: Raises Policy Rate to Around 0.5% – Governor Ueda’s Press Conference
Anyway, this officially marks the BOJ’s manual (or rather, unilateral) decision to raise the policy interest rate to 0.5%. Since the hike was reminiscent of the “August Shock,” there was a hypersensitive reaction with questions like, “Will this lead to a drop in stock prices and the yen’s depreciation?” However, once it passed, it turned out to be much ado about nothing. The yen’s degradation into trash continues unabated, and the Nikkei 225 even reached close to 40,600 yen in after-hours trading. This leaves me wondering for a good hour… what was this farce all about? (etc.)
However, it’s worth noting that President Trump is a fan of low interest rates, and as the U.S. aggressively cuts rates, Japan stands out by raising rates on its own. This mismatched policy approach feels rather awkward. When Japan was adamant about maintaining its zero-interest rate policy, the U.S. had already started raising rates. Now that the BOJ has begun rate hikes, President Trump is advocating for low rates. The U.S. and Japan’s interest rate policies never seem to align, and one has to wonder what kind of future these disjointed policies will lead to. If we don’t analyze this seriously, I feel like we’re going to overlook something important.
Logically, stock prices should fall, but it’s precisely in times like these that markets often defy expectations and rise. So, we need to be cautious to avoid ending up like those foreign investors who aggressively short the market and end up losing their shirts. If, hypothetically, the Nikkei 225 surpasses 40,600 and climbs to 41,000, we might even see it hit 43,000 during the next double options settlement (2SQ). To my fellow short-sellers, let’s exercise caution from here onward. Stocks have been incredibly tricky lately. With the “Trump Bubble” concerto (or should I say rhapsody?) ringing in my head, I’m left wondering—should we ride the wave of this surge?
On the other hand, Bitcoin seems to be on the verge of skyrocketing. It feels like a “buy now or never” moment, with strong bullish signals flashing everywhere. Here’s some good news for the crypto community:
Reference 2) Trump Forms Task Force to Promote Cryptocurrency – Exploring Regulations and National Reserves
Many speculated, "Is President Trump suddenly going to issue an executive order to establish a national cryptocurrency reserve?" However, it seems the process has started with the creation of a task force to promote cryptocurrency adoption. During the announcement of this task force, President Trump made the following statement:
Meanwhile, the CEO of Bank of America made the following remarks:
Reference 3) Bank of America CEO Shows Positive Stance Toward Cryptocurrency Payments
Wow, this is going to skyrocket! It’s going to soar. Absolutely take off. Bitcoin is. Are we talking $150,000? Maybe $200,000? Honestly, it’s a simple equation when you think about it. Under "Bakaiden" (aka the clueless Biden), the banks were essentially operating under customs that made trading cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin impossible or extremely difficult.
Now, President Trump is stepping in with the government’s backing and has established this task force. Why? First and foremost, to get the banking sector to accept cryptocurrency transactions.
Think about it again. If banks aren’t accepting cryptocurrencies, or if it’s an unspoken rule that their internal systems can’t process crypto transactions, how on earth is President Trump supposed to stockpile Bitcoin as part of a national reserve? 😂 I mean, sure, I get it—it’s crypto, so you’d just have to use a government-designated wallet. But come on, the idea of mining a million Bitcoins is flat-out impossible. So, if you want to stockpile a million Bitcoins, what’s the only option? You’d have to buy them.
How? Through Coinbase, via the banks. And if the banks refuse? Simple: Trump issues an executive order to establish a task force that prevents banks from refusing. Then the task force pressures the banking sector to start accepting cryptocurrency transactions. And when that happens? The national reserve accumulation begins! 😂 This is just common sense at this point.
And now, even Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America—who doesn’t seem to have the best relationship with Trump—has said this: “If regulators approve, U.S. banks are ready to leverage cryptocurrency for payments.”
That’s incredible. Absolutely amazing.
To summarize the situation:
That’s it. A simple game. This means Bitcoin is going up.
One more thing—I’d like to share a very important anomaly. For regular readers, this might already be familiar. Yes, the Lunar New Year is just around the corner. That Lunar New Year.
Reference 4) Bitcoin Shows Upward Trend During Chinese New Year? Matrixport Offers Its Unique Perspective
Yes, it’s going up. Rising. A guaranteed increase. I promise (just kidding, sorry).
Take a good look at this article. From 2015 to 2022, if you bought Bitcoin during the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) and sold it afterward, the success rate was 100%. One hundred percent!! What even is that? But hold on—don’t rush just yet. This article is from January 2023, so it’s a bit outdated. Let me share something more recent.
Reference 5) Matrixport: Potential for Bitcoin’s “Lunar New Year Rally” to Recur, with a Historical Success Rate of 83%
Hmm, according to this latest data, there’s an anomaly where, out of the past 12 years, 11 of them have been successful, with an 83% win rate. That means 83% of the time, going long during the Lunar New Year rally wins. Just buying during the holiday—this is bound to go up. And on top of that, President Trump is about to apply pressure on the banks through his task force to get them to hold Bitcoin. How incredibly hot is that? This is like a dream collaboration between the U.S. and China. This is only going to go up, no doubt about it.
Looking at the Bitcoin chart, you can see it’s been fluctuating up and down around key events, but it’s now back on an upward trend. The daily chart hasn’t broken down; in fact, it’s looking pretty solid. This is a win. Bitcoin is definitely going to win. No doubt about it.
With that said, today, I’d like to analyze in detail what will happen to the price of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, in the run-up to the explosive surge right before the Lunar New Year. There are various signs emerging from President Trump’s actions and statements. While we’ll highlight some tokens that seem poised to rise, I also want to make a precise prediction about how Bitcoin will move. Let’s dive in.
1.Bitcoin’s target price: First, $150,000
Let’s get straight to the conclusion. In the short term, Bitcoin will reach $150,000, which is about 22.5 million yen. The reason is simple. Please refer to the article I introduced earlier in this post.
Reference 6) President-elect Trump: “Hopes for Bitcoin to Reach $150,000 Soon After Inauguration” – Report
President Trump himself said he hopes for Bitcoin to reach $150,000. So, it’s happening. That’s the analysis—done! 😂 I mean, it’s Trump. The man’s going to make it happen. Wishes come true if you believe in them. And it’s President Trump, the U.S. President! Of course it’s going to come true. $150,000. And it’s right before the Lunar New Year. It’s going to happen. End of analysis. Done.
But since if I ended the analysis here, I’d probably get called "an idiot," let me offer some serious hard facts. I’ll start by looking at news related to President Trump’s task force, which I mentioned earlier. First up, here’s one.
Reference 7) NASDAQ and BlackRock Apply for Bitcoin Spot ETF Exchange
This is big. It’s written so casually, but trust me, it’s huge. Seriously, it’s huge (you’ll see why).
Basically, up until now, ETFs could only be purchased through dollars (or more precisely, through the banking system). But the news is saying that in the future, you'll be able to buy an ETF directly using actual Bitcoin for settlement. Unfortunately, individual investors can’t participate—only institutional investors are allowed to join. In other words, you buy Bitcoin, and then you can use it directly to settle and purchase an ETF.
Now, don’t go shouting, “Whoa, that’s amazing! This is a huge deal!” and acting like a clueless newbie. You need to understand why it’s really incredible, so keep listening until the end.
Everyone, think about this carefully. Do you really think someone with the knowledge and experience to buy Bitcoin would go out of their way to convert it into an ETF? Is there really someone that foolish? No, right? 😂 So, why on earth is Nasdaq making such a confusing rule change now? Doesn’t that make you think? And apparently, Gary Gensler, the SEC Chairman, had been stubbornly refusing this very change. Doesn’t that raise some red flags? Yes, this is the key point here.
Institutional investors, right? They're going to go out of their way to buy Bitcoin in its physical form, and then convert it into an ETF. Why would they do that? Let’s think about it for a second. Why would an institutional investor want to buy Bitcoin? They could just buy Bitcoin directly. But if they buy an ETF, they’ll get hit with composition fees, trust fees, and management fees. So which would they choose? Normally, they’d just hold Bitcoin directly, right? So why go through the trouble of transferring it to an ETF? I think there are a few reasons for this. Let me break it down. (1) Effectively manipulating the bull market, (2) Preventing ETF fraud, (3) Blocking strategies like MicroStrategy’s. Let’s go through each one.
First of all, news about Bitcoin inflows and outflows into ETFs has been having a significant impact on Bitcoin’s price movement. And when it comes to ETF buying and selling, there are both individual and institutional investors, right? The ones making short-term trades are the naive investors who can only buy Bitcoin in dollars. To President Trump, these guys are a hassle. They're annoying because they’re just in it for short-term trading. So, how do you eliminate this?
Institutional investors are out there. They’ll buy Bitcoin in its physical form. And if an institutional investor can buy Bitcoin directly, whether they're managing their own accounts or using investor funds, they can hold it for a long time, right? This means they’re not engaging in short-term trading. Plus, when institutional investors buy physical Bitcoin through exchanges like Coinbase, it’s bound to create significant buying pressure. In other words, their investment behavior is different from those directly buying ETFs. Investors who buy physical Bitcoin and swap it for ETFs are long-term investors. And I think, this is just a guess, but swapping physical Bitcoin for an ETF might be structured in a way that reduces the costs for investors compared to directly buying an ETF.
If that’s the case, the buying pressure from purchasing physical Bitcoin could outweigh the selling pressure from short-term traders (the naïve investors buying ETFs with dollars), which could ultimately manipulate the bull market. This is the intention behind it, I think. After all, BlackRock is a private company, and their shareholders are likely concerned (I won’t go into details). You never know when President Trump or the U.S. could betray them. So, it makes sense to pressure BlackRock by having institutional investors holding physical Bitcoin and forcing BlackRock’s ETF to be more constrained, rather than allowing them to profit excessively from the ETF. Also, buying through physical Bitcoin will likely cause the market price to rise more easily, which is why I believe this rule change was made. Without a doubt. So, I think this is an ultra-strategy to increase the price of Bitcoin. Moving on.
Preventing ETF fraud. By making physical Bitcoin exchanges (ETF → Bitcoin, Bitcoin → ETF) a common practice, I think this strategy is very effective to prevent situations where ETFs claim to "own" Bitcoin they don't actually have, saying things like "We own Bitcoin, tears tears tears, haha!" So, like the previous point (1), this is an effective strategy for keeping ETF providers, including BlackRock, in check.
Finally, MicroStrategy blocking measures. Honestly, I think MicroStrategy is a serious threat to the U.S. government. Michael Saylor is just too strong, haha.
Reference 8) MicroStrategy to undergo financial restructuring linked to Bitcoin strategy.
Um, the total Bitcoin holdings of 460,000 coins—this is insane, right? They've already reached half of the U.S. government's goal of 1 million coins by themselves. This is definitely a huge threat. Both for President Trump and the U.S. government.
And, unlike the leather-jacketed Jensen Huang, Michael Saylor, the handsome older guy, apparently attended the presidential inauguration, so I think he's on very friendly terms with President Trump. However, since he's in a private company, there's always the possibility that he could be attacked with something like, "Hey, you, common prosperity." At the same time, because they're on good terms publicly, no one can directly attack him. So, what might happen? I think there's a chance for a scenario like this: "Hey, Michael Saylor, you're holding too much Bitcoin, and our government officials are getting on my nerves about it. Sorry, but could you exchange all your Bitcoin for ETF shares? It's the same thing, and we'll take good care of them. Please, Fire!!" This could be something President Trump might say. After all, 460,000 coins is no small amount, seriously! If this deal happens, President Trump would have achieved half of the 1 million coin goal. As cryptocurrency enthusiasts, we’d probably expect buying pressure on the market to come from the U.S. government’s 1 million coin target, but in this scenario, it would be a worst-case plan. Still, if you don’t keep this in mind, there’s no way they’d implement such a bizarre rule change like "physical Bitcoin can be exchanged for ETF"…
Well, that's the story—BlackRock's Bitcoin spot ETF exchange could also become quite a significant catalyst. This is one of the factors contributing to the short-term Bitcoin target of $150,000. Next.
Reference 9) U.S. House of Representatives to hold hearings with Coinbase CEO and others regarding banking service restrictions
In short, as I mentioned earlier, it seems that the task force has already started making moves. The U.S. House of Representatives is calling in Mr. Armstrong (the founder of Coinbase) to ask, "Hey, didn’t you get bullied by ”Hagensler” (the bald Gensler) and ”Bakabokeden" (the foolish and senile Biden)? Huh? Huh??" If it turns out that bullying occurred, the next step will be to immediately denounce the banking syndicate and the old government. Well, I'm not sure how far they will go with the denouncement, but at the very least, a situation will be created where the banking syndicate will have no choice but to accept Bitcoin.
In fact, thanks to "Yabaiden" (the troublesome Biden), banks in various countries have made it difficult to open accounts or unfairly restricted trading for people involved in cryptocurrency. I know some people personally who have experienced this. There's likely an endless amount of evidence for this. Once the truth is revealed, banks will instantly start welcoming Bitcoin. This movement will ripple through the world’s banks because, after all, America is powerful.
The passage has gotten a bit long, but based on the above analysis, Bitcoin will reach $150,000 in the short term. In the medium term? $1 million. In the long term? $5 million. That’s the report from the field.
2.The shock of the Trump meme
A little while ago, just last week, I was writing an article around 6 a.m. for this publication that essentially said, "It’s confirmed that 2025 will be the era of meme coins." Then, after casually going to yoga to refresh myself, when I came back, around 10 a.m. Japan time, I couldn’t believe it—President Trump himself had launched a meme coin! I thought it was the best thing ever, and I felt like praising myself as a prophet. Here’s the Trump Coin.
Reference 10) Trump issues his own meme coin and the "money-making" scheme behind it
Well, I know some people might be rambling, but it's simple—let me put it clearly. It’s a method to gather Bitcoin. A way to collect Bitcoin without spending money. It’s a surprise tactic to accumulate one million Bitcoins within the U.S. That's all it is.
Reference 11) President Trump says he "doesn't know much" about the TRUMP meme coin, and the price drops
Of course, that's exactly what he's going to say. He probably doesn't know much about it anyway. The entity issuing it is likely a foundation separate from President Trump's personal assets. After all, that's how meme coins work. There’s no reason for President Trump to be criticized or accused of constitutional violations. Even if they try, President Trump can just respond with, “I don’t know much about meme coins, but I gave permission for my image to be used, including copyright. Any revenue generated will go toward purchasing Bitcoin to turn the U.S. into a crypto-powered nation. Any objections?” That’s the end of it. He did it for the country’s benefit. There’s no constitutional violation here, obviously. It’s in line with the spirit of the founding of the United States. He created a Bitcoin reserve asset without spending money. In just a few days, he built a market cap of 2.3 trillion yen. If we convert that into Bitcoin, how many coins are we talking about? Just over 100,000 coins. That’s a significant contribution.
And let’s not forget, the government efficiency department is all about Doge. From that point on, it’s all a joke. The funniest part was when DOGE used a Dogecoin image on their website, only to change it to this image shortly after. I bet Elon Musk got a pretty stern talking-to by some officials. These two are just amazing.
Reference 12) DOGE.GOV Website Launched – “Kabosu” Logo Changed After a Few Hours
But seriously, when you look at these two, President Trump and Elon Musk, it’s like a movie. They’re just so cool. Their way of living, their approach, everything. It’s like a life movie. It’s the best. America is the best!!!
3.The Era of Solana is Coming
In the past, during the Gold Rush, there was a famous saying: "Don’t mine for gold, sell picks and shovels." This is a saying that every business person knows. Essentially, it’s about selling the tools that everyone needs to make a profit in a place where everyone thinks they’ll profit. If we apply this to today’s meme movement, it would be Solana. After all, even TrumpCoin uses Solana, and most meme coins are based on Solana. Solana is the pickaxe. So, the company that secures the best supply of Solana pickaxes will win. Of course, since Solana is the house, it will win even more.
Reference 13) Solana’s stablecoin supply surpasses $10 billion. Will the price of SOL rise to $1,000?
Solana actively adopts USDC as a stablecoin, and USDC is, of course, a U.S.-made token (stablecoin). This means that U.S.-made cryptocurrencies will continue to grow stronger moving forward. Solana is really well-made. Projects like Raydium are easy to fork, and the code is simple—it's the best.
Anyway, the era is Solana, and it's DEX. Seriously. And if this ETF is adopted, I think, probably, the ultimate goal for cryptocurrency projects will be to create meme coins and list a meme coin ETF in the U.S. I’m serious.
Reference 14) CME to start offering XRP and Solana futures, a move towards the realization of a spot ETF
At this point, it feels like it’s only a matter of time before Solana takes over the altcoin world, and it's almost certain that Solana will become the pickaxe of the gold rush. Companies holding Solana are strong, and organizations or companies that implement structures like Solana Yield will definitely win. Because the meme coin boom is not going away. The possibility of meme coins becoming the final use case for blockchain is highly likely.
4.2025 will definitely be the year of Nyan—no, I mean meme coins
As expected, it’s meme coins. Meme coins. Nyan, Seaman, TrumpCoin, Melania, Elon Musk, whatever, lol. All the countless meme coins that will emerge in the future will be the projects that rule 2025. And the base currency for all of them will be Solana. That’s why Solana will win. And that means Nyan and meme coins will win. Because no one can beat meme coins, lol.
Of course, utility tokens, RWA tokens, and tokens with some degree of tokenomics will have their place. But the strongest of them all are meme coins. Meme coins are the strongest. Why? Because they’re like water. Meme coins are water. Without water, humans die. It’s the same. Without meme coins, cryptocurrency dies. And meme coins are like water—they can transform into any form. Because they’re not solid.
The advantage of solids is their simplicity. When something is recognized as solid, people understand it as "this is the tokenomics." However, once that tokenomics is broken, it’s all over for that system. This is the weakness of solids.
Now, let’s turn to memes. Meme coins are liquid, like water. They can take any form. The only driving force is whether it's "Fun or not." In other words, it's about whether it's enjoyable or not. If it’s fun, anything goes. That’s the essence of memes. After all, they’re memes, lol.
Now, just because it’s a meme doesn’t mean it should be underestimated. The meme ecosystem, in its own way, can support various other ecosystems. For example, the meme Pepe, which is quite strong, has released something like this:
Reference 15) Self-evolving AI agent meme coin MIND of Pepe starts presale, raising $2 million quickly
In short, derived from meme coins, various ecosystems like AI agents, governance tokens, utility tokens, and RWA tokens will expand. Each of these tokens comes with a well-defined ecosystem, and they will thrive in their own way, utilizing the meme coin’s intellectual property (IP).
In other words, it’s entertainment. Meme coins are entertainment, just like Mickey Mouse at Disneyland. Moreover, the IP is not controlled by a specific company; it is governed by a DAO. So, as long as the supporters of the meme coin hold the majority, the meme coin can do anything (of course, excluding illegal activities).
I will tell you the most important thing. The meme coins that will survive are not just meme coins alone; it will be those meme coins that can expand into various ecosystems centered around them. And, these meme coins will never have a direct conflict of interest with the ecosystems they support. This is crucial. It’s so important that I’ll say it again: meme coins themselves must not have direct interests in each of the ecosystems. Each ecosystem should be able to function independently, and while it may strengthen the IP, it must firmly maintain a position that is not directly related to the interests of the meme coin. This is the most important thing.
Probably, from now on, meme coins will create various ecosystems, each of which will generate value on its own, be listed on CEX and DEX, and provide liquidity. However, in order for meme coins to survive, it's not enough for each ecosystem to provide liquidity; rather, each ecosystem should provide liquidity to meme coins through LP. This is extremely important, so I can’t go into detail, but if each ecosystem functions as an LP and becomes the LP for the meme coin, that project will produce an incredible number of billionaires. I’m declaring it clearly. The era of 2025 will be the age of meme coins and meme ecosystems. And, if meme coins make Fun or Impression their core value while the LP of the ecosystem generates foreign currency as their core value, that meme coin will skyrocket.
Everyone, think about it. Nyanmaru Coin (Nyan) suddenly appeared in December like a comet, as a completely incomprehensible and confusing meme token (sorry, haha). And yet, it has maintained close to 60 million (1 billion yen), with daily trading volume over 1 million, peaking at 150 million (2.25 billion yen), and even after people foolishly screamed "it's over, lol" and it dropped, it quickly rebounded around 20 million (300 million yen). This is incredibly strong. Are you a listed company or what, haha? When this coin first came out, people were saying "Nyanmaru, haha, lol," but those people are gone now. The bottom price is rising, the chart looks incredibly good, and I have a feeling something is about to happen soon. Nyanmaru Gold seems to be coming, and WWB, GPU tokens, and Egg tokens are also on the horizon. I'm so excited, there’s only anticipation. So, I recommend to not short-sell Nyanmaru and Seaman like those who buy ETFs in dollars with little knowledge. Hold on tightly, and let's aim for 1 billion together. That's the starting point. Let's support it long-term and all win big. Let’s keep going together next week. Thank you.
"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.
This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:
・Those interested in the origins and truth of WWB, as well as its current situation and future possibilities
・Those interested in meme coins such as Nyanmaru Coin and Seamania
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"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.
A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.
With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!
▼Purchase the book here▼
"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!
This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.
Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?
How is Wowoo trying to change the world?
What will happen to nations?
What will happen to currency?
What will happen to our lives?
In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.
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