参考1)自民党本部に“火炎瓶” 首相官邸前の柵に車突っ込んだ男逮捕
参考3)歴代首相在任期間に見る – 長寿政権と短命政権
参考3)5年ぶり8日連続「陰線」 日経平均、買い意欲乏しく
参考5)NYダウ 3日連続で最高値更新 大手IT企業などの業績へ期待感
参考6)ハリス氏とトランプ氏の支持率、引き続き拮抗 CNN調査
参考8)3度目の暗殺未遂を阻止か…トランプ氏の選挙集会会場付近で職務質問で銃所持容疑の男(49)逮捕 アメリカ・カリフォルニア州
参考11)「日本を貧しく、弱く」するいまの政治をやめさせる 日本保守党・有本香氏が街頭演説 衆院選、メディアの情勢調査にも言及
参考12)衆議院選挙 注目の議席数は?「絶対安定多数」とは
参考14)北朝鮮が1万2千人派兵決定 ロシアのウクライナ侵攻支援=韓国情報機関
参考16)ババ・ヴァンガが小泉進次郎総裁の誕生を予言していた!? 「1981年生まれの日本人が世界を救う」予言の色濃い真相
参考17)XAU/USD - Gold Spot US Dollar
参考18)Silver Futures - Dec 24 (SIZ4)
参考19)Crude Oil WTI Futures - Nov 24 (CLX4)
次に、トランプ政権についてです。ほぼ間違いなくトランプ政権は誕生することになりますが、それまでに、トランプさんが暗殺されたり、またしても糞不正投票で民主党が勝つ可能性が微レ存します。ただ確率1割程度で、ここまでくれば、ほぼ確実にトランプさんが勝ってくれるでしょう。これは世界大戦を局所的なものだけで回避する上でGood newsです。問題はその後です。中期的な話。
という、まああんまり想像しても楽しくない未来が見えるから、アメリカの民主党は勝たないで欲しいですね本当に。高市早苗さん勝ってほしいですね。それを導けるかは、国民の皆様次第ですが、メディア馬鹿だから無理かもね。という、トランプ政権が爆誕しても、民主党がまさかの不正勝利をしても、金融市場がシェイクするこの状況下で、『あなたはまだ、株式投資を続けるのですか?少なくとも長期的には、圧倒的に、比較にならないほど勝率の高いビットコインマーケットになんでこないんですか?まだ朝から晩までイライラしてるの??』と、ナカモトサトシがささやき続けている情景が、頭にぼんやりと浮かびます。長くなりましたが、本稿で言いたいことはただ一つ。Dispose Fucking Paper and Continue to Buy BTC!!!おあとがよろしいようで。World peace.
【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」
そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。
Episode 681:While the Ishiba administration has achieved the remarkable feat of dragging down its approval rating to 28% without doing anything since its inception, on the other side of the ocean, a world war is breaking out and the Nikkei Average continues to decline
A disturbing piece of news came in early this morning. A 'brave' individual who threw a Molotov cocktail at the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters has been arrested. Is this a developing country or what...?
Reference 1) Molotov cocktail thrown at Liberal Democratic Party headquarters, man arrested after ramming car into barricades in front of the Prime Minister's Office
After throwing a Molotov cocktail, they then rammed a van into the Prime Minister’s Office, so this really is quite a reckless act of bravery. The fact that they were immediately arrested is gradually sinking in.
Whether this is resistance against the Ishiba administration or someone from the left-wing opposition carrying it out, the true motive will be revealed through police questioning. However, what’s certain is that public dissatisfaction has likely reached its peak.
The Ishiba administration, which ousted Sanae Takaichi by producing a large number of traitors, has seen its approval rating drop to 28%, even though it hasn’t done anything, and that’s quite amusing. I mean, all they’ve done is call for a general election, right? Or maybe it's because they’ve done nothing that their approval rating dropped. Causality is a fascinating thing.
Reference 2) Ishiba Cabinet approval rating at 28%, the lowest at inception – Jiji Opinion Poll: LDP at 26%, Constitutional Democratic Party at 10% for proportional representation voting
Here, I got a bit curious, so I looked into short-lived administrations in Japan.
Reference 3) A Look at the Tenure of Past Prime Ministers – Long-Lived and Short-Lived Administrations
Ohhh, nice. The top short-lived administration is the Higashikuni Cabinet, which lasted 54 days, followed by the famous Tsutomu Hata Cabinet, which lasted 64 days.
Since the Ishiba administration was inaugurated on October 1, and the voting day for the LDP House of Representatives election is on October 27, if their approval rate drops below a majority for the LDP-Komeito coalition, they might just rise to the top of the short-lived administrations list. Hang in there, Ishiba administration! The goal is 30 days. A record that no one will ever break. Surely, they will go down in history as the ‘Ishi-yabure administration’ (a play on words meaning ‘defeated Ishiba administration').
Anyway, after all this sarcasm, let me ask: why has their approval rating dropped so much in the first place? Wait, no explanation needed, right? It's simply because they keep changing their stance. The public can't trust them, can they? The same goes for the nuclear power issue and the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement. And even more so, the general election—he initially said they’d carefully consider it after a thorough debate with party leaders, but then suddenly called for the election. No wonder Molotov cocktails were thrown. Of course, it’s a huge relief that no one was harmed in the incident, but still.
While this feeble administration stumbles along, doesn’t it seem like the Nikkei 225 is behaving strangely? It’s had eight consecutive trading days of declines. Apparently, this is the first time since 2019.
Reference 3) First 8 consecutive days of 'declines' in 5 years – Nikkei 225 sees weak buying interest
Wait a minute, now that I think about it, wasn’t there a huge shock after the eight consecutive trading days of declines in December 2019? Around March 2020, right? There was, wasn’t there? Here’s the chart from that time.
Reference 4) A Look Back at the ‘●● Shocks’ in the Nikkei 225 Since 2000: Lehman, China, COVID, and More...
Hmm, it’s hitting 30%. That would mean, based on the current market, the target is around 28,000 yen. Now, let's see what happens. Hopefully, nothing major occurs. This analysis tends to be quite accurate, though the actual impact usually comes a bit later (I’m always slightly ahead of the curve). So please continue looking forward to these insights. Buyers, take caution. As I mentioned in the previous column, I see the first wave starting around October 27 to November 4.
Reference 5) NY Dow hits record highs for three consecutive days, driven by optimism over major IT companies’ earnings
Meanwhile, U.S. stocks are ridiculously strong, LOL. What is this? Recently, the Dow showed an engulfing pattern with a bearish candle for the first time in a while, so I’m sure some people sold, trusting the Sakata Five Methods. I get it. I totally understand how they feel. But it’s just too strong. What is this? If we’re looking for a reason, there’s only one—it's the market pricing in the Trump administration.
Reference 6) Poll: Harris and Trump remain neck and neck in support, according to CNN
I seriously think the mainstream media must be idiots because their predictions are completely out of touch with reality. As it stands, Trump is leading Harris by a wide margin of about 61% to 39%. The Democratic Party is in such shambles that it’s not even worth talking about. What’s strange is that right after reports came out about the Democrats falling apart, the approval rating of the 'Ishi-yabure administration' suddenly plunged to 28%. Weird, right? Are U.S. Democrats actually Japanese citizens? LOL, no way. It’s the media, of course. The media world is still full of crap.
Reference 7) Trump's win probability surges to 60% on betting sites, diverging from public opinion polls
It’s not that there’s a divergence from the polls—it’s that the polls are wrong. Let me make this clear: betting sites, where people are wagering their hard-earned money, and the stock market are far better indicators of reality than some centralized, vague pile of nonsense called opinion polls. Just look at the strength of the Dow—it’s clearly pricing in a Trump victory. Especially since the NASDAQ and S&P are weaker, while the Dow is stronger, this reflects the kind of policies we can expect after Trump takes office. It means manufacturing and retail—industries that align with America First—will strengthen, rather than Big Tech or emerging industries.
So, this leads to the question: 'What will trigger a stock market decline?' There are probably two hypotheses. One is that after the Trump administration is established, there could be a post-election spike in volatility leading to a sharp drop. The other, which absolutely should not happen, is the possibility of an event like Trump’s assassination or election fraud that could lead to the Republican Party losing the presidency again. These two scenarios are the black swans we should consider at this point.
Reference 8) Suspected third assassination attempt foiled: 49-year-old man with a gun arrested near Trump’s campaign rally venue in California
Given everything, it's clear that Trump is under constant threat to his life due to being inconvenient for the adults in power. There’s not much we can do about that except pray to God, but for now, all we can do is hope that things proceed without incident. I sincerely wish for the takeover of the administration and the establishment of the Trump administration to become a reality.
Reference 9) NY Foreign Exchange: BTC rebounds, reaching the $68,000 range, with capital inflow into ETFs
It goes without saying that Bitcoin is performing well, and if the Trump administration is established, it will easily exceed $100,000 and reach an all-time high. For those readers considering investing, especially beginners thinking, 'I want to get into investing,' there’s no need to hesitate—just keep accumulating Bitcoin indefinitely. In a few years, you’ll become a millionaire or billionaire. I won't say it again: whether it's 1 BTC or 0.1 BTC, just make sure to hold onto it. That’s the best investment advice I can give at this point. True investment has always been simple and boring.
While Japan's government is unstable, the U.S. is pricing in a Trump administration. In this context, the stock market is under cautious alert, and the currency market is signaling a short-term yen appreciation warning. I want to elaborate on what might happen to the world and Japan in today’s column. So, let’s get started.
1.The abnormal situation where the LDP-Komeito coalition loses its majority
This article is not a specialist treatise on politics or elections; rather, I aim to analyze the shifts in the political landscape from the perspective of the economy and financial markets. Therefore, I would like to note at the outset that the approval ratings, vote counts, and my personal opinions presented here are largely hypotheses supported by the expertise of professionals in the field.
Reference 10) Growing Concerns in the Business Community About 'LDP-Komeito Majority Loss'… Election Results Are the Primary Focus of Attention [Political, Government, and Business Scanning]
We won’t know what will actually happen until we see the results, but it feels like a distant memory when a single-party majority for the LDP during the Abe administration was taken for granted. Given the current approval ratings for the Ishi-yabure administration, it's clear that a loss of the single-party majority is almost certain. However, when it comes to the opposition parties, if we ask how many have any real substance, the conclusion is that there are hardly any. Personally, I'm interested in how much support the Japan Conservative Party, led by Naoki Hyakuta, will be able to garner.
Reference 11) ‘Stop the current politics that make Japan poor and weak’—Japan Conservative Party's Kaori Arimoto speaks at a rally, mentioning media surveys on the House of Representatives election
Watching the recent drama of removing Sanae Takaichi, I believe many citizens are genuinely appalled by the JIMINTO. However, voting for the Ishi-yabure administration does not express support for Takaichi. As for the opposition parties, there are hardly any viable options, which leads me to think that the NIHON HOSHU TO might unexpectedly gain support. While I think the only potential alternative for the conservative LDP is the NIHON ISHIN NO KAI, people who are displeased with its pro-China stance will likely shun it, leaving the NIHON HOSHU TO as their option. There are mixed opinions, but Naoki Hyakuta is an incredible writer. He’s a genius. Politically, his effectiveness is completely unknown, but that uncertainty might surprisingly help him gain votes, especially as a virgin party.
If the NIHON HOSHU TO starts gaining votes, it will naturally trouble the JIMINTO and KOMEITO coalition government. After all, their voter base would be eroded. Even if the Japan Conservative Party secures some seats, it's unlikely they would suddenly win 40; more realistically, they might gain a few seats, totaling around 10. They will become a significant presence that cannot be ignored, even though they might not be able to form a coalition government.
I think parties like the REIWA and the SANSEITO will gain some votes, but since more conservative and anti-COVID people will likely support them, it may be difficult for them to significantly increase their vote count in this political drama. While the ISHIN NO KAI will likely continue to grow steadily, the RIKKEN MINSHU TO seems to be stagnating. In that context, I believe the NIHON HOSHU TO will be strong. I’m keeping an eye on them.
On the other hand, while the KOKUMIN MINSHU TO for the People promotes relatively sound economic policies, they tend to be treated as somewhat insignificant. However, I feel they will also gain a decent amount of support. Personally, I have reservations about their unclear stance on asset taxation, so I’m not sure if I can fully support them, but they might still manage to increase their vote count compared to the available options.
In this general election, I believe the 'opposition parties that are likely to gain traction' that we should be paying attention to are the NIHON HOSHU TO and the KOKUMIN MINSHU TO for the People. The others seem to be stagnating. Votes will be thoroughly withdrawn from the LDP. I think this is the direction things will head.
Reference 12) How many seats are expected to be noteworthy in the House of Representatives election? What does 'absolutely stable majority' mean?
Looking at this, it's clear that JIMINTO will definitely lose its single-party majority, and there’s a real possibility that the coalition government of JIMINTO and KOMEITO could fall below the majority threshold. If NIHON HOSHU TO wins 10 seats and RIKKEN MINSHU TO increases its seats by 10, that alone will raise a yellow flag against the 259 needed for a majority compared to the current 233. If parties like ISHIN NO KAI or RIKKEN MINSHU TO unexpectedly gain traction, one must be prepared for a scenario where the government falls below the majority, as that is crucial for surviving in the market.
2.The Future of the Ishiba Administration
Even if JIMINTO only loses its single-party majority, if the coalition government of JIMINTO and KOMEITO falls below the majority threshold, then Shigeru Ishiba, who hasn’t done anything, will be blamed for everything (it’s almost sad at this point, lol). You can almost hear him thinking, 'I haven’t done anything wrong,' but that’s also part of the Ishiba move. Please continue to strive for a short-lived administration.
However, the issue arises regarding who will come next if it does become a short-lived administration. The person considered to have betrayed the conservatives, including the esteemed Aso, and who played a significant role in bringing about Ishiba’s administration, is Kishida. He instructed his faction, which he was supposed to have dismantled, at the last moment to all vote for Ishiba, causing Sanae Takaichi to be ousted. This scenario raises the possibility of a 'Kishida Fumio comeback,' and I think Kishida likely foresaw this and has pushed all the responsibility onto Ishiba. The question is, will it really be that easy? That’s my assessment. And this is why.
Reference 13) President Zelensky: "North Korean troops are already on Ukrainian territory
Reference 14) North Korea decides to dispatch 12,000 troops to support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to South Korean intelligence
This is basically a world war, isn't it? Seriously. People who were eating mandarins in their cozy homes, thinking, "Wow, Russia is dangerous," or "Ukraine is really in trouble," need to wake up and pay attention to this news. This is about your future and our future. North Korea and Russia are neighboring countries. This isn’t some story from a distant planet like Iskandar. A neighboring country is sending troops to war. And the sparks are coming from China with its potential conflict over Taiwan, North Korea launching missiles, and Russia over the Northern Territories. Japan is, in fact, surrounded by threats! Do they really understand this?
Now, I've been consistently stating since the time I wrote about the Ukraine crisis that we shouldn't underestimate Putin. Why? Because he is smart. And strong. He hasn't forgotten about the KISHIDA SHAMOJI JIKEN.
Reference 15) Prime Minister Kishida presents President Zelensky with a "victory ladle" and an origami crane lamp
Honestly, looking at this photo now, it really seems ridiculous, but I’ve consistently criticized it since then. Seriously, don't rush to take Ukraine's side. I understand how it feels to fail the entrance exams for Waseda and Keio multiple times, but I'm saying to maintain a neutral stance and not make hasty judgments. I believe that residual tension is quite strong. Given that situation, can Kishida really make a comeback? Because, after all, isn’t America supposed to have a Trump administration that greatly respects Putin? This is a discussion that will come after October 27.
3.The Situation of War and the Future of the Next Administration
In recent years, we've seen ongoing issues related to the state of war, such as North Korea launching missiles toward Japan's territorial waters, conducting military exercises around Taiwan, and Russia issuing warnings. However, the idea that North Korean soldiers might actually be deployed to fight in another country feels like an unprecedented change, doesn't it? Furthermore, since Ukrainian President Zelensky has stated that "North Korean soldiers are already on the battlefield in Ukraine," it’s hard to dismiss this as fake news. There’s a theory that Putin is the only one North Korea listens to, which reflects the historically close relationship between Russia and North Korea. Now, seeing the reality of North Korea’s soldiers being incorporated into the Russian military, it’s not far-fetched to imagine a future where Russian troops arrive in the Northern Territories and advance onto the islands alongside a North Korean coalition.
As for Shigeru Ishiba, known as a policy expert and military enthusiast, one might expect him to say something insightful during such a crisis. However, he seems to be busy with election strategies and has yet to make any specific statements (at least, he hasn’t made any impactful remarks that have been reported).
When considering the reality that soldiers from a country firing missiles at their own territory are being deployed to the battlefield in Ukraine, it doesn’t seem strange for them to advance against the party launching those missiles. Of course, doing something like that now would lead to America retaliating with missiles, resulting in immediate destruction, so it likely won’t happen. However, if the situation between Russia and Ukraine were to change—specifically, if a Trump administration were to emerge and Trump convinced Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire—it would effectively mean a victory for Russia. This would be significant for Putin, as it would showcase his accomplishments in pushing back NATO forces and Western countries.
So what might Russia do next? It could either quietly support China in applying pressure on Taiwan or bring up the Northern Territories issue and attack Japan. If they were to launch a flashy offensive like in Ukraine, they would be facing the U.S. military this time. Unlike Ukraine, which was deceived by the “NATO forces are coming” ruse, Japan (with U.S. support) has decent defense capabilities. It seems irrational for them to launch a reckless attack, but if they were to come with a missile mix involving North Korea, it’s not entirely clear what could happen. For instance, they might say, “Oops, we accidentally hit you while testing something—sorry, we’ll send support troops from Russia and North Korea,” which could make for a reality where North Korean soldiers flood in under the guise of an accident.
Moreover, it wouldn’t be surprising if a wartime situation arose coinciding with another natural disaster, like a major earthquake or a volcanic eruption of Mount Fuji. Of course, military experts might consider this perspective naive or foolish, but the fact that North Korea is deliberately sending 12,000 soldiers to Ukraine is quite shocking. This is essentially World War III at this point. It’s no longer just a matter of negotiations or wars in the context of the Cold War; we’ve moved beyond that dimension altogether.
In this situation, when considering who will be the next administration, it can only be Sanae Takichi if we focus on the theme of Japan's defense. She carries on the will of the Abe administration and has a connection with Trump. Of course, the backing comes from former Prime Minister Aso. The Trump-Takichi line is solid. If this connection is strong, Japan can adopt a somewhat assertive stance toward China, and since China is smart, they will continue to collaborate with the pro-China faction within the JIMINTO to extract funds. Until then, there won’t be any war. If China maintains that approach, even Putin from Russia won’t easily apply pressure on Japan. Trump will likely act as a mediator, and Takichi will probably say something like, “I apologize for our fool who is a second-time Waseda student and thus a fool,” in her typical manner. If that happens, it will be secure.
Kishida, who played a significant role in establishing the Ishiba administration, likely anticipated his own comeback by supporting it. However, the international situation has become significantly more complicated than the provincial political atmosphere suggests, and a world war has erupted. Now, given this situation, I doubt Kishida will step up to lead a second administration. In fact, I believe he can’t, because it’s just too frightening.
Given that, assuming the Ishiba administration falls (sorry, Ishiba), the remaining candidates would be Shinjiro Koizumi or Sanae Takaichi. If Kishida were to say, “Support Shinjiro Koizumi,” it could lead to a situation where the Koisikawa alliance backs him, and Koizumi might actually become prime minister. To prevent this and position Takaichi at the top, a ruthless battle between Aso and Suga must unfold, and a compromise has to be reached. From here on, it comes down to a simple choice: whether to gain support within the JIMINTO or to genuinely protect the motherland. If the goal is to truly defend the country, then Takichi is the only viable choice for prime minister. However, I have a nagging feeling that a Koizumi administration might emerge—it's an unsettling intuition. Well, Koizumi has a good public image and is the youngest, so that's fine too.
However, my conspiracy theory-tainted mind can’t help but be haunted by the idea of the Illuminati card. I wonder if he might end up being assassinated or commit suicide due to the responsibility of having allowed the Chinese and North Korean armies to invade Japan. Therefore, I hope that Shinjiro Koizumi remains a key figure in the JIMINTO for a long time. He seems like a great person, and as a politician, he is admirable and appears to have a good heart.
Reference 16) Did Baba Vanga predict the emergence of Shinjiro Koizumi as party leader!? "A Japanese born in 1981 will save the world," the story behind this prophecy is worth investigating
The conversation has diverged into conspiracy theory territory. Additionally, there are several charts of various financial products that make me feel that war is decisively accelerating. Here they are:
Reference 17) XAU/USD - Gold Spot US Dollar
Reference 18) Silver Futures - Dec 24 (SIZ4)
Reference 19) Crude Oil WTI Futures - Nov 24 (CLX4)
Gold continues to maintain its all-time high, silver is also strong, but oil is the only thing dropping. This is strange. No matter how you look at it, it seems like a situation where gold is in demand due to conflict. I understand wanting to buy silver as a precious metal too. But oil is dropping. Are they preparing something? Let me say it again: are they preparing something? Oil. The adults. Completely. In anticipation of war. And when it eventually surges, it will likely signal the actual outbreak of conflict, right?
Recently, since the Nikkei average has stopped correlating with the exchange rate (USD/JPY), I've been paying attention to oil prices, thinking, “This index is surprisingly correlated with the Nikkei.” It’s been dropping abnormally. It just feels off.
If oil prices drop, the prices of raw materials for all goods will naturally decline, which means inflation risk will retreat. This means there's no need to forcefully avoid inflation risk, and consequently, there won't be a need for interest rate hikes; rather, it will tend to be a risk-off market. The scorching rise in U.S. stocks is precisely a reflection of this; even if the Trump administration is being priced in, it's abnormal.
This suggests that if oil prices skyrocket afterward, inflation risks will be raised again, leading to a sense of economic crisis that will push for interest rate hikes. In this regard, high-profile figures like Takaichi Sanae are (in a good way) too straightforward, bluntly stating that “it would be foolish for the Bank of Japan to raise rates in the current situation.” This might make it more convenient for the financial markets if figures like Koizumi Shinjiro take the lead. You know, from the perspective of the Japan handlers, of course!
I need to pause and organize my thoughts because important matters and various events are overlapping and becoming complicated. One thing I can say is that right now, the tension is like a taut string, and with just a slight cut, that string could snap, pulling Japan into war in an instant. Please recognize this intense risk strongly. I’ll say it again: Japan will be drawn into war if things continue as they are. What’s the way to avoid this? Go to the elections.
4.Financial Markets, the Trump Administration, World War, and the JIMINTO
I will organize and write about what will happen in the short term, medium term, and long term. First, in the short term, JIMINTO will suffer a major defeat. Following this, the Ishiba administration will resign. Since foreign investors do not anticipate a JIMINTO majority, the Nikkei Index will plummet immediately after this fact becomes known. The individuals most likely to become Prime Minister afterwards are either Shinjiro Koizumi or Sanae Takaichi. If it’s about protecting the country, it must be Sanae Takaichi. If it’s about protecting JIMINTO, it would be Shinjiro Koizumi. The choice between the two will be determined by the rights and responsibilities of the citizens.
Next, regarding the Trump administration. It is almost certain that the Trump administration will be established, but before that, there is a slight possibility that Trump might be assassinated or that the Democrats might win again through fraudulent voting. However, the probability of that is only about 10%, and at this point, it is almost certain that Trump will win. This is good news for avoiding a global war and keeping it localized. The issue will arise afterward. This is the medium-term discussion.
After the establishment of the Trump administration, if the Ishiba
administration continues for a while, it will be the case where Ishiba, picking up on KISHIDA’s intentions, innocently repeats various statements and actions, saying "It’s fine for Ukraine, it’s fine for China," leading Trump to become enraged and ban Ishiba from the U.S. Ishiba will be banned from America. Following that, Ishiba will resign. He will resign almost immediately before attending the Japan-U.S. summit. This is due to the ban.
Depending on the election results discussed in the short-term paragraph, whether SHINJIRO KOIZUMI or SANAe TAKAI becomes Prime Minister will also change the nature of the relationship with the Trump administration. I will outline possible scenarios for either case. The Trump administration will first focus on calming the Russia-Ukraine battlefield. It will be halted immediately. Next, regarding the chaotic wars in the Middle East, by siding with Israel, there won’t be a complete resolution, but it will stabilize the situation to some extent. This will lead to a temporary end to wars around the world.
Shortly after its establishment, the Trump administration will exert pressure, saying, “The U.S. debt is ballooning because of the weak yen.” The pressure will be at its maximum before Ishiba resigns, while under the administrations of Shinjiro Koizumi or Sanae Takaichi, the pressure will ease somewhat but will still be present. Accepting this pressure, the Bank of Japan will raise interest rates, thinking, “This is an opportunity.” When interest rates are raised, the yen will appreciate. An appreciation of the yen will cause stock prices to plummet. The Nikkei Average will drop to 10,000 yen. Just kidding. There will be a second bottom at 31,000 yen, or perhaps we’ll see a scenario like “Actually, this was the real bottom—those who bought it are fools.” After that, Trump will seek to revitalize his country, directing investments mainly toward Dow stocks and national policy stocks. The smart ones will realize, “The dollar debt is more problematic than the strong yen.” Following this, they will become furious, saying, “Japan, which doesn’t guide towards a strong dollar, is a monkey,” causing a rapid unwinding of the yen carry trade. The Nikkei Average will exceed 45,000 yen and continue to reach new highs, while the dollar-yen exchange rate will exceed 200 yen, resulting in a “Those who sold it are fools, lol” scenario. This scenario is undoubtedly on a larger scale. By the way, Bitcoin will mock stock investors who are struggling with the ups and downs, reaching 100 million yen. This is not a lie. This is a long-term story. For details, please read all the past articles in this text.
“Oh, so if the Trump administration is established, the only bad thing is a temporary drop in stock prices?” you’ve realized, haven’t you? Yes, that’s right. This is why I can’t help but worry about the assassination risk and the risk of fraudulent voting by the Democratic Party. I’m genuinely concerned. If the Trump administration is born, Japan will be under pressure temporarily, but they’ll handle it well. If it’s the JIMINTO. It will be fine. The problem arises if the Democratic administration unexpectedly emerges through media manipulation, leading to the Harris administration. If that happens, the world will end, so let’s just give up. I will also outline this scenario for the record.
If the Harris administration is born, we’ll face an immediate crisis. Stock prices will plummet, and we’ll be locked in a situation where we can't sell any of our holdings (staking), causing stock prices to drop to fatal levels. In fact, it will feel like dying. It will be like an American-originated “Harris Shock.” After that, there will be no recovery for American stocks due to repeated insane policies such as taxing the wealthy. This will be troubling for the military-industrial complex, right? Because they won't make any profit. What will they do? War, of course. The war in Ukraine will drag on, and North Korean soldiers will become unable to return from Ukraine. In response to this dilemma, North Korea will fire missiles at Japan as a stopgap measure. Amid the chaos of North Korean missiles landing and enraged Japanese citizens, discussions to amend the constitution will begin, and preparations for war will commence, leading to a suspension of new passport issuance, making it impossible to escape the country.
At the same time, Russian President Putin, who is thoroughly hostile to Harris (the U.S.), will exert pressure on the Northern Territories, while China will start an invasion of Taiwan. For some reason, the U.S. military will not go to support Taiwan. The Asian island nation, which has become a heated powder keg, will become the main battlefield of World War III, with military exercises involving all men and women pilots of adult age. Eventually, the public will realize that the LGBTQ legislation was passed to send both men and women to war zones without distinction.
Afterward, while it's uncertain how much the situation will heat up before it calms down, once Japan's population has been reduced to around 〇〇 million, the U.S. military, UN forces, and NATO troops will finally step in to bring an end to the conflict. For some reason, Japan will once again be treated as a defeated nation and designated as an A-class war criminal, leading to Japan's disintegration as an independent country. It will be governed in three divisions: U.S. states, Chinese provinces, and Russian cities, reverting back to the scenario depicted in the Illuminati card. The Prime Minister at that time—who could it possibly be...?
This paints a rather unpleasant future, which makes me genuinely hope that the Democratic Party in the U.S. does not win. I really wish for Takaichi Sanae to win. However, whether this can be achieved depends on the citizens, though it might be impossible given how foolish the media can be. In a scenario where even if the Trump administration miraculously comes to power, the Democratic Party could still win through fraud, and while the financial markets are shaken, I find myself wondering, "Are you still continuing to invest in stocks? At least in the long run, why not move to the Bitcoin market, which has an overwhelmingly high win rate compared to stocks? Are you still getting frustrated from morning to night??" This scene keeps lingering in my mind as Satoshi Nakamoto whispers persistently.
To sum up what I want to say in this article: Dispose of fucking paper and continue to buy BTC!!! And that’s all for now. World peace.
"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.
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"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.
A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.
With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!
▼Purchase the book here▼
"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!
This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.
Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?
How is Wowoo trying to change the world?
What will happen to nations?
What will happen to currency?
What will happen to our lives?
In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.
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