


参考1)日経平均は反落、衆院選を警戒 「選挙は買い」のアノマリー崩れる


参考2)自民、裏金非公認支部へ2千万円 森山幹事長「党勢拡大の活動費」












参考5)自公過半数、微妙な情勢 自民は単独過半数割れの公算 朝日情勢調査




参考6)石破総裁「資金支給ではない」 自民 非公認候補側に2000万円支給報道に(2024年10月24日)




参考7)石破自民総裁「重大局面、底力発揮を」 衆院選候補者らに「緊急通達」【24衆院選】











参考8)イスラエルがイランに反撃 「爆発音した」と現地 報復連鎖の危機



参考9)Chinese President Xi Jinping called this week for troops preparing for war

これ、何故か全く日本でニュースになっていなんだけど、要するに習近平さんが、中国軍部に、戦争の準備をしておけと指示を出した、というニュース。台湾有事のリスクが高まる中、次の大統領を決めようとする米選挙のこのタイミングで、軍部に指示ですから、不気味すぎますよ。しかも、北朝鮮にウクライナ兵が派兵された前後あたりにこのニュースが出ている。これはIndia timesの記事ですが、BRICKS周りのニュースでは普通に出ているのに、何故か西側のメディアでは全く出てないんですよ。全くですよ。皆無なんですよ。マジで気持ち悪くないですかこれ。














【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 682:The market anticipates Ishiba's resignation and a change in government, but once again, overseas, the Israeli military is fully engaged in conflict, and the Nikkei average is experiencing a significant decline

Until just a few trading days ago, the Nikkei was surpassing 40,000 yen, and the market looked strong. Encouraged by this flow, investors who jumped on the 17-time winning streak anomaly of "buy during elections" are now in a state of panic. As of last night’s close, the Nikkei has dropped to around 38,070 yen. This week, the market even briefly dipped below 38,000 yen. However, I believe that our subscribers, by maintaining a solid short position, have once again achieved massive profits. Congratulations! I estimate that you’re seeing gains of nearly 2,000 yen, but the drop isn’t over yet. Please continue to maximize your profits as we approach the full-fledged downturn. The time is near.

Reference 1) Nikkei falls, cautious ahead of House of Representatives election; the "buy during elections" anomaly collapses

To break an anomaly that has delivered a flawless winning streak 17 times in a row—quite the feat, wouldn’t you say, for the Ishiba administration? Despite the main focus of this election being on “money in politics” with an emphasis on the illicit funds scandal, they somehow managed to distribute 20 million yen to an unofficial candidate during the election period. This candidate then exposed the chaos by openly declaring, “JIMINTO is trash.” It’s honestly baffling—what is the JIMINTO headquarters even thinking? LOL

Reference 2) JIMINTO distributes 20 million yen in illicit funds to unofficial branch; Secretary-General Moriyama calls it "funds for party expansion activities."

Seriously, what are they thinking? JIMINTO is essentially pouring gasoline onto a house already ablaze.

As I mentioned in the previous column, this election holds high expectations for how much KOKUMIN MINSHU TO and NIHON HOSHU TO can expand their vote counts. It seems, however, that KOKUMIN MINSHU TO is set to make significant gains, possibly securing over 20 seats. And unexpectedly, contrary to predictions, RIKKEN MINSHU TO may be adding nearly 40 seats. This is truly the end of times. I mean it—this is the end. It’s all about public awareness. The public awareness is far too low. Japan is really doomed unless we raise the level of intelligence.

The focus now shifts to what will happen after tomorrow’s election results are announced: how the market will react on Monday, how the administration will operate, and what the future holds for Japan. I’ll delve into this in more detail later, as it is the main topic of this article. At the very least, it seems almost certain that JIMINTO will lose its majority, and from the reports we’re seeing, even the JIMINTO-KOMEITO coalition appears likely to fall short of a majority. If that happens, would they form a coalition with the opposition to keep the administration running? Ishiba might even suggest an alliance with RIKKEN MINSHU TO, but if he did that, the conservative base of JIMINTO would be utterly shattered. So, I don’t think it will go that far.

Market insiders seem to believe that “the probability of JIMINTO losing its majority has largely been priced in.” Many skilled investors share this view, but my take is slightly different. From a foreign perspective (and in a way, I too approach it like an outsider), election results are not typically priced in. Why? Because foreigners are not driven by emotions—they are rationalists, thoroughly so. Therefore, it’s unlikely for them to factor in election outcomes before the results are announced. Elections are unpredictable to the end, as seen in the past battles between Sanae Takaichi and Shigeru Ishiba. At that time, it was likely domestic forces buying in anticipation of a Takaichi administration. Japanese investors love “probable outcomes”—assuming “this is probably how it will go.” Foreign investors are the complete opposite. They start buying only when clear facts and stable policies are confirmed. From a Japanese perspective, it may seem odd: “Why aren’t they buying (or selling) here?” That’s when foreigners are actively doing the opposite (counter-trading). Let’s shift the stage to the U.S. for a moment.

Reference 3) Harris shows signs of losing momentum in U.S. presidential race

Reference 4) NY Dow Jones Average falls for the fifth consecutive day...closing at $42,114

Reports are finally emerging in the mainstream media that Trump has pulled ahead of Harris. While the Dow continues to decline, the NASDAQ remains inexplicably strong. Market experts suggest this reflects a shift towards pricing in a "Trump rally." But is that really the case? It doesn’t seem so. A more accurate perspective may be that certain forces have been driving prices up under the assumption that Harris would win. In fact, the Dow started to fall shortly after reports questioning Harris’s chances surfaced (with a slight time lag). Some experts explain that there is a clear correlation between the U.S. unemployment rate and the incumbent administration’s election results; typically, if the unemployment rate has stabilized, the incumbent has the advantage.
The current, unusually strong U.S. stock market resembles the 17-time winning anomaly in Japan’s market, where expectations for the JIMINTO to win drove it higher post-general election. Similarly, it seems more natural to view the Democratic allies as artificially boosting the market under the assumption of a Harris victory, or even as an attempt to help her win.

If this trend continues, we may need to revise the earlier scenario: “Market crash if Harris wins, rally if Trump wins.” Instead, we may need to consider Plan B: the market rising if Harris wins and temporarily dropping if Trump wins. Foreign investors, especially Americans, prefer simple, clear facts. Given that even Japanese investors find it hard to gauge Japan’s election impact on the market, can we really expect foreign investors to preemptively price in such outcomes? This question is the central inquiry of this article.

In any case, it’s all about the election. Sunday. On this fateful Sunday, Japan’s future will be determined. Let’s make sure to vote this time, everyone. Amidst an international climate where there is a significantly high risk of Japan being drawn into war, your vote might be the final card that saves our homeland. For those active in the market, this goes for you as well. Now, more than ever, let’s give a firm “NO” to an Ishiba administration and aim to establish a Sanae Takaichi administration. Let’s start by taking a broad look at the election and market outlook, dreaming of Japan’s first female prime minister—a conservative and market-friendly dove. Let’s dive in.

1.What will Shigeru Ishiba do?

To my intelligent and discerning readers, I assume you build all your logic on the premise that “whatever the media says is probably a lie.” Surprisingly, however, the Asahi Shimbun—perhaps the least reliable media outlet—tends to be fairly accurate when it comes to election predictions. Please take a look at this.

Reference 5) JIMIN-KOMEITO majority uncertain; high probability of JIMINTO losing its sole majority, Asahi polling analysis.

According to this, as of October 20, the outlook was that “maybe, just maybe, the JIMINTO-KOMEITO coalition could barely hold on.” However, thanks to the headquarters’ foolish move with the “20 million-yen transfer issue,” it now seems almost certain that the coalition will fall short of a majority.

This brings us to a situation where (1) JIMINTO losing its majority is all but certain, and (2) the JIMIN-KOMEITO coalition falling short of a majority is also locked in—a classic “adding insult to injury.” And not only is the cause of this mess the money scandal, but it’s also associated with (3) the “fool” who threw cash into the middle of this scandal (i.e., the Ishiba administration). Objectively, this adds quite a bit of guilt. Shigeru Ishiba is shouldering quite a load.

In previous columns, I somewhat seriously thought, “Poor Ishiba, taking all the blame on behalf of JIMINTO despite doing nothing.” But after this 20 million-yen transfer incident, I have no hesitation in labeling him a bona fide fool. Truly, he’s reached the pinnacle of foolishness. Seriously, couldn’t he have handled it better?

Reference 6) Party President Ishiba: "It was not a funding grant" - report on 20 million-yen payment to non-endorsed candidate (October 24, 2024)

Apologies, as I’ve mentioned before, this article doesn’t specialize in politics, so I’ll interpret things within the realm of generally understood legal principles. If strict legal interpretations differ, please let me know, those in the know.

Now, Shigeru Ishiba explained, “I sent the funds to the branch so they could understand JIMINTO’s policies better,” and added, “None of it will be used for the election.” But, seriously, sending policy promotion funds, equal to the amount allotted for election expenses, right in the middle of an election period—how can this not be for election expenses? Even an elementary school student could come up with a better lie. Or, better yet, wouldn’t they just avoid sending the funds entirely? And it’s one thing if it were a typical general election, but with “politics and money” in the spotlight, Ishiba was selected as the leader to clean up “politics and money,” championing a “rule-abiding JIMINTO.” And yet, here he is, throwing cash around and breaking the rules from the get-go—what is he thinking?

Indeed, Shigeru Ishiba, regarded as a prominent figure in the political arena, probably isn’t that foolish, and he might have thought that sending 20 million yen as JIMINTO's public relations funds wouldn’t qualify as election budget under legal interpretation. But that’s already off the mark. It’s not just about the legal aspects; it’s about ethics. What’s reasonable in this election context? Moreover, Ishiba’s victory in the party leadership election was, in a sense, the result of media harassment focusing on the issue of slush funds—something that the public honestly doesn’t care much about. It became a problem because the media was nitpicking at it. 
Even though there was no legal issue (tax regulations aside), Shigeru Ishiba took power while facing all sorts of criticism, and now he’s doing the exact same thing during the election period. It’s nothing short of foolishness. Moreover, claiming, “It’s for activity costs, so it can't possibly be used for the election”—no, no, the money received by the branch can indeed be used for election activities since it’s already been distributed! This is genuinely stupid. The only word that comes to mind to describe this is “foolish.” Additionally, the excuses are incredibly childish and simplistic.
There was a time in the Showa era when elementary school boys would be bullied for getting caught using the toilet, and one friend, despite being seen in the act, tearfully denied it by saying, “I’m not pooping!” and became a legend. This is on the same level or even below that kind of excuse. It’s ridiculous. This is a ridiculous regime.

Reference 7) JIMINTO Chairman Shigeru Ishiba: "Critical juncture, show your true strength" — "Emergency notice" to House of Representatives election candidates [24th House of Representatives election]

Just around the time this mysterious notification was issued, it became known that 20 million yen was sent to the branch as (essentially) election campaign funds, so it’s undoubtedly black—without a doubt, pitch black. Even the poop is black. It’s a case of bowel disease. I think this is over for him. Personally, I liked Shigeru Ishiba, so I can only say that this move is truly foolish. He will definitely have to take responsibility.

However, the question remains as to how Ishiba will take that responsibility. A certain group of brilliant investors suggested, "The only ultra C that can ensure JIMINTO wins this election is for Shigeru Ishiba to resign and hand over the reins to Sanae Takaichi right before the election on Sunday," which is truly a genius idea. But there’s no way he would do that! If he could make such a lofty judgment, he wouldn’t have sent the 20 million yen crap in the first place. Moreover, if he were capable of such exceptional political maneuvering, Ishiba would have become Prime Minister a long time ago. It’s impossible.

Given this, it seems highly likely that after the general election, he will resign, taking responsibility for the election results. However, there's a growing doubt: "Will he really resign?" After all, this is a government that threw 20 million yen worth of nonsense during the election, which is centered around the “politics and money” issue. It’s not normal. The decision-making framework is clearly not standard. The only mammals allowed to throw excrement are gorillas. I’ve heard that gorillas really do throw poop when they get angry. I haven’t seen it myself, so who knows if it’s true. It’s a gorilla, for crying out loud. It’s a gorilla government. Shigeru Ishiba is angry. I just hope he channels that anger in another direction.

If Ishiba does not resign and tries to maintain a coalition government with KOMEITO after losing the majority, he will have only two options: (1) to continue making excuses while being completely twisted, or (2) to form a coalition with a government that has some understanding of JIMINTO, such as ISHIN NO KAI. The question is which option he will choose, but personally, I think scenario (1) is more likely.

After all, for Shigeru Ishiba, becoming Prime Minister has been a long-held dream. Being Prime Minister is incredible. It represents the face of Japan. He has run for the party leadership five times. And finally, he succeeded. In such a psychological state, no matter how much he is urged to take responsibility and resign, I feel he will cling to his position with his usual argumentative rebuttal pattern, saying something like, "Well, this is an issue related to Abenomics and inflation that has been ongoing since before the Kishida administration..." If the media continues to attack him, he might just throw poop in anger; it really is a helpless situation. So, buying stocks in the hope that "even if JIMINTO suffers a major defeat, there will be no change in government" after the election on Sunday seems like a gamble to me. However, many seasoned investors are betting on this scenario, so I’ll refrain from writing too much on this, as it would be an affront to their intelligence.

2.The options for governing the administration must be considered through process of elimination

Personally, I support the theory that Shigeru Ishiba will stubbornly cling to his position without reading the room, as previously mentioned in (1). However, there is also a possibility that he may be prompted by the Secretary-General and conservative members to form a coalition government. In that case, a few options come to mind through the process of elimination.

First off, the KYOSANTO is out of the question. This is absolutely impossible, so they can be excluded from consideration. Next is the RIKKEN MINSHU TO. They are likely to significantly increase their votes, which would pose a considerable threat. However, the allergy that JIMINTO has toward RIKKEN MINSHU TO is far too strong, so this option is also off the table. The KOKUMIN MINSHU TO, led by Yuichiro Tamaki, seems to be making rapid strides, but when traced back, they originally came from the MINSHUTO, which puts them in parallel with RIKKEN MINSHU TO, making this option unlikely as well.
This leaves us with the remaining parties: NIHON HOSHU TO, SANSEITO, REIWA, and ISHIN NO KAI. REIWA is out of the question as they are treated almost the same as the KYOSANTO and Taro Yamamoto would never allow for a coalition. I also doubt they could win enough seats to have a significant presence. Both SANSEITO and NIHON HOSHU TO are still small parties, and while their principles may overlap with JIMINTO, they lack the intensity to be considered viable options. That leaves ISHIN NO KAI as the only remaining party. ISHIN NO KAI, whether considering its founder Toru Hashimoto or the current leadership, has close ties with Deputy Prime Minister Suga (of the current administration).
Therefore, I predict that a coalition government will likely be formed here, bringing an end to the (1) scenario of constant excuses. However, I apologize for repeating this, but my expertise is not in political analysis, so I leave this to the professionals in politics and elections. This is a prediction from the perspective of an economic and financial professional, so whether it turns out to be right or wrong, I hope you can understand it with a casual, "Well, that makes sense." There is, however, one thing I can predict: stock prices will decline. There is no doubt about it. This is based not only on Japan's circumstances but also on U.S. situations and international affairs, indicating that stock prices will continue to fall (unless unexpected scenarios occur outside of the aforementioned scenario for the administration).

3.Or rather, it’s not just that; there’s a world war breaking out abroad

Honestly, I wanted to make this the main topic for today. This is not the time to be squabbling about Japanese politics. The situation is quite tense.

Reference 8) Israel retaliates against Iran; locals report "explosions," with a risk of a chain reaction of reprisals

I expected this, but the cycle of retaliation in the Middle East continues unabated. Given the eerie decline in crude oil prices, I had a strong feeling that something significant was being prepared, and the situation is becoming increasingly tense. I was also worried about North Korea's deployment to Ukraine, as mentioned in my previous column, but the scale of the Middle Eastern situation is on a whole different level. It’s frightening.

Additionally, what’s even more dangerous is this:

Reference 9) Chinese President Xi Jinping called this week for troops preparing for war

For some reason, this hasn’t made the news in Japan at all, but essentially, it’s a report that Xi Jinping has instructed the Chinese military to prepare for war. At a time when the risk of a Taiwan crisis is increasing and as the U.S. elections are approaching to decide the next president, it’s highly unsettling that he’s giving directives to the military. Moreover, this news came out around the same time that North Korean troops were being deployed to Ukraine. This is an article from the India Times, and while it’s being reported in BRICS-related news, for some reason, it’s completely absent from Western media. Completely. There’s nothing. Doesn’t this feel truly unsettling?

From the market's principles, wars are typically seen as a buying opportunity, but now that the election-buying anomaly has failed, it doesn’t seem like a story we can wholeheartedly support. Moreover, war itself shouldn’t be something we agree with; unnecessary conflicts should be avoided, and while wars might be positive for the market, they are inherently undesirable. Additionally, a war in an already inflationary environment could leave serious damage on the market, which is quite unfavorable. We are not in a situation where we can afford internal conflicts; there are greater risks erupting in neighboring countries, and we have no idea when the flames of war might reach Japan, a situation that continues to persist.

4.Market Outlook (for now)

The international situation discussed in the previous section is remarkably important information for the peace-ensconced Japanese people, so I would like to provide a multifaceted explanation. However, ultimately, we cannot forecast the international situation without knowing how the government’s operational framework will change depending on the election results on Sunday. If we can’t make predictions, we’ll have to wait. In the meantime, I’d like to assess the market movements based on the clues we currently have.

First, regarding the repeatedly mentioned scenario of a Nikkei average crash, I think there’s a good chance that the market will decline on Monday in response to the election results. Depending on how severe the loss is, there’s a possibility of a significant drop on Monday. In that case, we could determine that the drop point serves as the bottom. However, if for some reason there’s meaningless short covering and the market starts above 38,500 yen, the extent of the decline could be exacerbated, and it might very well dip down toward key levels like 35,000 yen.

In any case, the market is equally dependent on Japan's elections, as well as the U.S. elections. In a column I wrote a few weeks ago, I stated that around October 27 to November 4 would mark the real downturn, even while getting burned by shorts during the scorching rise. My outlook hasn’t changed. While Japanese politics is important, the U.S. presidential election is even more critical. If it’s only based on Japanese factors, I believe the market might dip below 35,000 yen, but if U.S. factors come into play, it could easily plunge to 28,000 yen without any exaggeration. The current state of the U.S. market resembles a game of musical chairs, with the end melody already playing.

The presidential election is truly significant, and personally, I want Trump to win at all costs; if he doesn’t, a third world war will almost certainly heat up, and that would be disastrous. If Harris wins, the direction toward accelerated war will undoubtedly intensify. As far as I can read the current situation, Trump seems almost certain to win, but due to the ongoing issue with Sanae Takaichi, we cannot predict what will happen until the very end of the election. Therefore, we can only wait to see the results.

The prevailing sentiment seems to be, “If Trump wins, stocks will soar even higher! The market has begun to price that in!” However, as mentioned earlier, fact-driven foreign investors do not easily factor in elections. The current anomalous state of U.S. stocks might sound strange, but it is likely due to market manipulation by the U.S. Democratic Party, which is pushing the market up in anticipation of a Democratic victory (to make it seem like that is being priced in).

If that is the case, when Trump wins, the market may experience a crash-like reaction temporarily. While I don’t believe the Nikkei will drop to 28,000 yen based solely on that news, if various incidents unfold in quick succession from there, both the Nikkei and the Dow will continue to decline further. Examples of such incidents could include worsening CPI, worsening inflation, or rising unemployment rates, leading to the angry response from Trump (the new president) that “All these factors are due to a weaker yen!” In that case, the Bank of Japan might say, “Okay, we’ll strengthen the yen,” and accelerate interest rate hikes. That would have an immediate effect. It would lead to a sharp decline all at once. Remember August 5? A much worse scenario than that could be coming. Alternatively, the Democratic administration could spiral into chaos, shouting “Fraudulent election!” which would drag the Trump administration into severe turmoil, making it impossible to manage, among other possibilities.

Conversely, there’s a scenario that I really don’t want to imagine—actually, I completely don’t want to imagine it—if a Democratic Harris administration were to come to power. This is not a joke; there is a possibility that the U.S. could descend into civil war. Even if it doesn’t go that far, it’s highly likely that the Trump side would insist, “This was a fraudulent election, and we will firmly denounce it!” resulting in significant internal chaos in the U.S. Moreover, the Democratic administration is backed by a quite aggressive military-industrial complex, which would spread gasoline on the fires of conflict worldwide, igniting wars in places like Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Middle East. The unending flames of war could eventually reach Asia, with Japan and the Korean Peninsula becoming battlegrounds, making the scenario of a Third World War between East and West entirely plausible.

I can’t help but wonder why they decided to hold the general election in Japan on this schedule. Couldn’t they have at least waited until after the U.S. presidential election to assess the situation before calling for a general election? It’s just a one-week difference. What benefits could possibly have been gained from forcing a general election at such a tight timeline? Perhaps the U.S. Democratic Party is using its subsidiary, Japan, to experimentally test how far the left (the opposition, including RIKKEN MINSHU TO) can extend its influence. The reports about the rapid rise of RIKKEN MINSHU TO feel incredibly off to me. Are they really saying anything that good? Have the Japanese become so foolish that they’ve forgotten the struggles of the Democratic administration? Have we really become so intellectually diminished that we are swayed by confusing civic movements? I want to believe that’s not the case. If, hypothetically, the CIA or Chinese Communist forces under the U.S. Democratic Party were secretly funding or buying votes for RIKKEN MINSHU TO, then I could understand this logic.
I don’t even want to entertain such ridiculous conspiracy theories, but I can’t shake it off. Why was that general election pushed through? “Why was that decision made at that time?” If Japan was merely a social experiment for the U.S. presidential election, then I could grasp the intent behind calling for a general election that seemed to offer no benefits to anyone on that schedule. The Ishiba administration (following the Kishida administration) is undoubtedly more pro-China than pro-U.S. or pro-Ukraine. Their governance policies are heavily influenced by the desires of China and the U.S. Democratic Party. Furthermore, the CIA under U.S. influence is quite divided into factions, with sympathizers on both the Republican and Democratic sides. The Democratic sympathizers have good relationships with certain upper echelons of China, which complicates matters because there are Democratic sympathizers who are close to Xi Jinping and others who are friendly with those opposed to him. In other words, the CIA is not a monolith. I can’t write too many details, though.

In this case, the issue of the Ishiba administration's 20 million yen debacle raises a curious point: the initial article that prompted media follow-ups was from the KYOSANTO's publication, "Akahata." Everyone, think about it. “How did Akahata know about a 20 million yen policy publicity budget that only senior members of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) would know, one that even the local branches were unaware of?” This suggests that there are clearly leftist spies aligned with China and the KYOSANTO within the JIMINTO’s core leadership. There’s a real possibility that among those we support and vote for, there are spies from the CIA or the Chinese Communist Party without our knowledge, which is a genuinely frightening thought (the title of this article). For that reason, let’s make sure to vote this time. To prevent Japan from being taken over by other countries. No, it might already be taken over. If that’s the case, then to reclaim an independent Japan from foreign control. I wish you all good fortune.

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