
第684回: 祝トランプ大統領圧勝、祝ビットコインATH、祝第三次世界大戦(取り敢えず)回避


参考1)2024 米国 elections


参考2)トランプ氏刑事手続き、連邦地裁が延期認める 議会襲撃事件で

まあしかし、ドラマというか映画みたいな生き方をしている方ですねトランプさんは。刑事被告人が大統領になるというのが前代未聞だったそうで、『現職の大統領は起訴できない』という前例のない状況から刑事手続を延期することにしたそうなww 2回暗殺されかけ、4回破産申請し、刑事告訴されながらも大統領選に勝つ78歳なんて、世界を見渡してもこの御仁しかおられないww凄すぎますねメンタルといいモチベーションと言い。最強大統領おかえりなさい、という感じです。


参考3)NYダウ 1500ドル超の上昇 最高値更新 トランプ氏当選確実受け






利回りが恐ろしい速度で上がっており、2つの解釈が出来ます。(1)強烈なインフレが進む、(2)利回りを超えるレベルの経済成長がトランプ政権下で発生する。どちらかは現段階では判断出来ませんが、“米債長期利回りが上がっているときに株を買うとろくなことはない”、というのは、本稿でも度重なる指摘をしてきたところですので、ここだけ、経済の舵取り部分だけ、トランプ政権で懸念が残ります。ただ、これもまた、インフレが進む、正確にはスタグフレーションが進むとなればいつもの『Buy bitcoin』に戻るだけの話なので、要するに『ビットコインを買え、買え、買いまくって破産するまで買い続けろ』というだけの話になるわけです(破産したらだめです)。一応、懸念されるリスクもいくつかピックアップして、トランプ政権率いる新世界の予言をいくつか散りばめて行きたいと思いますが、まずはめでたくATHを迎えたビットコインを煽りまくる節から初めていきたいと思います。それでは参りましょう。






「この提案は、ビットコイン(BTC)を戦略的準備資産として確立し、アメリカ政府がビットコインの総供給量の最大5%を取得するものだ」とコインシェアーズのリサーチ責任者であるジェームス・バターフィル(James Butterfill)氏は記している。

はい、ビットコインの総発行枚数は、2,100万枚ですね???その5%というのは、約100万枚ですね??現在採掘されているビットコインが、約1,978万枚ですよね??ここに書いてありますね(CMC、Coin Market Cap)。




参考7)【2024年最新】世界GDPランキング なぜ日本は4位に転落したのか?





まず一番大切な国家債務から。皆様、アメリカの国家債務(借金)って、今いくらか知ってますか?35兆ドルですよ。日本円に直すと、5,000兆円ですよ。5,000兆円。ごめん、これどうやって返すのwww 無理に決まってるよね。これをさ、少しでも債務削減することが出来るという期待値があるから、ビットコインを買おうとしてる、それがアメリカ政府の本心ってことだよね。


















最後に、小職の最新ポジションは、日本株売り(CFD、指数)ビットコイン買いのアービトラージです。デイリーにポジション開示していますので参考にしたい方はサークル(メンバーシップ)に遊びに来てくださいね、初心者歓迎、玄人もっと歓迎です。名うての相場談義を楽しみましょう、Buy bitcoin!!!!



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 684:Congratulations on President Trump's overwhelming victory, congratulations on Bitcoin reaching an all-time high, and congratulations on (for now) avoiding World War III

I'm so relieved, truly relieved. President Trump has achieved a resounding victory, decisively defeating the Democrats. To be honest, I was fed up with the biased media reports favoring Harris and the Democrats, and after seeing Sanae Takaichi lose and imagining the nightmare of an Ishiba administration, I was constantly on edge, worrying, "What if we see a repeat of 2020?" But with Trump’s victory going as planned, I'm genuinely glad. This is a positive outcome for all humanity. Congratulations, truly!

Reference 1) 2024 U.S. elections

Looking at the results now, it makes you question, "Were the media even seeing clearly with all their talk of Harris leading?" There were truly insane polls all over the place. What on earth was that all about? It was, literally, a landslide victory.

Reference 2) Trump’s criminal proceedings postponed by federal court in Capitol riot case

Trump really lives like he's in a drama or movie. It’s unheard of for a criminal defendant to become president, and they decided to postpone criminal proceedings because of the unprecedented situation that "a sitting president can't be indicted." Nearly assassinated twice, filed for bankruptcy four times, won the presidency even while under criminal indictment—there's no one else like this 78-year-old anywhere in the world. His mental strength and motivation are astounding. It feels like we’re welcoming back the strongest president.

With Trump’s landslide victory, Bitcoin instantly reached an all-time high (ATH), and the atmosphere now feels ripe for further gains. I was beginning to think, "Bitcoin is already the best answer for navigating the end of the world, so maybe I don’t need to keep talking about it." But with the best news we’ve had in a while—Trump’s sweeping win—today, I’m going to hype it up. Prepare yourselves. I’ll go as far as saying, "Anyone who doesn’t own Bitcoin isn’t truly human," because I'm in such a great mood. More details to follow.

Reference 3) NY Dow surges over $1,500 to hit new high on news of Trump’s likely victory

On the day of President Trump’s return, the NY Dow skyrocketed by an insane 1,500 points, reaching a level where you might wonder, “What on earth is going on in the stock market?” It was a grand welcome for President Trump. Back in 2016, I was convinced he would win and openly stated that he would (for details, see my X posts from that time). However, at that point, the market didn’t understand what Trump’s presidency would mean, and I clearly remember the intense scenario where stocks plummeted right after his victory, only to rebound sharply soon after. Based on that experience, I expected a similar situation this time, with a sell-off right after Trump’s victory followed by a rally. Yet, unexpectedly, the Dow shot up immediately and continued to soar, leaving me honestly surprised.

I was at the gym early in the morning, leaving my short positions on CFDs (225) untouched, and when I returned, the positions, which had been comfortably in the black, were wiped out. Thinking, “Surely it’ll drop overnight,” I entered new short positions around 39,500 yen, only to be further squeezed and see them vanish by dawn. As a futures trader, it was a disastrous result. I must admit, it’s been a while since I had back-to-back losses in one day, and I was humbled as a pro. After some self-reflection, I made major adjustments to my positions, and I’m now steadily accumulating profits.

Reading this might make you think, “Wait, so is it a buy? Could 12MSQ reach 45,000 yen?” But no, no, no, that’s not the case (more details to follow).

Reference 4) Musk reportedly joined a phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president

With this recent victory, Elon Musk, who now holds a key position in the Trump administration, has reportedly already had a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky. During Trump’s previous term from 2016 to 2020, there was not a single war. The long-standing Ukraine-Russia war also seems to be nearing its end, and Trump even told Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, who commands serious respect, to “wrap up the war quickly.” Given this, I believe we have successfully averted World War III, at least for now. This is truly a relief, as a Democratic victory would have almost guaranteed World War III. I was even prepared for the potential use of nuclear weapons.

So, with Trump’s return to the presidency, we have an abundance of good news. His administration is a positive force for Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, diplomacy, and avoiding war. Although I’d love to say that everything is now safe, there’s just one concern that remains.

Reference 5) U.S. Treasury yields surge, but inflation concerns are not the primary cause, says Fed Chair

Yields are rising at an alarming rate, which leaves two possible interpretations: (1) severe inflation is advancing, or (2) economic growth exceeding the yield rate will occur under the Trump administration. At this stage, it’s difficult to judge which is correct. However, as I’ve repeatedly noted, “Nothing good comes from buying stocks when long-term U.S. Treasury yields are rising.” This is the one area where I still have concerns about economic management under the Trump administration. That said, if inflation—or more precisely, stagflation—does advance, it just means going back to the usual mantra of “Buy Bitcoin.” In other words, “Buy Bitcoin, buy it, buy it endlessly until you’re broke” (though don’t actually go broke).
I’ll also highlight a few of the risks and predictions for the new world under the Trump administration, but first, I’d like to celebrate Bitcoin reaching its ATH with some well-deserved hype. Let’s get started.

1.Those who neither buy nor own Bitcoin are not truly human

For those who have no interest in Bitcoin or are anti-Bitcoin, I doubt they’re even reading this, so there’s no need to repeat it. But with the Trump administration in place, there’s only one rule for the new world we’re about to enter: “Those without Bitcoin have no human rights.” That’s it. In this upcoming world, only Bitcoin holders will have rights, while those without it will not.

Think carefully about this. Or, actually, don’t even think—just look at this. Just looking is enough. Are your eyes working well? Can you see it? If your vision has deteriorated, put on glasses or contacts and take a good look.

Reference 6) President Trump’s greatest contribution to crypto: passing the “Bitcoin Bill” - CoinShares

Alright, read this part. This will be on the test.

“This proposal would establish Bitcoin (BTC) as a strategic reserve asset, allowing the U.S. government to acquire up to 5% of Bitcoin’s total supply,” states James Butterfill, Head of Research at CoinShares.

Yes, the total issuance of Bitcoin is 21 million, correct? And 5% of that is about 1 million, right? Currently, there are about 19.78 million Bitcoins mined, correct? It’s written here (CMC, Coin Market Cap).

At the current price of Bitcoin, that’s about 11 trillion to 12 trillion yen, right? But then you might think, "How can they acquire it when there are only 1.22 million Bitcoins left to be mined?" Exactly, and that’s the point. If this bill passes—specifically, the Bitcoin Bill—it means that the U.S. government is planning to buy nearly 1 million Bitcoins, around 11 to 12 trillion yen worth, from the market. Trump is saying this. As a campaign promise. This is really important, so let me repeat it. The U.S. government is going to pass a bill to buy nearly 1 million Bitcoins, equivalent to 11 to 12 trillion yen, from the market. And this is Trump’s campaign promise. Now, Trump is president, and the majority of both the U.S. Senate and House are held by Republican lawmakers. In this situation, who’s going to oppose this bill? No one, right? So, the Bitcoin Bill is going to pass. And what happens if the Bitcoin Bill passes? "The U.S. government is going to buy 1 million Bitcoins!!!!!! From the market!!!!!!" If you understand the meaning of those words, you’ll know what’s going to happen to Bitcoin, right? What? You don’t understand? Go to an eye doctor.

Every now and then, you get fools saying things like, “Well, there was a few trillion yen in buying demand when Mt. Gox refunds happened,” or “There was 2 trillion yen in buying demand during the FTX crisis, but the price didn’t rise much,” writing like amateurs who’ve never analyzed anything seriously. It’s pathetic, really. It’s a case of dementia. The absolute rule of capitalism is, “Fools are criminals, and criminals lose both money and time.” Ignorance is a crime, and the penalty for criminals is losing money and time. Look, think about it carefully. If you can’t think, then at least listen carefully. A trader’s job is to buy low and sell high. That’s the job. If a 2 trillion yen buying pressure comes in, it will become a selling pressure in the future. You can see this in futures and options. Trades exist because there are opposing buy and sell orders. That’s the world of traders.

Now, read the Bitcoin Bill carefully. It says, "The bill proposes the establishment of a strategic Bitcoin reserve to reduce U.S. national debt by purchasing 1 million BTC over the next 5 years." It clearly states that Bitcoin will be accumulated as a "reserve asset" to reduce the national debt of the United States. Do you understand what a reserve asset means? If not, look it up in a dictionary or ask GPT. The 5% of Bitcoin, 1 million coins, purchased for reserve purposes will not be sold by the government. Because it's a reserve asset. It will be treated the same way as gold reserves and accumulated. This is different from the meaning of buying 2 trillion yen or 5 trillion yen by short-term traders. If the United States, the world’s most advanced country, buys 5% of Bitcoin as a reserve asset, other countries will undoubtedly follow suit. Everyone will mimic it. Then, by controlling 5% of Bitcoin as a nation, the United States will be able to maintain its top position in the world. This is what the smartest people in America have concluded. This means that, "In addition to the 5% of Bitcoin purchased by the U.S. government, other advanced countries will also buy Bitcoin in large quantities for the purpose of accumulating reserve assets." Anyone can deduce this, right? And since the U.S. government hasn’t started buying Bitcoin yet (before the Bitcoin Bill), it’s obvious even to an idiot that if you buy now, you will get Bitcoin at a lower cost than the U.S. government will.

Reference 7) [Latest 2024] World GDP Rankings – Why Did Japan Fall to 4th?

If we take the GDP rankings written here as accurate, with the U.S. at the top buying 5%, then China, in terms of GDP ratio, will probably buy about 3%, because it has about 60% of the GDP of the U.S. Germany, following, will likely buy around 0.75%, and other advanced countries will probably buy about 0.5% of Bitcoin. Roughly speaking, about 10% of Bitcoin will be bought for the purpose of accumulating reserve assets. Now, even someone with the intelligence level of a small fry like me can figure this out in seconds, so large institutional investors have already gotten ahead of the game and have been buying up Bitcoin (which is why, when Trump passed, the price spiked to 11.7 million yen). This means that the number of people buying Bitcoin ahead of this real demand, which will be about 10%, is increasing. What’s interesting about this phenomenon, compared to stocks, is that "people don't buy Bitcoin based on a sense of value." Because Bitcoin is the only asset class of its kind in the world. It even surpasses gold. It’s unique in the world. There’s no asset class like this. After all, there are only 21 million coins in the world. And there are only 1.22 million coins left to be mined, and with such a tight supply-demand situation, the U.S. will buy up Bitcoin for the prestige of the nation. Whether it’s expensive or not, they’ll have no choice but to buy. After that, advanced countries will surely follow. This means that if the Bitcoin Bill passes, it will essentially be a historical event where Bitcoin replaces fiat currency. And when a move occurs where "the only way to erase the debt accumulated in fiat currency is to buy Bitcoin," the world will reverse. How much will the price of Bitcoin be at that time? Let’s calculate that in the next sections. Brace yourself because I’m going to thoroughly pump this up today. Read carefully so your heart doesn't stop.

2.The Upside Potential of Bitcoin as a National Debt Reduction Solution

The most important point in the Bitcoin Bill is summed up here:

To establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve fund with the goal of reducing U.S. national debt by purchasing 1 million BTC over 5 years.

The key points are: (1) the 5-year period, (2) the goal of reducing U.S. national debt, and (3) the bill calls for the establishment of a Bitcoin reserve fund, which has not yet been created. Let's break them down one by one. First, the most important topic—national debt. Do you all know how much the U.S. national debt (the country’s borrowing) is right now? It’s 35 trillion dollars. If you convert that to Japanese yen, it’s 5,000 trillion yen. 5,000 trillion yen. Sorry, but how on earth are we going to pay this off? It’s clearly impossible, right? The reason the U.S. government is trying to buy Bitcoin is because there’s an expectation that it can reduce this debt even slightly—that’s the real intention behind the government's plan.

Reference 8) Trend of U.S. Government Debt Balance

According to the draft of the proposed Bitcoin bill, it can be understood as intending to "pour 5% of the total supply into the Bitcoin reserve over 5 years to reduce national debt." At this point, the astute readers of this article will surely notice an important fact: "Wait a minute, doesn’t the U.S. national debt increase every year?" That’s right. For example, if we look at how much it has increased over the past 5 years, as stated in the trend of government debt balance, it has risen by 12 trillion dollars. 12 trillion dollars! That’s an increase of 1,800 trillion yen! Is this debt increase rate normal? So, despite events like the pandemic or emergencies, where debt increases by about 350 trillion yen every year, the claim is that "5% of Bitcoin can partially offset this." Well, that’s it. Bitcoin wins. The dollar loses. End of story.

If you look up the word "offset" in the dictionary, it means "to net out and cancel out." But the Bitcoin bill does not say "offset." It says "reduce." This means that the holding of 5% of Bitcoin will have an effect greater than reducing 5% of America’s debt. This conclusion has been reached by the highly intelligent people in America. This isn’t a discussion. It’s not about accelerating considerations like some fool might say. The conclusion has been made. And on top of the brilliant minds of America, the world’s richest genius, Elon Musk, is also supporting this bill, which is why he’s in the Trump administration. To all those saying, "Should I sell Bitcoin soon?" or "The top is in," or the fools who still say, "Bitcoin is a scam and suspicious," can you match wits with Elon Musk? No? Then buy it. Don’t sell. Keep buying until you die. Until you turn to ashes (Hirai Ginji).

To those of you saying, "Bitcoin has reached its ceiling (sigh)," do you have more assets than the U.S. government??? The U.S. is passing a bill to continue buying 5% as reserve assets and hold them indefinitely. With a conclusion. And the Republican Party will definitely pass this bill, since both the Senate and the House are controlled by Republicans. The Bitcoin bill will pass. And when it does, the price of Bitcoin is going to skyrocket. Right now, there’s still the last chance to buy Bitcoin at a lower acquisition price than the U.S. government will get, right in front of you. And yet, you’re still wasting your precious time in life saying, "This is where you sell," or "The chart says this is dangerous," are you? You should just quit investing because you clearly don’t have the sense for it. You’re lacking talent, intelligence, and vision, so it’s impossible. Go to the eye doctor.

Another key element of the Bitcoin bill is the phrase "continue buying over the next 5 years." As you might remember from the Bank of Japan’s ETF purchases, by "continuing to buy Bitcoin over 5 years," we can expect a body-blow-like (latent) buying pressure to form in the market. And through this continuous buying, it’s concluded that the U.S. national debt will be reduced by at least 5% or more. The national debt has been increasing by about $2.5 trillion per year over the past 5 years. From 2016 onwards, it has increased by about $8 trillion every year. So, by accumulating 5% of Bitcoin in the market over 5 years, with U.S. national debt ranging from ¥100 trillion to ¥300 trillion, the U.S. has concluded that it can "reduce its debt." Now, let’s move on to the crucial calculation: how much will Bitcoin be worth?

First, the U.S. debt is currently ¥5000 trillion, and assuming an annual debt increase of ¥200 trillion based on the formula above, by 2025, the debt will be ¥5200 trillion, by 2026 it will be ¥5400 trillion, and by 2027 it will be ¥5600 trillion. Since the Bitcoin bill’s goal is to "reduce" U.S. debt, there must be an asset effect (debt removal effect) equivalent to at least 5% of the Bitcoin purchased for it to be considered a "reduction." So, let’s hypothesize how much Bitcoin would need to rise in value relative to U.S. debt to achieve this debt removal effect.

Let’s first assume that the U.S. government already holds 5% of Bitcoin without any price increase (which is unlikely). If the asset value is about ¥12 trillion, then, as I’ve often said, if Bitcoin reaches ¥100 million (i.e., ten times its current price), it would become ¥120 trillion in assets, generating an unrealized gain of ¥108 trillion. If a ¥12 trillion investment results in an unrealized gain of ¥108 trillion, that would mean a debt removal effect of about ¥22 trillion per year over 5 years, which would achieve the goal of the Bitcoin bill. However, with this scenario, since the debt is increasing by ¥200 trillion, the effect on offsetting U.S. debt would be minimal.

Next, let’s make a more realistic estimate. If the U.S. government were to pass the Bitcoin bill and purchase 5% of the total circulating supply of Bitcoin at an average acquisition price of ¥30 million per coin, the asset value would be ¥36 trillion. Since they would be investing ¥36 trillion, if Bitcoin rises above ¥300 million (i.e., 30 times its current price), the asset value would become ¥360 trillion, and unrealized gains of approximately ¥324 trillion would be generated over five years. At that point, the debt removal effect would occur in both name and substance, making the Bitcoin bill a huge success.

What I’m trying to say is that, from the current price level, if the Bitcoin bill is passed and the U.S. government decides to acquire 5% of the circulating Bitcoin supply over five years, they will have to demonstrate a debt removal effect at least twice the amount of their investment to achieve the intended result. Given Trump's influence, he will likely be a powerful influencer for Bitcoin, and the market will continue to buy Bitcoin in faith. This is because the Trump community (myself included) has a sort of cult-like following. It is the perfect community for continuously buying Bitcoin with a fanatical belief in it.

On the other hand, can the U.S. national debt, which is accelerating by ¥100 trillion to ¥300 trillion annually, be reduced? The answer is no. This is because Trump’s campaign promises include tax cuts, fiscal stimulus, and interest rate cuts, which are based on the assumption of large-scale economic support. In order to cover the shortfall in dollars, U.S. bonds will need to be issued to meet the budget. With the Republican Party likely to control both the Senate and the House of Representatives this time, there will be no gridlock, and the budget will be passed easily. In other words, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and tax cuts will be ruthlessly passed. Once passed, inflation will accelerate. And the dollar will become insufficient. What will happen then? More printing. The U.S. will print money like crazy. As a result, U.S. national debt will increase at an accelerating rate.

After the U.S. government passes the bill, the cost of acquiring 5% of Bitcoin (1 million BTC) will undoubtedly rise. However, it is uncertain whether the increase in U.S. debt will be limited to ¥200 trillion per year. In fact, it is unlikely to be that low. The Bitcoin bill is designed to reduce U.S. debt, so the success of the bill depends on either raising the price of Bitcoin, acquiring it cheaply, or reducing debt. Reducing debt is impossible, and acquiring Bitcoin cheaply is also impossible (since there are only a little over 1 million BTC left to mine, and buying on the market won’t make much difference). Therefore, the only option left is to raise the price of Bitcoin, and Bitcoin will rise in value. As per the calculations above, if the U.S. could buy 5% of Bitcoin at the current price level, it would almost certainly rise to ¥100 million. However, that scenario is unrealistic, so if the Bitcoin bill is passed and the U.S. government starts buying Bitcoin, the acquisition cost would likely be around ¥30 million per BTC. In this case, the price would certainly rise to ¥300 million.
If inflation accelerates and U.S. debt continues to increase in parallel with the pace at which Bitcoin is being acquired, raising the price of Bitcoin would result in a higher debt reduction effect. For the U.S. government, this would allow them to control the budget more quickly. To put it simply, instead of funding a ¥100 trillion construction bond to cover the construction budget, the government could create a budget to buy ¥100 trillion worth of Bitcoin, and by accumulating Bitcoin and generating ¥1,000 trillion in unrealized gains, the U.S. debt could be completely wiped out in five years. Some individuals might recognize this opportunity and begin to buy Bitcoin, potentially writing off the U.S. debt (for more details, see my book Walking the Path to the End of the World – The End of the Economy).
If this happens, the Bitcoin owned by the U.S. government, purchased at ¥30 million per BTC, could increase to ¥300 million. At that point, the U.S. government may continue buying Bitcoin to maximize the debt reduction effect, potentially pushing the price to ¥1 billion or even ¥3 billion per Bitcoin.
In fact, if all 21 million BTC were mined, that time is said to be around 2140. Some might say, “I’ll be dead by then,” but Bitcoin has a halving process, meaning as the supply approaches 21 million BTC, only tiny fractions like 0.00001 BTC or even 0.0000000001 BTC can be mined. Even this smallest unit will have immense value (since the Satoshi unit is worth millions). Therefore, even if mining is complete or nearly complete, the last 0.001 BTC will undoubtedly hold incredible value.

Perhaps by that time, the Bitcoin decimal display will be something like “0.0001 equals 10 million yen,” and it wouldn’t be surprising if one Bitcoin were worth 10 billion yen.

The future is strange, and when we can already foresee what the world will be like 100 years from now, humanity tends to accelerate the realization of that future. So, the future 100 years from now might actually come sooner than expected—perhaps in 10 years. If the goal is to eliminate all of America’s debt, all it takes is to create over ¥5,000 trillion in value using 5% of Bitcoin. If you ask how much Bitcoin’s price would need to be to accomplish that, then if the Bitcoin market capitalization reaches 10 quadrillion yen, all of the debt could be eliminated. So, Bitcoin will reach a market cap of 10 quadrillion yen. Currently, the market cap is about ¥200 trillion, so that’s roughly 500 times the current price. Plenty of room. Now, what’s the current Bitcoin price again… Wait, is there a bug? ¥11.7 million??? Not in dollars??? Oh, I see. If you buy Bitcoin worth ¥10,000, you’ll get ¥5 million. If you buy ¥100,000 worth, you’ll get ¥500 million. Investing is easy and boring, isn’t it? (This entire story is fictional.)

By the way, if you’re one of those who say, “Bitcoin has gone over 10 million yen, it’s too expensive to buy,” please stop investing. Bitcoin can be bought from as little as 100 yen or 1,000 yen.

3.Risks Assumed Under the Trump Administration

Apologies, I got too carried away talking about Bitcoin and ran out of space. I had actually planned to cover topics like the risk of rising long-term U.S. Treasury yields, the risk of China, the strange decline of the Hong Kong Hang Seng, and the inflation risk looming over the stock market. However, due to space constraints, I will skip those and just list the key points before concluding.

・U.S. stocks are nearing their peak, and the rise in long-term yields poses a high risk of a massive increase in U.S. debt, making a temporary sharp decline highly probable
・Japanese stocks remain a concern, with a high risk of a sharp decline. Since Japanese stocks are not keeping up with U.S. stocks, if U.S. stocks collapse, an intense drop will occur without any cushion
・The potential Black Swan event could be a China shock, so attention should be paid to the Hong Kong Hang Seng and China’s economic policies
・In fact, until January 2025 (through the end of 2024), the president will be Biden and the vice president will be Harris. Anything could happen during this period

Finally, my current position is a Japanese stock short (CFD, index) and a Bitcoin long arbitrage. I disclose my positions daily, so if you'd like to reference them, feel free to join my circle (membership). Beginners are welcome, but experts are even more welcome. Let's enjoy some renowned market discussions. Buy Bitcoin!!!!

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

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  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

  • Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.

  • Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.

  • Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).

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  • Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.

  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

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Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

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"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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