


参考1)『日銀利上げ先送りの公算、総裁選を注視 19日決定会合』



いやいや政府としても容認出来ないっていうか、政府が日銀の政策に口を出すってそれ違法行為だからwww 馬鹿なのかなこいつ(ら)は。日本銀行法第3条第1項にこう書いてありますよ。『日本銀行の通貨及び金融の調節における自主性は、尊重されなければならない』と。更にはこう書いてます。『日本銀行の業務運営における自主性は、十分配慮されなければならない』とも。だから、日銀の政策に口を出すなって話だし、そもそも自民党の総裁選前に利上げしないみたいなリークをするなって話だし、まあ色々と古めかしい腐臭が漂いますよ。日銀は良いところもいっぱいあるし、植田総裁も素晴らしい方なんだから、本当に、一部の馬鹿のせいでいい迷惑ですよね。心中お察しいたします。


参考2)日銀総裁 「すぐに利上げだとはならない」【会見 詳しく】




参考3)NY株式市場 ダウ平均株価 2日連続で最高値更新









参考6)海外勢の株売り最大1.5兆円 9月2週、配当課税対応か


為替もねえ、144.50円なんてつけるんだったら、『最初から140円割れするんじゃねえよwww』って多くの人が思ってると思います(←140円割れで愛国ロングした人)。マジでウザいですね。完全なメンヘラですよこれ。だって、4,5日前に140円割れてたはずが、今や144円近くですからね。舐めてますよこれw 予測不可能。久しぶりに難易度高すぎなドル円を垣間見てます。








まず、オプション取引自体は、ブラックロック社のETFを対象とする、と書かれている限り、米国内のブローカレッジ(取次業)を通じて、ドル建てで決済することになると思料します。詳細が明かされておりませんが、ロイターの記事によれば、to hedge their exposure to the world's largest cryptocurrency(世界最大の暗号通貨に対するヘッジ手段)と明記されているので、“米ドル建てで決済するオプション取引”である、というのは間違いないでしょう(暗号通貨建てならヘッジという書き方にならない)。決済通貨がドルである、というのも、実は大変に重要なファクターになります(詳細は後述)。

参考8)SEC approves BlackRock's spot bitcoin ETF options listing




参考9)iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF






上記の例では、この投資家は、“年末にはビットコインが高くなる”という仮説を立てているとします。ということは、時期は12月、ということになります。オプション取引は、毎月、限月と言われる決済日(これをSQ、Special Quotationと言います)が決まっていて、この限月を、マニアの間では“ギリ”と言ったりします(9月ギリ、とか、10月ギリ、とか。別に覚えなくていいです。限月でも十分通じます)。










要するに、カバードコール戦略とは、Covered、と、Call option、の組み合わせで生まれた用語で、“現物で保有している資産でカバーされたオプション戦略”、ということです。実例を元に説明しますね。













3.2.の現物を担保に、カバードコールを実行、出来ればファー(ATM、At the moneyから遠い単価)のコールを売りまくる




【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 677:Market for mental health reaching its peak, for those exhausted in the midst of bipolar disorder, I recommend the covered call strategy

Two major, major events have just concluded. Yes, the Fed's rate cut and the Bank of Japan's monetary policy meeting. The Fed implemented a 50-basis-point rate cut, while the Bank of Japan, despite being a central bank, left us with the mysterious comment, "paying attention to the (LDP) leadership election," and seemingly followed through with their leak to their close friend, the Nikkei newspaper, by forgoing a rate hike. The U.S. rate cut is extremely important, so I will go into more detail about it later in this article.

Reference 1) “BOJ Likely to Postpone Rate Hike, Paying Attention to Leadership Election, September 19 Monetary Policy Meeting”

Honestly, I think this every time, but can't they do something about this insider rush? If the market communication was done well through media leaks, it might be okay, but as we saw with the shock from the last time (August 5), miscommunication with the market was one of the contributing factors. Things like "likely to be postponed" or "multiple government officials" are terrible, in my opinion. First of all, who the heck are these "government officials"? When there are officials (idiots) in the government leaking the contents of the Bank of Japan's monetary policy meetings, it seems like common international sense to consider that administration in trouble, but maybe that's just my imagination. And it's "multiple" people, too, not just one. On top of that, the comments are just painfully bad. I’ll quote them below.

Multiple government officials have emphasized this before: If monetary policy were to be adjusted at this time, it could potentially influence the LDP leadership election. Their view is that the Bank of Japan would never make such a decision, and the government would not be able to accept it either.

No, no, it's not just that the government can't accept it, it's illegal for the government to interfere in the Bank of Japan's policies! Are these people idiots or what? Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Bank of Japan Act clearly states: "The autonomy of the Bank of Japan in currency and monetary control must be respected." It even says: "Due consideration must be given to the autonomy of the Bank of Japan in the operation of its business." So basically, the government shouldn't be meddling in the Bank of Japan’s policies, and in the first place, they shouldn't be leaking information like "no rate hike before the LDP leadership election." It reeks of old, rotten practices. The Bank of Japan has a lot of good aspects, and Governor Ueda is an excellent person, so it's really a shame that a few idiots are causing so much trouble. I truly sympathize.

Anyway, the Bank of Japan decided to forgo a rate hike, and in the press conference after the last monetary policy meeting, which raised caution and danger signals in the market, they stuck to very dovish opinions throughout. They were probably scolded pretty harshly by the government... Governor Ueda must be feeling quite sorry.

Reference 2) BOJ Governor: "We are not in a position to raise rates immediately" [Details from the press conference].

I’m a bit worried about Governor Ueda, as his expression looks a little tired. Everyone's criticizing him, and I also sometimes criticize the BOJ's lousy leaks, but let me say this—Governor Ueda himself is an incredibly brilliant person, practically god-level. Japan should treasure him and not put too much pressure on him, to the point where he might resign. He’s an invaluable asset. The problem lies with the idiots and fools around the BOJ, as well as the media, especially regarding leaks.

Even such an outstanding Governor Ueda, if we (extremely) loosely interpret the contents of his press conference, seems to be saying something like, “We can’t make any decisions without first seeing what the U.S. does.”

In any case, the BOJ has decided to forgo a rate hike, while the Fed (FRB) has cut rates by 50 basis points. Despite the clear signs of a U.S. recession, and with the rate cut inviting inflation risks, for some reason the Dow has hit a record high. Ouch... (← for those who have been selling heavily).

Reference 3) NY Stock Market: Dow Jones Hits Record High for Second Consecutive Day.

And here’s the exchange rate... I don’t understand anything anymore, Patrasche...

Reference 4) NY Forex: Dollar/Yen Remains Firm as Expectations of Narrowing U.S.-Japan Interest Rate Gap Diminish

And as for the Nikkei, it’s been hit with a mysterious scorching short-cover rally, turning us poor sellers (like myself) into perfect char siu. Wow, that char siu looks delicious.

Reference 5) [Market Report] Nikkei 225 Futures: Night Session Closing Price on the 21st = Up 440 Yen, 37,970 Yen

This is strange. I remember the Nikkei being down nearly 2,000 yen just about five days ago. Did I wander into a parallel world? It’s way too strong. And it's not just the U.S., but the DAX (Germany's stock index) is acting absolutely insane too. Why is it so strong?

If you think about it logically, this market will crush you. Honestly, I don’t think anyone is really thinking—it's just being propped up purely by supply and demand ahead of the 9MSQ and the U.S. SQ on September 20th. There’s no reasoning, logic, or science behind this anymore.

I’ll say this clearly, even if it makes me the boy who cried wolf: Stock prices will fall, and in the short term, the yen will strengthen. No doubt about it. It’s bound to drop, no matter how you look at it. A lot of pros and semi-pros are thinking this way, which is why they’ve been relentlessly shorted, bringing us to where we are now. But I’ll still say it clearly: it’s going to fall. Whether it’s the U.S.-Japan interest rate differential, the decline from the SQ value, the fact that we didn’t hit the previous high during this rebound, the drop in the semiconductor index, the rising credit card delinquency rates, or the fact that we’re before a presidential election—everything points to a decline. So, this surge we’re seeing is what they call a "buying climax."

I feel like I might get yelled at with, "Then how high will it go? Write it clearly!" So let me apologize in advance—I don’t know. I’m sorry, I really don’t know. However, given that the Dow has surpassed its all-time high while the Nikkei hasn’t even reached its previous high, I thought the ceiling for the Nikkei would be around 37,500 yen. Now it’s broken through 38,000 yen once. So, I think it might go up to 39,000 yen, but I doubt it will reach 40,000 yen. That’s what I think for now—right now. Since the SQ has passed and there’s no MSQ, there’s no extreme distortion in supply and demand. Plus, foreign investors seem to be heavily selling Japanese stocks due to concerns over dividend taxation.

Reference 6) Foreign Investors' Stock Sales Hit 1.5 Trillion Yen in the Second Week of September, Likely Due to Dividend Taxation

Well, I think the decline is coming soon. It will be gradual, not a sharp drop. It will trickle down, and we might see something like, "If this continues to slide, could we dip below 31,000 yen?" I believe we’re headed for a situation where previous trading positions flip drastically. Ideally, I would have preferred a strong shock event that drops it below 20,000 yen, followed by a sharp rebound, which would allow for a much more bullish outlook. However, given the half-hearted recovery, the interim declines, and the subsequent slow rise without being able to capture highs near 42,000 yen, I interpret this as suggesting a long-term sideways decline range for the Nikkei.

As for the exchange rate, if it’s hitting 144.50 yen, many people must be thinking, "It shouldn’t have broken below 140 yen in the first place!" (← Those who went long when it dipped below 140 yen). It’s seriously annoying. This is pure mental health behavior. Just a few days ago, it was below 140 yen, and now we’re close to 144 yen. It’s ridiculous! Completely unpredictable. I'm getting a glimpse of just how high the difficulty level is for the dollar-yen exchange rate right now.

Personally, I’m the leader of the faction that believes in the perpetual depreciation of the yen, and I firmly believe we will definitely see 200 yen to the dollar eventually. Under normal circumstances, this yen weakness should align with my position talk, but this time, Japan is raising rates while the U.S. is cutting rates, bringing the terminal rates of both countries closer together. With the interest rate differential narrowing, where did those know-it-alls go who said, "The carry trade based on the U.S.-Japan interest rate differential is the main reason for the yen’s weakness"? Honestly, it’s eerie that the yen is depreciating like this, and I don’t feel comfortable getting on board with this yen weakness. It’s a trap. A trap! The dollar-yen is creating unprecedented long positions only to later cut off heads. In the short term, yen appreciation and stock declines are the trends. Yet, when I look at the market’s movements on my screen, which are completely different, I feel an urge to smash my screen. I get it.

In the first place, it’s a waste of time to be tossed around by price movements that have no reason or background analysis, so for those of you wondering, "Isn’t there a more solid, boring, yet stimulating trading strategy?" I have exciting news: there’s a possibility that Bitcoin options trading will be launched by the great BlackRock! This is thrilling. Right now, I can visualize an unbeatable, ironclad portfolio that can be assembled based on ideas.

Reference 7) U.S. SEC Allows Options Trading for Bitcoin ETF Offered by BlackRock

This is serious. It's really exciting. So, today’s theme is to thoroughly explore the "Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy," a high-defense, unbeatable strategy that seems likely to win, utilizing Bitcoin ETF options trading. Honestly, I’m tired of spending time on this Mental Health nightmare of a market. But as always, in the end, I will definitely win. Stocks and currencies are going to drop. The U.S. is facing an unprecedented recession. But right now, you might feel like saying, "What are you talking about? Look at the charts, you idiot," or "How can you think it will go down? Are you crazy?" I get it. To help soothe the frustrations of everyone dealing with this Mental Health market, I want to briefly explain an exciting portfolio idea. If this comes to fruition, I think it will be incredibly profitable. So, let’s get started.

1.The Significance of Bitcoin ETF Options Trading

As you can see from the news mentioned earlier, options trading has been implemented for ETFs launched by BlackRock, and it has been approved by the SEC as of September 20, 2024. Options trading is a revolutionary financial product that allows the buying and selling of "call options and put options." It offers more diverse trading opportunities for those of us who are like mental health victims in this market, getting emotionally hurt daily by the question of whether prices will rise or fall. I will elaborate on this with examples later (I believe I have discussed options trading in previous articles, so if you're interested, please check those out).

First, the recently approved options trading is not for physical Bitcoin but is limited to the buying and selling of "call and put options" for the ETFs provided by BlackRock. Therefore, I suspect that raw Bitcoin may not be used directly when settling options trades. Nevertheless, introducing options trading to a highly volatile Bitcoin market, where only straightforward buy or sell options previously existed, is a tremendous development that creates the possibility of constructing "god-tier" positions. The content I will present today may contain some difficult points, but mastering it could enable you to transition into the role of a modern-day alchemist. I will do my best to explain it clearly.

First of all, as long as it states that the options trading itself is targeted at BlackRock's ETFs, I believe that settlements will be conducted in U.S. dollars through brokerage firms in the United States. While details have not been disclosed, according to a Reuters article, it specifically mentions "to hedge their exposure to the world's largest cryptocurrency," so it’s safe to say that this is "options trading settled in U.S. dollars" (if it were settled in cryptocurrency, it wouldn’t be described as a hedge). The fact that the settlement currency is in dollars is actually a very important factor (details will follow).

Reference 8) SEC approves BlackRock's spot bitcoin ETF options listing


In other words, if you are a U.S. citizen or a qualified person who can buy "IBIT," you will be able to utilize this scheme (the unbeatable options trading position). While it may still be some time before this is available in Japan, knowing about this scheme means that as soon as (Bitcoin) options trading is introduced domestically, you will have a very high chance of being among the first to implement copy trading, effectively creating a private mint. So, consider this an opportunity and master it.

Let’s take a look at the IBIT chart.

Reference 9) iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF

Since I usually only look at physical Bitcoin, I’m not very familiar with this, but it says that the ETF, which started with a reference price of $10,000, is now around $13,000, indicating an increase of about 33%.

Please take a look at the chart.

I imagine many crypto masters (wizards) might think, "No, just buy physical Bitcoin, you fool!" But please wait a moment; this is a financial product, after all. Let’s be grateful for it, as it enables options trading.

Now, about options trading. Simply put, this is a scheme where you sell the right to buy or sell a financial product at a specific price in the future. For example, if the current price of IBIT is $13,000, and you're only predicting whether it will go up or down tomorrow, your winning probability will inevitably hover around 50%. However, by incorporating options trading, you can increase your winning odds (expected premium) in this high-stakes game.

For example, let’s say there’s an investor who thinks, "I don’t know if it will go up or down tomorrow, but Bitcoin tends to be strong by the end of the year, so I want to buy Bitcoin at a lower price in December." What this investor needs to decide in options trading is the "timing and price." This is important, so I’ll say it again: "timing and price." These two elements are the most crucial triggers in options trading.

In the above example, this investor has hypothesized that "Bitcoin will rise by the end of the year." This means the timing is December. Options trading has a monthly settlement date known as the "expiration date" (referred to as SQ, or Special Quotation), and this expiration date is often called "giri" among enthusiasts (like September giri or October giri. You don’t necessarily need to remember this; "expiration date" is sufficient).

Next, let's assume that the investor's need in this example is to "buy at a lower price." Currently, Bitcoin is priced at $13,000, and the investor expects it to reach $20,000 by the end of the year. Thus, the investor concludes, "If I acquire the right to buy the ETF (IBIT) at the current price of $13,000 in December, I should be able to make a profit," and decides to "buy the December expiration call option (C) at $13,000." This is the transaction of buying a call option.

Conversely, an anti-Bitcoin investor hypothesizes, "By December, it will have crashed below $10,000." In this case, the critical timing for options trading is December, and the idea is to "acquire the right to sell the ETF (IBIT) at $13,000." Therefore, the investor can choose to "buy the December expiration put option (P) at $13,000."

In summary, options trading has the following features: (1) you can trade prices for future dates other than tomorrow, and (2) you can make a profit if the price falls within a certain range rather than being restricted to a specific price on a specific date. Furthermore, there are only four types of transactions in options trading, namely...

1.Buy the right to purchase in the future
2.Sell the right to purchase in the future
3.Buy the right to sell in the future
4.Sell the right to sell in the future

This all comes down to those points. The explanation of options trading alone could easily fill a million characters, so if you want to learn more about options trading, I recommend looking into Kaplan’s options strategies and other digital content while trying your hand at actual market trades. The first step to becoming an alchemist is to get hands-on experience and try it out. That’s all for the boring textbook stuff. In the next section, we will dive into the main topic: “Isn’t this an alchemist’s strategy???” — the covered call strategy.

2.What is the Covered Call Strategy?

First, in light of the recent news regarding BlackRock’s approval of the IBIT options strategy, it’s essential to understand the covered call strategy to grasp the scheme of “Isn’t this a sure way to profit?” Confused? Don’t worry. I’ll carefully guide you through each step of this alchemist's journey, so please hang in there. For reference, here’s a helpful site.

Reference 10) Understanding the Covered Call Strategy!

Did you see it? Does the man in the illustration look like a scammer and scare you? Thanks for your patience. If you understand, that's what matters. The hat and the smile are indeed suspicious.

In essence, the covered call strategy is a term that combines "Covered" and "Call option," meaning "an options strategy covered by assets held in physical form." Let me explain with a practical example.

Let's take the IBIT, a Bitcoin ETF, as an example. Right now, it's at $13,000. Let's say you actually own this ETF, and your target for selling is $15,000. The investor wants to take a profit of $2,000. However, the market is moving sideways, and it’s having trouble breaking out of the range between $12,000 and $13,000.

“I want to sell, but if I just hold on, my funds will be tied up and that's a waste...” With that in mind, the investor decided to try the covered call strategy after seeing the news about IBIT's options trading.

Looking at the call options for three months from now, they noticed that a $15,000 call option had a premium of 2%, which means there were buyers willing to pay $300. If they were to sell this call option without any coverage and the price of IBIT (the ETF) shot up from $13,000 to $20,000 or $30,000, they would have to pay astronomical premiums (settlement amounts), putting them at significant risk of losing everything. There's a saying in options trading (and margin trading) that goes, "Buy to your home, sell to the grave," which means entering a short position is essentially like taking on debt. If a sudden price surge occurs, the potential losses can be astronomical.

However, since this investor is using the covered call strategy while holding the physical ETF (IBIT), if they are confronted with, "You sold me the right to sell the ETF at $15,000," they can simply respond, "Yes, that's correct. Here is the physical ETF," thereby avoiding the risk of being taken to the grave.

For example, let's say the investor sells the call option with a 2% premium multiple times and eventually hits the $15,000 call option when the price rises to $20,000. In this case, the investor would receive $1,300, which is 10% of the current price of $13,000, and the call option would be executed at $15,000. Therefore, the total profit would be $15,000 + $1,300, making it $16,300. The investor gains $3,300, but since the ETF itself has risen to $20,000, they would forfeit $7,000 in unrealized gains.
The brilliance of the covered call strategy lies here: the worst-case scenario is "forfeiting unrealized gains at the peak." Think about it—there's still a profit. They’re not losing money, yet they might feel, "I shouldn’t have made this trade." This is what makes the covered call strategy so effective.

Conversely, let’s consider the best-case scenario. Suppose the investor repeats the sale of the call option with a 2% premium more than five times, but the $15,000 call option never goes in the money. It may rise to $14,500 but just misses hitting the mark. The investor thinks, "Maybe I should try to push it a bit higher." They switch to selling the $20,000 call option, which lowers the premium to 1%, but they have secured enough interest from more than ten transactions. However, since the option still doesn’t get executed, they decide, "I might as well just hold the physical asset," and ultimately the ETF lands at a price of $19,000.
In this case, the investor would receive $1,300 in interest, equivalent to 10% of the physical asset priced at $13,000, plus another $1,300 in interest, along with $6,000 in unrealized gains on the physical asset. This means the total realized and unrealized profit amounts to an impressive $9,600. Even though the price increase is only about 50%, the profits exceed 70% of the held asset's value. This perfectly encapsulates the effectiveness of the covered call strategy.

Furthermore, when the price of Bitcoin is strong, it generally indicates that inflation is occurring and the dollar is depreciating (this is not relative to other currencies, but in terms of its value against the cost of living). Taking into account the trends of dollar depreciation and the rising price of Bitcoin, the premium for call options is likely to be higher in a process where settlements are made in dollars (dollars < Bitcoin). Conversely, when the price of Bitcoin is weak, it suggests that the dollar is relatively strong, which should lead to a lower premium for options priced in dollars.

Additionally, not only futures but also options trading being incorporated into cryptocurrency ETFs fundamentally creates actual demand for Bitcoin. Think about this carefully. It involves the rights to buy and sell Bitcoin ETFs. For a Bitcoin ETF to be a Bitcoin ETF, it must purchase actual Bitcoin; otherwise, the options trading itself cannot be executed. This is obvious. Before discussing prices—whether high or low—if there is no inventory, the transaction cannot take place. To enable options trading, actual Bitcoin must be purchased to increase the trading volume of the ETF; otherwise, the business will not succeed. As long as this ETF continues to buy actual Bitcoin to increase trading volume (or more precisely, ETF holders continue to buy the ETF to engage in options trading), Bitcoin will keep rising. This leads to the hypothesis: "Could building this position allow me to become the alchemist of the Reiwa era?" From here on, it’s a paid discussion. If you wish to read further, please stake the equivalent of 100 BTC to the specified address (just kidding).

3.Call options on limited-supply assets, this game creates an expected value bug

Options trading is truly one of the remarkable trading methods, and in Japan, various options trading opportunities are offered for different assets, starting with covered warrants. However, some options come with exorbitant fees that make it almost impossible for buyers to win, so caution is needed. Nevertheless, since options trading provides investors with choices beyond just "up or down," it is an excellent trading scheme.

Historically, options trading has been available for a variety of assets, including crude oil, individual stocks, and indices. However, with the emergence of "Bitcoin ETF options trading, which can only exist if actual Bitcoin is continuously purchased," a bug exists that the SEC may not even be aware of. This could be described as a design flaw in realizing options trading for Bitcoin—an asset with an absolute supply limit—using a currency that can be issued infinitely, such as the dollar. In short, the more options trading increases, the more Bitcoin prices could skyrocket, creating this bug. Without going into too much detail, I'll simply state that "NVIDIA's surge was primarily driven by individual stock options trading." In any case, this bug is present.

So, today, I want to wrap up with a discussion about a solid alchemist portfolio aimed specifically at those of you who are frustrated with the "financial mental health market," and it's actually quite simple.

1.Buy physical Bitcoin (any amount you like)
2.Buy the same number of physical ETFs with IBIT (make sure it's the same number as in step 1)
3.Use the physical ETFs from step 2. as collateral to execute covered calls, preferably selling far calls (options with strike prices that are significantly higher than the current price)

That's it. This will probably transform into a demon alchemist, everyone. Of course, since options trading itself is a bilateral transaction, it doesn’t mean anything unless a deal is made, and at the start of trading, the order book might be very thin. In that case, it doesn't have to be far; a thick price book is fine. However, if my calculations are correct, considering the dollar value ≒ dollar interest rate arbitrage, the option premium will never be able to surpass the price of Bitcoin. It fundamentally cannot win. I think that in a few years, everyone will realize that the option premium doesn't add up, and this scheme will become unusable. But at that time, it won’t be Bitcoin at ¥100 million, right? You’ll be winning outright at 1. Everyone just needs to hold onto that carefully. Until then, during this boring era of ‘It’s ¥10 million! It’s ¥9 million!’, I think using this covered call strategy will be a solid approach. Because the dollar can’t win against Bitcoin. And when the Fed cuts rates, inflation accelerates, leading to a further decline in the dollar's value that triggers QQE4. In the end, option premiums become exorbitantly high, making it very easy for sellers to profit but increasing the risks. At that point, holding both a physical ETF and actual Bitcoin will provide a double hedge. This is probably the strongest strategy. If, by any chance, Bitcoin keeps falling, raw Bitcoin might become electronic waste. But when the dollar is strong and Bitcoin is weak, even if option premiums are low, the cumulative dollar assets earned through selling call options before Bitcoin goes to zero due to time decay should cover almost all ETFs. So, this is the shortest route for the alchemist. For those of you who are thinking, ‘There are too many katakana words, I don’t get it,’ just go ahead and buy physical BTC, buy the ETF (IBIT), and start selling call options like crazy. You should really be able to win. You can win while picking your nose with this. Once you've earned dollar interest, aggressive players can buy additional raw Bitcoin or ETFs. If you want to avoid risk (for those who believe dollar assets will rise), withdraw and reduce your dollar interest, and set it aside. However, when the options trading will launch and how to buy them is still unclear, including in this article (sigh). Until then, dealing with the mental health of the market is unavoidable these days.

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Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

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"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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