






参考2)日銀 “利上げの環境整う”意見多く 金融政策決定会合で検討へ




まあ、旧正月も近いし、ジェンスンファンさんが言っていることも分かるのですが、本当に最近のシンガポールを経由した東南アジアへのデータセンター建立速度は異常ですよ。異常。『狂ってんじゃないのかこいつらwww』ってくらい、AIデータセンター立ててるんですよ。もちろんエヌビディアの名前を冠したものでね。怪しすぎるだろこれw つまり、シンガポールに設立された中華系の企業を迂回してデータセンターを建てまくってるわけでしょ。これ、トランプさん絶対気づいてる気がするんですよ・・・。そこに来て、NVIDIAが就任式に参加しないことで、変な思惑を生まないで欲しいところですよね本当に。































いやあ、あると思うなこのシナリオ。TikTokがマスク氏の手に乗ったら、いよいよ、イーロン・マスク氏、影の大統領爆誕でしょうこれは。SNSのキングになって、車のキングになって、火星へ人類を救う宇宙船を作って、ドージコインで世界通貨に貢献する。なんなんだこの起業家はwww もはや起業家というレベルを超えています。そしてイーロン・マスク氏の何がすごいって、“政商じゃない点”なんですよ。これが本当に凄い。マジで。そんな人いないからね。



参考12)X、“マネー機能”年内実装へ 仮想通貨関係か








で、ですよ。『じゃあドージコイン買えばいいのかな』、と聡明な読者の皆様は思われると思うんですが、ちょっとそれも早計で、言うてドージコインもまあまあな高値なんですよ。今や。時価総額10兆円近くあるからね。トヨタが45兆円近くですから、世界のトヨタと、犬が肩を並べてるわけですよwwちなみに犬はミームコインなんでなんの機能もユーティリティもないんですよ。最高。これぞWEB3、これぞ暗号通貨です。だから、犬は、もといドージコインは、相当高い水準まで来てるので、10倍にはなろうとも、100倍には短期的にはならないんじゃないのと。普通の投資家は思うわけよ。となるとどうする?そりゃ、新しいミームコインに資金が移動するに決まってるでしょうwww 犬といえば?次は猫ですよ。猫。Nyan Nyan Nyanです。世界を救うのは、次は猫なんですよ。にゃんまるマンセー。


参考14)シーマニア(SEAMANIA)仮想通貨の買い方! 購入とチャートを徹底解説

 チャート見ると、これ、昨日50ミリオン行ってますねwww 1/15あたりから買ってたら、三倍かよって・・・。流石ミームです。3日で3倍かよ・・・。うちの猫ちゃんに迫りくるとも劣らずの勢いです。



えーと、どれどれ。まず、新たに、Lite Paperなる、エコシステム解説シートが公開されているみたいですね。ここから見られるようです。


からの、一番危険なワードが見つかりましたが、テンスレント社のCCOであるDavid Bannetさんが、応援してくれるというパワーワード。これさ、テンスレント社なんて知ってる人いないと思うんだけどさ、普通に株主ジェフ・ベゾスさんだし、テスラとかAppleのCPU開発した超絶優良企業ですよ。あーそうか、だからAIデータセンター事業関連で、シーマンに張る(追加投資)と決めたのね、と推察する皆様はなかなかの猛者と認定しますw


参考15)テスラ、AIチップを自社開発中 —— 「世界最高のもの」になるとマスク氏


 まあ、ミームらしく、あくまで個人的に応援しているにとどめさせているところは流石だけれど、なんか、思惑、感じませんか??ということを考えると、シーマンコインもこれはこれで盛り上がりそうな感じがしますね。AIエージェントど真ん中の銘柄ではありますからね、ミームコインの中では。というか、ユーティリティ性があるから、ミームコインっぽくないけどw でも、ミームコインらしさ、という意味では、今後に十分な期待が持てるプロジェクトであるのは間違いない。乞うご期待です。










だから、ミームコインのCEX取引所からのアプローチなんて引く手あまた来てるだろうに、全く乗ろうとしない、むしろ乗るならトップ一択、みたいな、強気の姿勢が崩せないんだろうし、それはそれで正解だと思う。だって、トップを除いた大手取引所なんて上場するのはいつでも出来るからね。それよりは、国家ぐるみの取引所に乗せるとかさ、パワーインフルエンサーが盛り上げるだけ盛り上げてもらうとか、もっとこう、参加者が全員歓喜してうんこ漏れるくらいの、『うおーwwwwwwwwww』みたいな、やつが来てから、じっくり考えればいいんじゃないかなっていうことを運営が考えている気がしますよ。そして、シーマンコインの鬼のような参戦者のリストを見ると、猫にしても、その時は近いような気がしております。いつかはしらんけどwそう遠くない未来を夢見て、全員圧勝、夢の2ドル(にゃんどる)が本当に実現するのか、『同じ阿呆に見る阿呆』を楽しんでいきましょうね皆様。来週も共に頑張りましょう。May the Nyan be with us。



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 694:The Upcoming Presidential Inauguration: Are There Any Expected Executive Orders?

At last, on January 20, 2025, the inauguration ceremony of President Trump will take place. Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts are quietly holding onto expectations that there may be some surprises accompanying President Trump's inauguration. As a result, Bitcoin continues its steady ascent, aiming for its recent all-time high (ATH).

Reference 1) Trump plans to position crypto assets as a national priority—executive order in the works

President Trump has already declared that the U.S. government will purchase Bitcoin as part of its reserve assets. The question now is how far-reaching the executive order he will issue during the upcoming inauguration will be, sparking high expectations.

However, it is important to exercise some caution. Trump has announced plans to purchase Bitcoin equivalent to 5% of U.S. reserves (approximately 1 million BTC), but the timeline and method for this acquisition have not been specified. The expectation began with his statement that the U.S. would rely on domestic mining operators to mine the 1 million BTC. If this translates into a gradual purchase of Bitcoin over a span of years, the elevated expectations might deflate, potentially leading to a temporary price decline.
For those buying Bitcoin with short-term profit in mind, it might be better to wait until it breaks out of its current high-price range. On the other hand, if your goal is long-term profit, simply continue purchasing indefinitely using a dollar-cost averaging strategy. In that case, there's no need for concern—just keep buying consistently, and becoming a millionaire is virtually guaranteed!

Cryptocurrencies are thriving with an energetic market, but the stock market remains highly uncertain. I can’t shake the concern that the next downturn might push the Nikkei down to around 28,000 yen.

Reference 2) Bank of Japan: “Conditions for a rate hike are coming together,” to be discussed at the Monetary Policy Meeting

Reports suggesting a rate hike by the Bank of Japan seem to be everywhere, almost as if it's a done deal. But the BOJ's Monetary Policy Meeting is set for January 23 and 24, right after President Trump's inauguration. The timing, with the market having somewhat priced in Trump's impact by then, feels deeply ominous. Given the trauma many investors still carry from the sharp stock market decline following the August rate hike, has the market truly priced in a potential BOJ rate hike?

In any case, it's all about interest rates—interest rates determine everything for the stock market. If the BOJ's rate hike is interpreted as signaling the end of monetary easing, it would not only impact U.S. stocks but also send Japanese stocks into a nosedive. This long-standing concern of mine continues to loom heavily over the stock market.

Reference 3) Nvidia CEO to skip President-elect Trump’s inauguration, sources say

Well, with the Lunar New Year approaching, I can understand where Jensen Huang is coming from, but honestly, the pace at which data centers are being established in Southeast Asia, particularly via Singapore, is insane. Truly insane. It’s like, "Are these guys nuts? LOL," with how many AI data centers they’re building. And of course, they're all branded with NVIDIA's name. This is way too suspicious.
In essence, they’re using Chinese-affiliated companies based in Singapore as intermediaries to build data centers left and right. I can’t help but feel that President Trump is absolutely aware of this. Given the circumstances, I just hope NVIDIA’s decision not to attend the inauguration doesn’t spark unnecessary speculation. It’s the last thing we need right now.

If the stock market does decline, then the events following President Trump’s inauguration could see the stock market dropping while cryptocurrencies rise at an extraordinary pace. In today’s column, I’d like to thoroughly explore whether such a miracle could actually happen.
Well, for us in the Nyanmaru and Seamania circles, as long as cryptocurrencies are strong, that’s all that matters, LOL. However, since one of the purposes of this column is to calmly foresee the future and provide insights, I’ll aim to eliminate as much bias as possible and dive into a thoughtful analysis. Let’s get started.

1.What exactly is a Trump executive order?

First, let’s understand what the much-talked-about Trump executive order actually entails. To do so, let’s revisit the basics of executive orders. Here’s an explanation we found:

Reference 4) Executive Orders

There are no specific regulations, but the most important expression is undoubtedly this:

It carries legal force and can be implemented without congressional approval.

It’s a declaration with legal force that does not require congressional approval. In other words, the moment President Trump “signs an executive order,” the provisions within that order instantly gain legal authority. That’s incredible. It seems to completely disregard the concept of separation of powers, LOL. Although, I’m not sure how firmly the U.S. upholds the idea of separation of powers in legal terms. Regardless, it’s a powerful decree.

The speculation is that this might include orders related to cryptocurrency, which is reportedly one of the factors driving the recent rise in cryptocurrency prices.

Reference 5) Trump plans executive orders on immigration measures, energy production, and more on his first day in office

Reference 6) Trump’s new administration prepares an executive order to make cryptocurrency a national priority

Mainly, immigration measures, energy policies, likely financial policies, and cryptocurrency policies are expected to be included in this executive order. Additionally, President Trump has made remarks prior to the inauguration suggesting that “Bitcoin could rise to around $150,000,” so if something along those lines appears in the executive order, it wouldn't be surprising if Bitcoin’s price reaches around 22.5 million yen by the end of this month. The excitement is truly building.

2.President Trump's Policies

For those wondering, "What were President Trump’s campaign promises?" I found an article from our NHK that neatly organizes this information, so I’ll share it here as well.

Reference 7) Key Policies of Donald Trump


Reference 8) Trump appeals to Wall Street with a series of tax cut announcements – visits the NYSE

He plans to lower the corporate tax rate to 15%. That's great. There are also rumors that he might address capital gains tax on cryptocurrencies, and honestly, I’d love to hear that in some other countries. If President Trump enacts tax cuts, it could really impact other countries' tax systems, and this could be an even stronger catalyst than just simply saying, “We’ll buy Bitcoin.” The potential is definitely there.

Another policy to keep an eye on is government spending cuts. Apparently, Elon Musk’s DOGE (a play on Dogecoin) will be at the center of this, aiming to eliminate unnecessary government spending. Amazing. I’d really love to see other countries adopt this approach. I wish there were an organization called "Nyan" that could work towards reducing government spending to nearly zero. And of course, tax cuts. This article does a great job of summarizing the details of DOGE.

Reference 9) What is Musk’s U.S. Government Efficiency Department (DOGE)? Recruiting "Revolutionaries" to work 80-hour weeks

Ah, this opening article is just fantastic, LOL. Look at this aggressive harassment. They're recruiting "revolutionaries" to work 80 hours a week. That’s some serious firepower. No matter how much society pushes for softer anti-harassment measures, the ones who ultimately win are the hard workers. After all, the wealthiest person in the world is saying it, so it must be true. Only hard workers win. Let’s all work hard, folks.

Now, as for this organization itself, it seems to be a private advisory committee rather than a government entity. It will remain a purely advisory role, not a government organization. This, too, seems to overflow with the genius of Trump and Elon Musk. They must be thinking a lot of things. Perhaps they’re setting things up to prevent unnecessary political enemies from arising, especially if they plan to have Elon Musk as the next president. The truth, however, is unclear.

The organization’s activity period is set to finish all commitments by July 4, 2026. The sense of urgency here is just amazing, LOL. But Musk has said, “We’ll finish it even sooner.” Truly divine. A living god before our eyes.

As for the target amount of spending cuts, borrowing Musk’s words directly, “At least $2 trillion (approximately ¥312 trillion) will be cut from the federal government’s budget of $6.75 trillion (about ¥1,055 trillion).” This is incredible, LOL. What is this person—no, this god—doing? Cutting 312 trillion yen out of 1,055 trillion yen is nearly a 30% reduction. I really envy the American people right now. And honestly, if anyone could pull this off, it’s Musk.

Reference 10) Trends in U.S. Government Debt

Looking at this graph, when averaging the "annual debt increase" during unusual times like the pandemic, we can see an increase of about ¥150 trillion (around $1 trillion) per year. So, if Musk really cuts $2 trillion in debt, we could actually eliminate annual debt and end up with a primary surplus, LOL.

Of course, as explained in the previous column, the existing U.S. bonds (the U.S. debt) are so massive that interest alone costs nearly $1 trillion every year. So, unless something is done about this (the root of all evil), the U.S. fiscal situation won’t recover. But as outlined in the column, if President Trump uses Bitcoin to push the price up to nearly $45 million per BTC, then U.S. debt could be wiped out and everything would be cleared. It sounds like a miracle of the Reiwa era, or a modern-day version of the straw millionaire story.

3.The Shadow President, Elon Musk

Many experts are focusing on what President Trump will say and what executive orders he will issue during his inauguration. Of course, President Trump is a brilliant genius, but personally, I believe that the person who will really perform in the next administration is Elon Musk. After all, DOGE is the key. There’s no doubt about it. If Musk can reduce $2 trillion of debt in just two years through DOGE, he will truly become a god.

Because when it comes down to it, everything—war, diplomacy, finance, and the economy—is about one thing: money. Money. Money is everything. If there were no issues with money, things like Bitcoin or the Ukraine war wouldn't even matter. Inflation control, diplomacy, immigration, trade tariffs—everything, at its core, is about money. And to improve the efficiency of this money flow, the wealthiest person in the world is teaming up with the genius President Trump to rebuild America. This is insane. It's like real-life Iron Man. Well, originally, Tony Stark was modeled after Elon Musk, but still, living a life like Tony Stark is truly extraordinary. And I’m really glad that Elon Musk isn’t involved in the military industry. And then we get news like this.

Reference 11) U.S. Business Shutdown Forces TikTok Sale, Possible Acquisition by Elon Musk

I really think this scenario is possible. If TikTok falls into Elon Musk’s hands, we’ll be witnessing the birth of Elon Musk as the shadow president. Becoming the king of social media, the king of cars, building spaceships to save humanity on Mars, and contributing to the global currency with Dogecoin. What kind of entrepreneur is this?! He's beyond the level of just an entrepreneur at this point. What’s truly amazing about Elon Musk is that he's not a “policy businessman.” That’s what’s truly remarkable. Seriously. There’s no one like him.

Among the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, many infiltrate the government and get their businesses incorporated into policy to make money. They don’t show up on the surface, but I know many people doing shady things behind the scenes. But Elon Musk is completely different. He’s done everything on his own. Starting with PayPal, then Tesla, SpaceX, buying X (Twitter), and everything else. And on his own terms, he bet on President Trump, actually bringing him to power, and now he's committing to a $2 trillion reduction. He’s truly a hero. He’s exactly the kind of hero the American people love. He’s the living embodiment of that hero.

With such a genius supporting President Trump’s administration (even if behind the scenes), it’s possible that short-term financial market instability or unexpected emergencies may occur. However, from a long-term perspective, at least for those in the cryptocurrency community, there’s no reason why anything bad should happen. He himself will likely continue to promote Dogecoin and work on integrating cryptocurrency into social media and web services. I think this is just one of the steps leading up to that.

Reference 12) X to implement "money functionality" by the end of the year, possibly related to cryptocurrency

It must have been a few years ago when Elon Musk acquired X (formerly Twitter), and I hypothesized back then, which I also explained in this article, about the hidden intentions behind the purchase. Now, that hypothesis is about to materialize. X will become a wallet. A cryptocurrency wallet. And specific currencies will be used as a payment currency in the communication that unfolds on the social media platform, with none other than Dogecoin (DOGE) being the payment currency. There’s no doubt about it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be implementing such a feature. Anyone can figure this out with a little thought.

In other words, as president, Trump will strongly advocate for Bitcoin, positioning it as a reserve asset for governments worldwide. Meanwhile, Elon Musk, who will wield influence as part of a private advisory committee, will make the most of his freedom to maneuver. Once Bitcoin becomes a reserve asset, Musk will likely declare, "It's time for the meme coin era," by implementing currency functions on X. X will become a multi-currency storage wallet, and the form of social media will shift completely from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Wait, does that mean the meme coin era is coming under the Trump administration? That sounds amazing!

4.The Trump Administration and Meme Coins

First, please take a look at this article. You should be able to understand that the hypothesis presented in this piece, "The Trump administration is a meme coin administration," is by no means nonsense.

Reference 13) Is DOGE the Future? Elon Musk Talks About the Possibilities of Cryptocurrency!

This is a summary site meant for attracting readers, so most of it doesn't contain anything significant, but essentially, Elon Musk is presenting a new vision in a live stream that utilizing Dogecoin can lead to massive cost reductions. And the name of the organization focused on reducing government spending is DOGE (Doge), right? I think that's a hint, don't you? Probably, Elon Musk is trying to handle most of the payment processes with Dogecoin to reduce government spending. Otherwise, why would the organization have such a name, and why would he specifically mention things like the speed and low cost of payments in a live stream?

There’s been a silly debate going on, comparing Dogecoin and Shiba Inu coin, wondering "which one will rise?" but obviously, Dogecoin is the stronger one. I mean, Elon Musk is the head of the government advisory committee, and he holds a huge amount of Dogecoin. He’s definitely going to make it happen. Asking whether Dogecoin or Shiba Inu coin will rise is just as dumb as asking, “Which is going to perform better, Bitcoin or some ICO coin I heard about at the Louvre?” It’s the same level of intelligence. This is just ridiculously stupid. Bitcoin and Dogecoin are going to rise, obviously.

So, you might be thinking, “Should I just buy Dogecoin then?” but that would be a bit premature. Dogecoin is already at a pretty high price. Its market cap is nearly 10 trillion yen now. Toyota is around 45 trillion yen, so Dogecoin is shoulder to shoulder with the global giant Toyota! By the way, Dogecoin is a meme coin, so it has no real utility or function. It’s perfect. This is WEB3, this is cryptocurrency. That said, Dogecoin has already reached a pretty high level, so while it could increase 10 times, it’s unlikely to shoot up 100 times in the short term. Regular investors would probably think that. So, what happens next? Of course, funds will move to new meme coins! When you think Dog, what's next? Cats. Cats. Nyan Nyan Nyan. The next thing to save the world is cats. Long live NYANMARU.

It seems that while I was daydreaming about all this, recently, my cat—sorry, Nyanmaru—has been hanging out with someone or something that I can’t quite figure out, whether they’re friends or not. Anyway, there’s a new coin called Seaman Coin, inspired by the Seaman IP that became popular on the old Dreamcast. Apparently, this Seaman Coin has been skyrocketing in price at a baffling speed. Let’s take a look at the chart.

Reference 14) How to buy SEAMANIA (Seaman Coin) cryptocurrency! A complete guide to purchasing and charts

 Looking at the chart, it seems like it hit 50 million yesterday, haha. If you bought around January 15th, you'd have tripled your investment... Just like a meme coin! A 3x return in 3 days... It's got the same energy as my cat's unstoppable momentum.

However, after doing some research on this Seaman Coin, it seems like it's not as meme-like as some mysterious cat coins. In fact, it actually seems to have some relatively serious and legitimate aspects to it. So, let’s take another look at Seaman Coin, which we’ve been purchasing for work, as we watch the release and review it.


Hmm, let's see. It looks like a new document called a "Lite Paper," which explains the ecosystem, has been released. It seems you can view it from here.

 So, using this Seaman AI feature, it seems everyone can change their faces and become Seaman. Is there a demand for that? Haha, the world of memes is hard to understand, but anyway, it looks like integrating with social media will become easier.

And then, I found the most dangerous word: David Bannet, the CCO of Tencent, is going to support it. Now, I don’t think many people know about Tencent, but it’s actually a top-tier company, with Jeff Bezos as a shareholder and having developed CPUs for Tesla and Apple. Ah, I see, so that's why they've decided to invest more in Seaman, likely related to AI data center business. Anyone who has figured that out must be quite the expert!

By the way, Jim Keller from Tencent is really close friends with Elon Musk. Here’s the article for that.

Reference 15) Tesla Developing AI Chips In-House — "Will Become the Best in the World," says Musk

Here’s the tweet where a director from Tencent is properly supporting Seaman Coin.

Well, as expected for a meme coin, it’s kept to a personal level of support, but don’t you feel there’s something more behind it? Considering that, Seaman Coin seems to have a good chance of gaining momentum. It is, after all, a token right at the heart of AI agents among meme coins. And even though it doesn’t really feel like a meme coin because of its utility, in terms of meme coin qualities, it’s definitely a project to look forward to. Stay tuned.

5.The Inauguration of President Trump as the Watershed Moment for Cryptocurrency

Anyway, at President Trump's inauguration, what he will say and what the shadow president, Elon Musk, will demonstrate with the DOGE project will undoubtedly be incredibly important events for the cryptocurrency community. And what’s certain is that Bitcoin will definitely skyrocket. No doubt about it. However, whether it will rise vertically during the inauguration is still uncertain. It’s also wise to keep in mind the risk of material exhaustion.

That said, even though Bitcoin is expected to rise in the long term, don’t you think meme coins, with their much higher volatility, might become far more interesting in the short term than Bitcoin? Even mysterious meme coins like Seaman Coin have caught the interest of directors from Jeff Bezos’ companies, and with something like Nyanmaru the cat, it’s clear that world leaders will inevitably take an interest. I can’t shake the feeling that something big is about to happen.

The good thing about meme coins is that, despite having no utility and obviously not being a financial product or anything, being just a token born from a joke, they boast liquidity as a legitimate cryptocurrency. This means anyone can easily get involved. But when it comes to things like STOs, securities, or governance tokens, everyone pulls back at once. Even I would step back, haha. It’s scary because I wouldn’t want to get caught in any accidents.

But with meme coins, there’s no worry about accidents, because it’s a 'meme coin, after all, haha.' This ultimate ease of approachability is what makes Nyan and Seaman so easy to touch. And of course, a certain group of crypto enthusiasts can’t be unaware of this fact, so naturally, they’ll flock to it. This could be described as ‘under the shade of a large tree.’ It's a big tree. Cats become trees. This tree, what kind of tree is it? Its name is Nyanmaru.

After all, the lightheartedness of ‘let’s all gather and make it exciting, because it’s a meme, haha’ is really important. I mean, cryptocurrency and blockchain were born as anti-establishment, even anti-social technologies, right? Haha, sorry about that.

But the technology turned out to be such an amazing out-of-place artifact that even the U.S. government had to say, ‘We have to get on board with this, or we’re in trouble.’ Once we’re talking about Bitcoin or Ethereum, they’ve already become national currencies, so I think compliance and governance should be strictly enforced, and I agree with that view. However, with meme coins, it’s all about the world of ‘the fool who dances and the fool who watches.’ If we’re all fools, might as well dance! But from there, a monster currency like Dogecoin is born, and it becomes the base currency for a government expenditure reduction organization, right? If the market cap increases tenfold from here, how much would Dogecoin be worth? 100 trillion yen, right? Haha, it’s all just dreams!

Do you really think a meme coin with this much potential, especially one based on a Japanese IP, wouldn’t get hype? (No, Nyan).

That’s why I think a lot of people will flock to it. And yet, no one can control it, nor would they even try to (heck, I don’t even know who issued it, haha). There’s no game more fun than this. And, just like with the utility of Seaman Coin, the great thing about meme coins is that they’re not serious, so they naturally get hyped on social media. Influencers who realize this will hype it up on their own, make videos, explain how to buy, and buy it themselves. Of course, since it’s a meme coin, those who bought cheap will sell at a high price, so liquidity will increase. But when it crosses that threshold, meaning when it grows from a joke meme coin into a serious meme coin, that’s when the adults will realize it and join in. Whether it’s the cat or Seaman.

That’s why, even though meme coins must be getting a lot of approaches from CEX exchanges, they’re not jumping on any of them, and instead, their stance seems to be, ‘if we’re going to do it, it has to be with the top one.’ I think that’s the right approach. After all, they can always list on any major exchange except the top ones. Rather than that, maybe they’re thinking about getting onto a state-run exchange or letting power influencers hype it up as much as possible. It’s about creating an atmosphere where every participant is so overjoyed they might even poop themselves—something like ‘Woooohhh, hahahaha’—and then, after that, they can think carefully. I feel like that’s what the management is considering. And when I look at the insane list of Seaman Coin participants, I have a feeling the time for the cat will come soon, too. I don’t know when, but I think it’s not too far off. Let’s dream of a near future where everyone wins big, where the dream 2 dollars (Nyan-dollar) really happens. Let’s enjoy ‘the fool who dances and the fool who watches’ together. Let’s keep pushing forward together next week. May the Nyan be with us.

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  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

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"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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