

『1時間で1億円ゲットした』、『適当なTGEの参加で1,000万円儲かったよ、参加した??』、みたいな連絡が、一部の仲間から多発しておりまして、なんだなんだと聞いてみると、どうも“ハイリキ”のTGE(Token generation event)で引き当てたらしい。『ハイリキ?酒の?酔っ払ってんのか?』と、一瞬思ってしまいましたが、Hyper liquidの略でハイリキらしい。ガチホにしてもHodlにしても、色んな略語が日々生み出されて素晴らしいことですよこの界隈は。

正直、“ハイリキ”は、Dexとしては超優秀なUIと聞いていた程度で、個人的には使ったことはありませんでした。チェーンもアービトラムで、個人的に好きで、開発でも愛用しているOptimismと相対する技術でもあるため、『まあ別に使わなくてもいっか』程度で安易に考えていたら、この億万長者多発イベント(TGE)を見逃すわけですよ・・・ちくしょー。すみません。自称、暗号通貨フリークのくせに情報を取りそびれたわ。もったいねえ。もうホント、この世界は、一瞬の情報が、一瞬の10億円に直結するよね。この手の“ラッキードロー集約bot”でも作ろうかしら。それ見たら一瞬でどのエアドロ(Air drop)が確度と期待値高くてどれがだめとか、ポイ活しておいたほうが良いプロジェクトとする必要ないプロジェクト見れるとか、ニーズありそうよね。というか少なくとも本稿にニーズがありますw


暗号通貨の世界、特に、アルトコインと言われる、“ビットコイン以外”のトークン界隈では、日々、新しいコインが生まれています。その数、数万、数十万では効かない数のコインが、日夜生み出されているわけですが、当然、新たに生まれたコインは、流動性を増やし時価総額を最大化させるため、新たなユーザーを確保しないといけませんよね。そこで、新しく生まれたコインのユーザーを増やすために、運営主体(DAOとか言ってますが大体しっかりしたリーダーとチームがいます)がエアドロキャンペーンなんかを仕掛けるわけです。取引所(CEX、DEX)と連携して。まあ要するにアフィリエイトみたいなもんです。ユーザーは無料でイベント参加できて、一定のアクションを取ると、ただでエアドロ(Air drop、無料でトークン)もらえるみたいな。




仕事として暗号通貨の開発をバリバリやっているわけですから、もちろんハイリキの名前は知っていましたし、Dex好きの後輩から『ここ、いいんですよね~』なんて話は聞いていました。後述するミームコイン(Meme coin)も大概Dexにリスティングするので、ハイリキの流動性も『ミーム最近ブームだしねえ』くらいで真剣に考えていませんでした。というか、業として自分達でトークンエコシステム開発して、自分達でマーケティングもLP(Liquidity pool)も作ったりしていると、もう正直、人のプロジェクトなんて追いかけてる暇が一ミリもないですww 忙しすぎるし自分たちでやったほうが早いから、ミームとかハイリキとかがどうとかはっきり言ってどうでもいいし、ていうか“結局最後はビットコインしか勝たん”からビットコイン買っとけ以上で終わる話だし、アルト界隈は最近客人として顔を出していなかったんですけれど、いや今回の“ハイリキ”はマジでミスった涙www 参加しておけばよかった、Dexも触ります。ポイント貯めてたらまじで超時短10億円コースゲットできたのに。しくじったぜしかし。

参考2)HYPE Genesis Distribution


で、これだけ儲かった人々は、ある種、無から有を作った人々になるわけなので、当然、ビットコインだったり、イーサリアムだったり、アルトコインを買いまくるわけです。その需要底上げもあって、足元の暗号通貨が堅調に伸びているとも言えそうな市況です。だから、この人たちは、ある種、本当に何者でもない状況から、ちょっとしたトレードに参加してポイントさえ貰えば、エアドロから100万円、1,000万円のハイリキを貰って、ビットコインに変えて、そのビットコインが10億円になると、マジで数時間の作業でビリオネアになるっていう、素晴らしい世界が待っていることになります。夢か現かwww 夢しか無い。なかなかないですよ。ゼロの状態から数時間の作業で10億円生でゲットって。無いですよ多分。暗号通貨特有だよねw。サラリーマンの生涯年収っていくらですかね今?2億円くらい?この生涯年収の5倍くらいの資産を作る純粋作業時間は3時間から5時間くらい、待機時間(ビットコインが高くなるまで)は5年か7年くらい。それでサラリーマンの生涯年収余裕で数倍ぶち抜きって、やってられんわなこれはw マジで時給3億円の世界じゃないか。ぶん殴られますよ真面目なサラリーマンに。


そんなわけで、本日のコラムでは、一般人に扮した小職が暗号通貨を眺めていたとしたら、をテーマに、ミームやらエアドロやハイリキを見て感じた最近のトレンドと変な案件に引っかからない注意点を網羅的に解説したいと思います。いつもより、大分実践的な内容になるかもしれませんねw それでは参りましょう。


いきなり結論から入ってしまうと、エアドロは何でも参加したほうがいいですね。だって、基本無料だからw 参加しないのはもったいないです。そして、エアドロに参加しまくってると、色んなトークンがウォレットに降ってくるので、様々なプロジェクトと触れる機会が増えますし、プロジェクトの情報が入れば脳内が刺激されて新しいインプットにも役立ちます。情報感度が高くなる、といいますかね。










I am not against memes, but meme coins are getting "a little" weird now. Let's build real applications using blockchain.














まだビットコインが500万円だか700万円だか、その程度だった際に、クライアントの依頼でバイナンスの口座内のイールドファーミングサービスを徹底的に遊んだ事がある。この時の経験から、『これはやりようによっては無限利益を取れるのでは?』と思っていたこともある。だって、ARR(Annual Recurring Revenue)が、50%とか、70%とかあるんだよ、信じられないでしょ。



参考4)イーサリアムのステーキング要件32ETHから「1ETH」への大幅緩和とバリデーター分散化を提案 ブテリン氏



















【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 687:There are still no signs of a bubble ceiling in the altcoin space, which is continuously producing billionaires with "High-Riki" and "memes."

Messages like "I just made 100 million yen in an hour!" or "I earned 10 million yen from joining some random TGE—did you join too?" have been popping up from a few friends lately. Curious, I asked what was going on, and it seems they hit it big at the TGE (Token Generation Event) for something called "HAIRIKI." At first, I thought, “HAIRIKI? Like the sake? Are they drunk?” But apparently, it's short for "Hyper Liquid." Whether it’s HODL or some other term, this community is constantly coming up with new abbreviations—it’s truly amazing!

To be honest, I’d only ever heard that “HAIRIKI” had an exceptionally good UI for a DEX, but I’d never actually used it myself. Since it’s based on the Arbitrum chain, which, while I like it, stands as a rival technology to Optimism—something I personally prefer and frequently use for development—I’d casually thought, “Well, I don’t really need to use it.” And that casual attitude caused me to miss out on this millionaire-making event (TGE)… Damn it. Apologies for the slip-up. For someone who calls themselves a crypto enthusiast, I really dropped the ball on this one. What a waste. Honestly, this world is one where a single piece of information in a split second can turn into billions of yen in an instant.

Maybe I should develop some kind of “lucky draw aggregation bot.” Something that would instantly show which airdrops have high accuracy and expected value and which ones don’t, or which projects you should keep an eye on for some point-earning activities versus those you can ignore. I feel like there’s a demand for something like that. At the very least, I need it! LOL

That said, as I reread what I’ve written so far, I realize the opening might sound like complete gibberish to general readers. My apologies for that. Let me add a bit more explanation.

In the world of cryptocurrencies, especially in the realm of altcoins—tokens referred to as "anything other than Bitcoin"—new coins are being created every day. We're talking about numbers that go far beyond tens or hundreds of thousands, with countless coins being minted around the clock. Naturally, these newly created coins need to attract users to increase liquidity and maximize their market cap. To achieve this, the teams behind these coins (often referred to as DAOs, though they typically have a solid leader and team) launch campaigns like airdrops to expand their user base. They often collaborate with exchanges (both CEXs and DEXs) for these campaigns. It’s basically like affiliate marketing. Users can participate in these events for free, perform certain actions, and receive airdropped tokens (essentially free tokens) as a reward.

However, in reality, most of the projects running airdrop events are, to put it bluntly, junk. The majority are just trying to inflate their user base while offering services with little to no real value. Even so, participating in airdrops can easily net anyone a few thousand or even tens of thousands of yen. Just by treating it like casual “point-earning activities” and joining a bunch of airdrops, people can end up earning more than a full-time salary. Of course, there are those who make even more than that.

It’s truly a world where "those with the right information continue to accumulate wealth, while those without it keep losing their assets." Among the airdrop enthusiasts, the most hyped case was the “HAIRIKI” event mentioned earlier.

Reference 1) Hyperliquid: The "HYPE" airdrop has created a wave of millionaires

Since I’m actively involved in cryptocurrency development as part of my work, of course, I’d heard of HAIRIKI before. A junior colleague who’s a fan of DEXs even told me, “This one’s really good.” Plus, given that meme coins—which I’ll touch on later—are typically listed on DEXs, I’d thought of HAIRIKI’s liquidity in passing, like, “Well, meme coins are trendy these days.” But I hadn’t given it any serious thought.
To be honest, when you’re in the business of building token ecosystems, handling your own marketing, and creating your own liquidity pools (LPs), there’s really not a moment to spare chasing after other people’s projects. It’s just way too busy, and doing it yourself is faster anyway. So, to be blunt, I didn’t care at all about stuff like memes or HAIRIKI. Besides, the bottom line is, “In the end, only Bitcoin wins,” so just buy Bitcoin and you’re good. That’s the conclusion I’d settled on, which is why I haven’t been active in the altcoin space lately.
But this time, I seriously missed out on HAIRIKI—tears, LOL. I should have participated. I’ll start using DEXs too. If I’d just been collecting points, I could’ve landed that super-efficient 1-billion-yen course in no time. What a blunder, honestly.

Reference 2) HYPE Genesis Distribution

So, this is the leaderboard for HAIRIKI. The person in first place made $64 million—that’s about 11.5 billion yen from HAIRIKI trades, right? Looking at the top 15 or so, you can clearly see signs of HAIRIKI being distributed and then immediately sold off. That’s probably the airdrop crowd. Even so, there are multiple cases of people earning 500 million to 1 billion yen. Man, what a waste—I really missed out, LOL. I should’ve been “drinking” HAIRIKI too. I’m just not a fan of sour drinks; they’re too sweet for me.

Anyway, these people who made that kind of money essentially created something from nothing. Naturally, they’ll start buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins in bulk. This surge in demand likely contributes to the current solid growth in cryptocurrency markets. So, in a way, these people, who started with absolutely nothing, participate in a bit of trading, collect some points, receive HAIRIKI worth millions or even tens of millions of yen through airdrops, convert it into Bitcoin, and then watch that Bitcoin grow into billions. It’s a world where a few hours of work can make you a billionaire. Is this a dream or reality? LOL. It’s all a dream.
It’s almost unheard of—earning 1 billion yen in just a few hours from zero. It’s unique to cryptocurrencies, right? What’s the lifetime income of a salaried worker these days? About 200 million yen? And here we’re talking about creating five times that in pure working time of 3–5 hours and a wait time (until Bitcoin appreciates) of 5–7 years. Outpacing a salaried worker’s lifetime income several times over with ease—it’s just ridiculous, LOL. This is literally a world of 300 million yen per hour. You’d get punched by any hard-working salaried employee for saying this out loud!

Since I’m already deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies, I’d like to actively leverage the rare information I come across while steadily earning a living through diligent development work. When opportunities for lucrative airdrops or exciting farming arise, I want to seize them more proactively moving forward. That said, by the time I share such information, most people have likely already capitalized on it, so I always find the speed of information dissemination to be quite challenging.

With that in mind, today’s column will focus on what I’d observe if I were an average person simply watching the crypto space. I’ll comprehensively explain recent trends I’ve noticed, like memes, airdrops, and HAIRIKI, as well as tips to avoid getting caught up in shady projects. This might be a more practical piece than usual, LOL. Let’s dive right in!

1.Thoughts on Airdrops

To get straight to the point: you should participate in every airdrop you can. After all, it’s basically free! Not participating would just be a waste. By joining lots of airdrops, you’ll end up with various tokens landing in your wallet, giving you the chance to interact with a wide range of projects. This exposure can spark your curiosity and serve as a great way to gain new insights. It’s a way to sharpen your sensitivity to information, so to speak.

Most importantly, by receiving tokens through airdrops and then trading them, you get to observe in real time which token prices are going up (or down). Being able to gather this kind of data is incredibly valuable. As someone who’s been in the crypto and blockchain space for a long time and has been involved in almost every kind of system development, I don’t feel like I could lose to any of those pseudo-crypto scammers out there. Yet even someone like me is terrible when it comes to trendy altcoins from airdrops. Case in point: I missed out on HAIRIKI. Still not over it, LOL.

There are various types of airdrops. Some are as simple as spreading the word on social media or joining a Discord server and fulfilling a role, while others, like HAIRIKI, require actually using the service and engaging in activities to qualify. So, just by deciding to actively participate in airdrops, you’re already increasing your sensitivity to crypto projects and setting yourself on the path to success.
In essence, the more airdrops you engage with, the more crypto services you’ll interact with. The more you interact with these services, the more airdrops you’ll qualify for, and the more your assets will grow. Basically, it’s like getting paid to learn about cryptocurrency. It doesn’t get much more efficient than that, LOL.

So, as the first step for anyone looking to make money with crypto, start by scouring the internet for airdrop information and jump into as many as you can.

2.About Memes

Memes have been all the rage lately, haven’t they? It started with the classic Dogecoin, followed by SHIBA Coin, and then countless others like PEPE and more. Memes seem to spawn endlessly, and yet another wave of popularity is upon us.

So, what exactly are meme coins? Well, here’s the gist of it:

Meme coins are cryptocurrencies (digital assets) inspired by internet parodies and satirical humor. They are typically community-driven projects that start as jokes or satire.

I think it’s very essential that meme coins are inspired by parodies and satire, starting from jokes. After all, the whole idea behind blockchain is to provide proof of authenticity and eliminate counterfeits, using a transparent public ledger. The fact that the use case for blockchain starts with parodies and satire (basically copying) and spreads globally from a joke is incredibly cool and pop, don’t you think? I never quite understood why Elon Musk pushed Dogecoin so much, but recently, I’ve started to grasp it little by little. In other words, it’s his form of irony. People hold onto paper dollars, which they mistakenly believe are more important than life itself, while on the other hand, the currency that the world’s richest man believes in is a joke that started as a "dog coin." It’s pure satire. An overwhelming social commentary. A perfect blend of irony and aesthetics.

When meme coins are mentioned, they are often mocked, and even the genius CZ has said this:

I am not against memes, but meme coins are getting "a little" weird now. Let's build real applications using blockchain.

In other words, what they are saying is that memes won’t fulfill the true purpose of blockchain, so let’s develop proper blockchains and build real, usable applications together. It’s not just CZ; many experts, especially geek and wizard-level figures, will definitely criticize meme coins when they are mentioned. But is that really the case? Recently, I’ve been questioning that. After all, Bitcoin’s dominance is based on the “belief” in the superiority of a blockchain incentive system with a supply limit. While blockchain’s robustness is unmatched today, in its early days, if everyone had thought, “Centralized systems are far superior to blockchain,” Bitcoin’s price wouldn’t have risen the way it has, and the robustness of the blockchain system wouldn’t have been guaranteed (since there wouldn’t have been enough participants in decentralized management). In the end, I think the reason Bitcoin and blockchain spread was because “someone on Earth thought, ‘Is the centralized state management system really that robust?’”—and a group of liberal engineers believed in this thesis.

This means that “the intrinsic value of cryptocurrencies lies in belief,” and so, why not accept memes as part of that? If the social satire proposed by meme coins captures a significant level of belief, meme coins will likely evolve, increasing their intrinsic value and becoming more prominent cryptocurrencies.

Now, the crucial question: While we’ve confirmed that meme coins have a valid existence, can they actually make money? This is something that’s particularly uncertain with meme coins. Why? Because to make money, you have to predict whether “this project can stir people’s belief?”—a prediction that even someone like Jesus Christ would find incredibly difficult. As a result, here’s a list of meme coins that have been successful.

Reference 3) Top Memes Tokens by Market Capitalization

Looking at the top coins, there's absolutely no commonality among them. While it's possible to explain in hindsight why they succeeded, predicting this in advance is nearly impossible. In other words, it's completely incomprehensible. The fact that these inexplicable coins have reached market caps of one trillion yen or even ten trillion yen is beyond baffling. It goes beyond not understanding; it’s as if we can’t see anything ahead. For example, why Pepe Coin, which was discussed in this article in the past, has a market cap of one trillion yen is something no one can explain. In fact, if anyone attempts to explain it, they’ll immediately be told, “It’s a meme, don’t overthink it,” which is also characteristic of memes. In essence, the intuitive feelings of “let’s have fun,” “let’s resonate,” and “let’s spread this” come first, and then the typical Web3.0 notion of “this could make money” adds to it.
Therefore, when measuring the potential of a meme coin, the underlying principle of the project must be:

Let’s have fun (seems fun) > Seems like it could make money

Without this as a premise, it doesn’t work. In that sense, it’s the pure meme nature that makes it successful, requiring a philosophical depth rooted in being thoroughly a meme.

In this regard, projects based on utility take on a completely different nature. The development team, the management members, the new world suggested by the utility, its convenience, and its efficiency—these aspects are communicated thoroughly, appealing primarily to the left side of the brain. In token projects that advocate for utility, this principle applies:

A. It seems like it could make money → Because the achievements of the development team are outstanding.
B. It seems like it could make money → Because the ideas of the project members are brilliant.

In both Pattern A and Pattern B, in other words, "It seems like it could make money, because..." is the common theme. These projects really drill into this point. That's why, in a sense, they are easier to calculate. When it comes to token projects with utility, you can predict things like the market capitalization and how many followers or supporters will gather. It's easier to extrapolate from past performance. Looking at the past, you can estimate that it will be around 70% or 50%, for example. Take "HighLyke" mentioned at the start—it's a typical example of this pattern. By analyzing the past TGE (Token Generation Event) of native tokens from DEXs, you can make an educated guess on where it might land. To put it simply, if you calculate how much BNB, which was issued by Binance, a giant that was born in 2017, became worth, you can estimate the expected value of "HighLyke," a smaller DEX (that's why it’s especially frustrating that I didn’t make a profit from this project…). To put it broadly, memes are closer to B2C marketing, and utility is closer to B2B marketing. There are two types of marketing: the scientific method of logic, like B2B, and the intuitive method where a few geniuses dominate, like B2C. If you think of memes as B2C and utility as B2B, it becomes much easier to understand and organize, especially for those of the Showa generation.

Let's return to the topic of memes. Now, the question is how to make a profit from such a chaotic, mixed-up meme that feels like it's been sprinkled with pepper, salt, and miso—this is undeniably difficult. To be honest, it’s very high risk, so the best solution seems to be to adopt the mindset of managing a meme coin index fund. You should invest in meme coins one by one, little by little, with amounts like 50,000 yen or 100,000 yen, in a diversified manner.

As I mentioned earlier, if you participate actively in airdrops, you'll gather a variety of information. You'll learn which token airdrops are rising in price and which ones are not popular. Of course, meme coins are often eligible for airdrops as well, so once again, it seems crucial to fully engage in airdrops, increase your sensitivity to information, and then invest in meme coins that seem promising. If you happen to hit something like Pepe, you could make 30x to 50x your investment. So, investing in 30 to 50 different meme coins and selling when they rise seems like it could maintain a solid expected return.

3.About Farming (Staking)

When Bitcoin was still around 5 to 7 million yen, I once fully explored the yield farming services on Binance at the request of a client. From that experience, I thought, "Isn’t it possible to earn infinite profits with this?" because the ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) was like 50% or 70%. Unbelievable, right?

However, when I made a deposit, sure enough, the return in cryptocurrency terms was 50% or so, but the value of the cryptocurrency itself would drop by 50%, and it often ended up being a net zero situation. From that experience, I concluded, "Farming and staking really depend on the currency." I don't deny it—good projects always have good staking services. But just because there’s staking doesn’t mean it’s a good project. A good project and a good currency have staking, but the logical structure is fundamentally different from the idea that staking automatically makes a currency good. Both staking and farming need to be carefully judged on a case-by-case basis, because while they can offer extraordinarily high yields, the value of the currency might deteriorate at an even faster rate, leading to losses. Ultimately, the most important thing is "which currency are you staking with?" and if stability isn’t guaranteed, you’ll end up with inefficient operations that tire you out.

So, in the end, it seems like the most efficient investment would be to use 32 ETH to register as a validator and receive stable staking rewards. However, when proposals like this one, suggesting a change from 32 ETH to 1 ETH, are made, things start to look uncertain.

Reference 4) Ethereum’s Staking Requirement Relaxation: Proposal to Reduce from 32 ETH to 1 ETH and to Promote Validator Decentralization by Buterin

In other words, if the validator system, which was initially set with a minimum of 32 ETH to prevent undesirable participants, is changed back to just 1 ETH, it could attract more casual and short-term investors into Ethereum. These investors would likely sell their rewards immediately, which wouldn't contribute to price stability. That’s something I really don’t want. Even with Ethereum, when such system changes occur, it leads to the question, "What is blockchain really about?"

It’s easy to jump to the conclusion, "Then Bitcoin staking must be the best," but wait a minute—Bitcoin is really more precious than life itself, so please don’t expose your address so easily.

Reference 5) What is Bitcoin Staking? A Complete Guide to Its Features, Future, and Protocol!

Staking Bitcoin is not possible. Strictly speaking, it is possible to "use Bitcoin as collateral to issue new tokens, which are then staked to receive staking rewards." The key point here is the use of "Bitcoin as collateral." You cannot use a staking service that utilizes Bitcoin unless you temporarily lend Bitcoin to a smart contract address. This is a risky idea, and honestly, I wouldn't recommend it to the readers of this article.

If you think about it for a moment, it’s clear: the value of Bitcoin is based on two things—its rarity (only 21 million coins exist) and its security (the network has been continuously verified since the genesis block and has never been hacked). So, if you're told something like, "Bitcoin staking rewards just fall from the sky," you need to immediately respond with, "Wait, there's no supply, right?" If you don't, you’re guaranteed to be deceived. Think about it. Even exchanges can no longer secure Bitcoin reserves. So, where is anyone going to get the Bitcoin needed for staking rewards? At this point, it’s clear within a second that there’s no such thing as a staking reward that will pay out in actual Bitcoin. Because it’s a lie, a scam. Who would be foolish enough to sell Bitcoin and keep buying altcoins? (If you do, I apologize.)

There is no altcoin that could surpass Bitcoin in value, and therefore, the idea of staking Bitcoin to receive Bitcoin rewards is simply not feasible. It’s extremely unlikely that any altcoin will continue to outperform Bitcoin. So, the idea of receiving Bitcoin rewards through staking is something every Bitcoin holder would eagerly desire, but the practicality of such a service is very low.

Therefore, whether it’s farming or staking, in the end, the safest, most secure, and most efficient method appears to be staking Ethereum itself (by depositing 32 ETH to become a validator and earn staking rewards). As of October 2024, the staking rate seems to be around 3.2%. For 32 ETH, that’s about 16 million yen. At a 3.2% rate, you’re looking at the potential to buy about one Ethereum. It’s very realistic and solid, but frankly, a stable token yield like that is about what you can expect. If you’re presented with something like “50% or 70% farming returns” at a Café Renoir, kindly explain to that scammer the mathematical formula for the bankruptcy probability of Balsara. I doubt they’d understand either Japanese or English, so maybe try in Chimbali language.

4.Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for Those Seeking a Big Turnaround (Summary)

The conclusion is that the following approach is the most effective:

・Participate in as many airdrops as possible
・Register for and fully use all services that are required for airdrop participation (basically for free)
・Regularly buy meme coins in a baske
・Avoid farming and staking as a general rule
・Use the increased assets to keep buying more Bitcoin

With this approach, in a strange way, even if you're broke, as long as you have a smartphone, you can still increase your cryptocurrency assets. This plan is designed with a completely broke person in mind, so for those with a bit more flexibility—especially those wondering, "I want to try cryptocurrency investing, but where should I start?"—if you have an investment capacity of around 10 million to 30 million yen, this approach might be ideal.

・Buy one Bitcoin
・Seal the Bitcoin for 10 years using the magic seal (this guarantees a successful life)
・Actively participate in airdrops
・Attend events while participating in airdrops
・Make friends with key figures in the project’s management and become involved in the community
・Gather good information and keep pushing with a focused strategy until the budget runs out.
*Even if everything fails, by unsealing the magic seal in 10 years, the annual IRR will exceed 100%, so there’s no need to worry. In fact, it’s almost impossible for everything to fail.

If Ethereum grows to around 32 ETH, staking it to steadily increase rewards, the investment of 10 million to 30 million yen could potentially grow to about 1 billion yen over 10 years.

If you diligently follow this strategy for 10 years, while keeping an eye on meme coins and hitting a few successful ones, leverage will increase, boosting your capital. Especially if you manage to pick up a value anomaly like "Hyriki," your assets will grow exponentially. If that happens, it would be the best scenario—there’s nothing but dreams in cryptocurrency. But, if you rush, you’ll be swayed by profits. The most important thing is to maintain a solid portfolio, establish a rock-solid foundation that resists all temptations (risks), and then just keep pulling those "lucky draws" as much as you can.

Wow, it’s funny how just a little while ago, a catchphrase like "Earn 100 million yen a year in just three hours a day (sparkle)" would have been 100% a scammer's marketing pitch, but now, in reality, it’s possible to receive tokens worth over 1 billion yen in just one three-hour session! It's hilarious. To keep up with this powerful trend, I’m determined to continue researching token ecosystems and sharing information with everyone, seriously.

Oh, and a quick update: there's a meme coin project (completely separate from ours) that I've been involved with, and apparently, it has received approval from the top. They’re offering airdrops and collaboration opportunities for our WWB holders, and for the first round, they’d like you to register on their website and send your SOL address. WWB-related folks, don’t forget to register, they’ve given us about two weeks of buffer time. Of course, this is just the first step, and I’ve heard they plan to connect all the projects they've been working on, so let's look forward to it with a pepe-like expression, showing our faith in Nyanmaru! It’s a good omen, like the god of gambling (though I might get in trouble for saying that lol).

Apologies for this unnecessary information for those who are not involved!

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

  • Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.

  • Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.

  • Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).

  • Those who want to understand why it became possible to register a cryptocurrency exchange business that was once deemed impossible.

  • Individuals who would like to hear opinions and insights about the experiences gained through running a publicly-listed company.

  • Those who are interested in joint ventures among members.

  • Those interested in cryptocurrency mining setup and operation.

  • Individuals looking for free drops of digital coupons issued within the community.

  • Those seeking advice on fundraising (listed or unlisted) and public relations/investor relations (for listed companies).

  • Individuals who want to learn how to effectively convey a company's value (stock price) to the market, along with its actual performance.

  • Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.

  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

▼Purchase the book here▼

"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

▼Purchase the book here▼
