12/27のYahoo!ニュースより カザフ墜落事故 日英対訳
The crash of an Azerbaijan Airlines airliner that killed 38 people in western Kazakhstan may have been caused by a Russian air defense system, U.S. officials said on April 26. Reuters also reported that the Azerbaijani government tentatively concluded that the Russian air defense system was triggered in the vicinity of Grozny in Russia's southern Chechen Republic, which was the passenger plane's destination.
◎tentatively: 暫定的に
◎in the vicinity of : 〜の近辺で
Expert View
All evidence points to a close range detonation of an anti-aircraft missile. It is very likely that the accident aircraft was shot down by a misfired Russian anti-aircraft missile.
Before the crash: damage to the left wing flap, track and rear of the fairing
During the crash: the tail inspection hatch was open
After the crash: Numerous holes in vertical and horizontal stabilizer (left side)
The only possible explanation for this situation is that an explosion occurred on the outer left side of the aircraft, exposing it to countless pieces of debris. The bird strike theory, the engine failure explosion debris scattering theory, and the internal explosion theory are completely discredited. There is no way a bird could have made numerous holes in the vertical stabilizer from the side.
The plane was hit and damaged by a stray bullet just before landing in Grozny and was denied an emergency landing at a nearby airport. It is a miracle that 29 people survived.
◎detonation: 爆破(意図的なexplosion)
◎misfire: 誤射する
◎countless pieces of debris: 無数の破片
◎discredit: 否認する