"The Left Hand Dreams" 日本語/English
A film by Fumie Nishikawa
【ログライン Logline】
The left hand of imagination.
The right hand of reality.
A former film director, unable to accept reality, gains the power to create and flaps his wings with both hands.
【シノプシス Synopsys】
In North America, where strict lockdowns are in place to prevent infectious diseases. Thomas, a former film director, has a brain tumor and is out of the game, working as a househusband and raising a high teenage girl with his wife who is busy as a producer.
Thomas is unable to show interest in a documentary work about the "Cave of the Hands" in South America, a job his wife has been pushing him to do.
Then Thomas meets KOMACHI through social media. KOMACHI is a Japanese artist who dances a mysterious dance called "Left Hand Dance". Thomas' symptoms worsen when his regular medicine does not arrive due to distribution delays, and he eventually begins to hallucinate. Thomas can't even leave his house, but his consciousness goes to Japan and shoot KOMACHI’s music video.
As if in response to the "left hand" handprints left by ancient mankind, KOMACHI's "Left Hand Dance" directed by Tomas, is a big hit on SNS.Eventually, negative/positive handprints in the caves, negative/positive films, North America/Japan, masculinity/femininity, left hand/right hand, illusion/reality... all the opposites merge in Thomas and he gains confidence to live as one person.
【監督の経歴とフィルモグラフィー Director’s bio & filmo】
Fumie Nishikawa / 西川文恵
東京生まれ。2002年、London college of printing/University of the Arts Londonを卒業。脚本/撮影を務めた卒業制作作品While you sleepが第59回ベネチア国際映画祭で上映。監督作である長編劇場映画あぜみちジャンピンッ!を発表。同作品は2009年にシカゴ国際児童映画祭にてAdult Jury Prize(長編実写部門準グランプリ-2nd Prize)を受賞。および同作品は、北米、日本、カナダ、韓国、インドネシアを含む各国の映画祭、十数か所に入選・受賞。
Born in Tokyo, Japan. She graduated from London college of printing, University of the Arts London in 2002, and her graduation film "While you sleep," which she wrote and shot, screened at the 59th Venice International Film Festival.
She released her first feature-length film “Azemichi road”in 2009. The film won the 2nd Prize in the Live Action Feature Film category at the Chicago International Children's Film Festival. The film also selected and awarded at more than a dozen film festivals in various countries, including North America, Japan, Canada, Korea, and Indonesia.
【音楽 Music】
Kyo Ichinose / 一ノ瀬響
2002年初のソロアルバム「よろこびの機械」を皮切りに合計4枚のソロアルバムを制作、リリースしている。2nd Album「Lontano」はUKの音楽雑誌”WIRE”の特集にて年間ベストアルバムの1枚に選ばれた。映像音楽も多数。作曲とピアノで参加した「鯨・イマジネーション」は2002年のカンヌ国際CMフェスティバルブロンズ賞受賞。
Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a B.A. in Music Composition and M.A. in Music Research from the same university.
Starting with his first solo album "The Machineries of Joy" (2002), he has produced and released a total of four solo albums.
His 2nd Album "Lontano" was selected as one of the best albums of the year by the UK music magazine "WIRE".
He has also composed numerous film scores. "Whale, Imagination" in which he participated in composition and piano, won the Bronze Prize at the 2002 Cannes International CM Festival.
【キャスト Cast】
Leading foreign actors in Japan play the roles of a director and a producer, a married couple.
Blake Crawford
Cynthia Cheston
Haruka Oba teams up with the director for the first time in 10 years. Her experience in acting and dancing since she was a child actor was put to good use in the role of the iconic heroine in social media.
Haruka Oba
【スタッフ Crews】
監督/Director:西川文恵/Fumie Nishikawa
音楽/Music:一ノ瀬響/Kyo Ichinose
振付/Choreographer:鈴木美奈子/Minako Suzuki
撮影/Director of photography: 平野晋吾/Shingo Hirano
プロデューサー/Producer: 石川陽一/Yoichi Ishikawa
プロダクション/Production: ヴォストーク/Vostok
【ウェブサイト Website】
The Left Hand Dreams | Facebook
The Left Hand Dreams(@333_komachi)さん / Twitter