

Title - ★【Easy-to-Understand Explanation】Honda and Nissan Officially Terminate Merger Talks

Honda and Nissan Motor Co. announced on February 13 that they have officially terminated their merger talks.

The two companies had signed a basic agreement on management integration last December and were aiming to establish a joint holding company. However, during the discussions, Honda proposed making Nissan a subsidiary, which led to a disagreement.

Nissan expressed concerns about maintaining its autonomy and fully realizing its potential, ultimately deciding to terminate the negotiations.

難語・熟語解説: / Explanation of Difficult Terms & Idioms:
• 経営統合 (けいえいとうごう) / Business Integration
→ 複数の企業が一つの組織として統合し、経営資源を共有すること。
→ The process where multiple companies merge into a single organization and share management resources.
• 基本合意書 (きほんごういしょ) / Basic Agreement
→ 特定の取引や協力に関する基本的な条件や方針を定めた文書。
→ A document outlining the fundamental terms and policies of a specific transaction or collaboration.
• 持ち株会社 (もちかぶがいしゃ) / Holding Company
→ 他の会社の株式を保有し、その経営を支配・管理することを主な業務とする会社。
→ A company whose primary business is holding and managing shares of other companies.
• 子会社化 (こがいしゃか) / Subsidiary Conversion
→ ある企業が他の企業の株式を過半数取得し、その企業を自社の子会社とすること。
→ The process where one company acquires a majority of another company’s shares and makes it a subsidiary.

★これを知っておくと理解が深まる / ★ Knowing This Will Deepen Your Understanding

In the automotive industry, as electrification and autonomous driving technology advance, companies are exploring partnerships and mergers to strengthen their competitiveness.

If Honda and Nissan had successfully merged, they would have become the world’s third-largest automaker.

However, differences in corporate culture and management policies often make merger negotiations difficult.

難語・熟語解説: / Explanation of Difficult Terms & Idioms:
• 電動化 (でんどうか) / Electrification
→ 自動車の動力源を電気に切り替えること。
→ The process of switching a vehicle’s power source to electricity.
• 自動運転技術 (じどううんてんぎじゅつ) / Autonomous Driving Technology
→ 車両が自律的に走行するための技術。
→ Technology that enables vehicles to operate autonomously.
• 企業文化 (きぎょうぶんか) / Corporate Culture
→ 企業内で共有される価値観や行動様式。
→ The values and behavioral patterns shared within a company.

★何が問題なのか? / ★ What Are the Issues?

1. 経営方針の相違 / Differences in Management Policies
• ホンダは迅速な意思決定を重視し、日産はパートナーシップを重視する経営方針を持っています。
• Honda values swift decision-making, while Nissan prioritizes partnerships in its management approach.

難語・熟語解説: / Explanation of Difficult Terms & Idioms:
• 意思決定 (いしけってい) / Decision-Making
→ 特定の行動や方針を選択・決定すること。
→ The process of selecting and deciding on a specific course of action or policy.

2. 市場環境の変化 / Changes in Market Conditions
• 電気自動車(EV)市場の成長や、競争の激化により、統合の必要性が変化しました。
• The growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market and intensified competition have changed the necessity of a merger.

難語・熟語解説: / Explanation of Difficult Terms & Idioms:
• 市場環境 (しじょうかんきょう) / Market Conditions
→ 業界の競争状況や需要の変化。
→ The competitive landscape and changes in demand within an industry.

3. 企業の独立性 / Corporate Independence
• 日産は、自社の経営の自由度を確保したいと考えていました。
• Nissan wanted to maintain its managerial independence.

難語・熟語解説: / Explanation of Difficult Terms & Idioms:
• 経営の自由度 (けいえいのじゆうど) / Managerial Independence
→ 企業が自らの意思で経営方針を決定できる自由度。
→ The degree to which a company can independently determine its management policies.

★今後の展望 / ★ Future Outlook

The termination of the merger talks indicates that both companies have chosen to leverage their respective strengths and enhance their market competitiveness through independent strategies.

Going forward, attention will be on how both companies maintain their competitiveness and continue to grow.

難語・熟語解説: / Explanation of Difficult Terms & Idioms:
• 市場競争力 (しじょうきょうそうりょく) / Market Competitiveness
→ 市場での競争における優位性。
→ A company’s advantage in market competition.

That concludes our latest news update.
