

Title - ★【Easy-to-Understand Explanation】A University Prep School Files for Bankruptcy: Causes and Impacts


The operator of the university prep school “Nichigaku,” Japan Academic Promotion Association, announced the closure of all its classrooms on January 4, 2025, and is preparing to file for bankruptcy.


The company, with a history spanning over 40 years, once had more than 200 students at its peak. However, declining birth rates and increased competition from online education led to financial difficulties, reducing the student count to approximately 130.


★ Knowing This Will Deepen Your Understanding


The cram school industry as a whole has seen a wave of bankruptcies, with a record 53 cases in 2024. Total liabilities surged over eightfold from the previous year, reaching approximately 11.7 billion yen.


★ What Are the Issues?
1. 少子化の影響
• 生徒の母数が減少し、多くの学習塾が集客に苦戦しています。
• Declining birth rates are shrinking the student base, making it harder for many prep schools to attract students.
2. 競争激化
• オンライン教育の台頭や大手塾の拡大により、小規模塾が淘汰されつつあります。
• The rise of online education and the expansion of large-scale schools are pushing smaller institutions out of the market.
3. 経営リスク
• 固定費の負担が重く、採算が取れなくなるケースが増えています。
• Fixed costs are weighing heavily on operations, leading to an increase in unprofitable cases.


★ Glossary of Terms

• 子どもの数が減り、社会全体の人口構造が変わる現象。
• A phenomenon where the number of children decreases, altering the population structure.

• インターネットを活用した学習システムや授業形式。
• Learning systems and teaching formats utilizing the internet.

• 借金や支払い義務を全て合わせた金額。
• The total amount of debt and financial obligations combined.


★ Q&A About This News

Q1. なぜ学習塾業界は苦境に立たされているの?
Q1. Why is the cram school industry struggling?
• 少子化で生徒数が減少し、競争が激化しているためです。
• Because the number of students is decreasing due to the declining birth rate, and competition is intensifying.

Q2. 生徒や保護者はどうすれば良いの?
Q2. What should students and parents do?
• 代替の予備校を探す、またはオンライン教育の選択肢を検討することが推奨されます。
• They are advised to look for alternative prep schools or consider online education options.

Q3. 今後の学習塾業界はどうなるの?
Q3. What lies ahead for the cram school industry?
• 経営効率化や差別化が求められ、生き残りをかけた動きが加速するでしょう。
• Operational efficiency and differentiation will become essential, accelerating efforts to survive.
