中国に民主化は訪れるか?:王丹氏インタビュー 1 JinseiDohraku 2019年6月5日 10:44 30 years have passed since Tiananmen Massacre that occurred just after the beginning of Heisei period. There is no freedom in China to see these historical videos by means of government censorship. China's surveillance society seems to have not changed for 30 years, with cars, smartphones, drones, etc. being flooded and economically developing in the cities of skyscrapers growing.☞ #天安門事件 #王丹 #長城外 1 人生は宝石箱をいっぱいに満たす時間で、平穏な日常は手を伸ばせばすぐに届く近くに、自分のすぐ隣にあると思っていた…… サポート