Pair-astroika of Pair-adise 里仁為美
A sweeter Song than the Birds of the Western Tree...
It's not a Fairy Tale, but a Pair-y Tale come true.
From Man-papism-kind人類 to Pair-ent-kind仁類.
「単年度決算草」My-way か「百年二輪草」Twi-nebee か、
From E-quantity資本共産主義 to E-qualityしにせ需給縄達,
From the Passover分磁領 of Passion西暦 to Compass-ion令和,
「破門と十字軍」Papism-fascismから「内助の酵」Better-half Virtue、
「へだてなく 五つの国に 交わるも、こころのまこと ひとつなりけり」
昭憲皇太后御歌 One Compass, One Destiny, One Thread, One Spouse.