
南海トラフ地震臨時情報(巨大地震注意) の解除条件:2024年8月15日(木)






The conditions for lifting the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning for a Major Earthquake):  August 15th(Thursday), 2024

The Japan Meteorological Agency's website provides detailed information on the types of information related to the Nankai Trough Earthquake and the conditions under which they are issued. However, there is no mention of the conditions for lifting such warnings. Once the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning for a Major Earthquake) is issued, as it was on August 8th, the "warning" under this Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning for a Major Earthquake) will continue for one week. If no seismic activity or crustal deformation that indicates significant changes in the plate boundary conditions within the presumed epicentral area of the Nankai Trough Earthquake is observed, the "warning" will be terminated.

In the case of meteorological warnings (such as heavy rain or storm warnings), issuance and cancellation are set as a pair. However, for the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning for a Major Earthquake), there is an issuance, but the "Warning for a Major Earthquake" will continue until the Nankai Trough Earthquake occurs, and it will not be canceled (since the conditions for cancellation are not indicated, we have no choice but to interpret it this way, or so I think). Is this understanding correct? To put it mildly, the Cabinet Office's method of issuing the Warning for a Major Earthquake in this case seems rather contrived. The Cabinet Office says they will only end the "warning" but urges the public to continue preparing for a Nankai Trough Earthquake.

Clearly, it must be said that there is a flaw in the crisis management information system. An urgent review is needed. If the issuance and cancellation conditions (including whether there are any) are not clearly defined and communicated to the public, including municipalities, companies, and individuals, it will only cause confusion among those involved in disaster response and those economically affected by the announcement (especially in the transportation, tourism, and hospitality industries).

Furthermore, the Japan Meteorological Agency's website includes the following disclaimer-like explanations:
○ A sudden Nankai Trough Earthquake may occur without this information being issued if no abnormal phenomena are observed along the Nankai Trough.
○ Even if it is evaluated that the possibility of an earthquake has relatively increased, the Nankai Trough Earthquake may not occur.
○ The urgency of the Nankai Trough Earthquake remains high, and it is important to note that an earthquake could occur at any time.

If no seismic activity or crustal deformation that indicates significant changes in the plate boundary conditions within the presumed epicentral area of the Nankai Trough Earthquake is observed by 5:00 PM today, August 15th, the "warning" under the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning for a Major Earthquake) will be terminated. What was the purpose of the "warning" under the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (Warning for a Major Earthquake) in the first place?